help please

edited November 2023 in Getting Started
So I finally got fed up with my weight always looking at other woman wishing i could look like that but not doing anything about it i deal with severe depression as well due to losing one of my girls and i heard working out can help with that. So I started to do insanity couldn't finish the first three days but got far im eating healthy no junk not following the guide though. Was wondering what kind of exercises I can do to help with the weight loss since Ive heard its mostly toning? Any input will be great and very much appreciated so will weight loss stories this place is so motivating im glad I found it.


  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member
    So I finally got fed up with my weight always looking at other woman wishing i could look like that but not doing anything about it i deal with severe depression as well due to losing one of my girls and i heard working out can help with that. So I started to do insanity couldn't finish the first three days but got far im eating healthy no junk not following the guide though. Was wondering what kind of exercises I can do to help with the weight loss since Ive heard its mostly toning? Any input will be great and very much appreciated so will weight loss stories this place is so motivating im glad I found it.


    I am sorry for your loss. welcome to MFP
    You can do a "Search" in the link above:
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    Weight loss is mostly nutrition: Eat at deficit.
    Have some activity that you like.

    Good luck in your journey
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    The biggest thing for me was finding workouts I ENJOYED. If it gets you moving and you like it enough to keep doing it, it's a good workout. Weight loss is mostly diet related. Working out is for improving your physical fitness and shaping/building muscles.
  • jafabuNZ
    jafabuNZ Posts: 48 Member
    start with a 30 minute walk every day or at least 5 times a week
  • So sorry for your loss. Depression can be significantly reduced following a Gluten Free/Dairy Free diet. Also, you will need to amp up on B vitamins and lots of Vit D as the winter approaches.
    There is alot of great information on the correlation between gut health and the brain. Also, you may have a sensitivity to wheat and not even know it. That may be why you have struggled with weight loss and not been successful.
  • Im on day 20 joining MFP and day 7 on jillian michaels 30 day shred. Its a 20 minute workout video on youtube and it really works. Try it. See if you think it speeds up the process. I noticed a difference by day 3. Its intense. Might need some motrin next day!! Good luck. Working out is great for boosting your mood and makes you too tired to think about negative things.
  • workingit55
    workingit55 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm sorry for your loss. I suffered from depression and anxiety quite a bit myself. I've been doing Max Workouts for about a month and a half - though I don't follow his diet plan exactly, I really like the exercises (plus it was only like $40). Food wise- I've found watching my nutrient intake has been really helpful- trying to get the recommended potassium is really difficult but helpful, and enough fiber, etc. Hope this helps.
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    So sorry for your loss. Depression can be significantly reduced following a Gluten Free/Dairy Free diet. Also, you will need to amp up on B vitamins and lots of Vit D as the winter approaches.
    There is alot of great information on the correlation between gut health and the brain. Also, you may have a sensitivity to wheat and not even know it. That may be why you have struggled with weight loss and not been successful.

    Please be careful about "amping up" on vitamin B. You CAN overdose on it and it causes lasting negative effects on the body. Consult an actual physician before drastically changing your vitamin intake.
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    So sorry for your loss. Depression can be significantly reduced following a Gluten Free/Dairy Free diet. Also, you will need to amp up on B vitamins and lots of Vit D as the winter approaches.
    There is alot of great information on the correlation between gut health and the brain. Also, you may have a sensitivity to wheat and not even know it. That may be why you have struggled with weight loss and not been successful.

    Please be careful about "amping up" on vitamin B. You CAN overdose on it and it causes lasting negative effects on the body. Consult an actual physician before drastically changing your vitamin intake.

    Gluten does not effect depression unless you are intolorent/celiac, in which case it MAY cause problems, there is no firm data. And I agree on the vitamin advice, consult your doctor. Self medicating can be very problematic, especially in relation to mental health.
  • Does anybody have any EXTRA workout videos that they wouldn't mind letting a fellow friend have?! I'm in need of in-home work outs.
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    Does anybody have any EXTRA workout videos that they wouldn't mind letting a fellow friend have?! I'm in need of in-home work outs.

    Get on YouTube. I'm pretty sure all 3 levels of 30 Day Shred are on there along with tons of other free workout videos.
  • omygosh ive never heard of t25 just checked it out and i wil go for it insanity is a bit to insane for me right now i hate having to stop but i usually last about 25 minutes lol thank you all for your encouragement and support :)
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