Treadmill walking slow but high inclibe effective

i want to walk ar 3.2 3,4 mph at a 6-7 incline would that burn alot of calories for 30-40 minutes


  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    Depends on how much of a workload it is for you. Also "a lot" of calories is difficult to define. As many as running? Probably not. More than walking on a 0% incline? Yes. If you are interested in knowing more precisely how many calories you are burning during your exercise, invest in a heart rate monitor with a chest strap.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    No it won't burn a lot of calories and if you're counting on exercise for weight loss that doesn't work either. If you're still doing one of your "diet" ideas that's probably why you're feeling fatigued.
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I did that after having my son. Wore heart rate monitor and I did burn quite a bit. Like 3-400 calories in an hour. I would try to go to max incline at 3.4 mph
  • michelle7673
    michelle7673 Posts: 370 Member
    It is a decent burn, if it is work for you. I have done it a lot and I'm pushing a 30 pound loss in 7 months, and I've maintained my round booty by doing it too... ;)
    I've graduated to hill hiking outside with a weighted vest, which I also like, but the incline is a good way to do it to start, and also on days when it's not nice outside.
  • benjicloverdale
    benjicloverdale Posts: 92 Member
    Get a HRM w/ chest strap so you really know what you are doing. Don't hold on to the machine while you are walking (unless you have balance issues). My trainers gave me printouts that suggested doing HR/zone intervals on cardio machines, meaning bring up your HR so you are breathing hard, stay there for a few minutes, then go back down for a few minutes, and repeat. Also, if you are looking to burn more cals while walking, get some 3lb dumbells, or those rubber band things and do arm movements while walking. This can increase your HR by 10-20 points sometimes. If you don't feel comfortable using those, just move your arms (like jumping jacks movements or 'air punching') really helps you get the most out of your time on the machine.
  • Deborah100660
    Deborah100660 Posts: 45 Member
    I use my treadmill and walk at a 4.0 incline at 3.5 mph for 60 minutes, then I cool down with an incline of 4.0 at 3.3 mph for 20 minutes. Don't start at such a high speed and incline that you don't want to do this daily. It had been several months since I last exercised regularly. I started slowly and increased as I needed. I started at an incline of 3.0. For me dedicating myself to 1 hour of treadmill daily at a minimum works. My goal is a split session of 1 hour in the morning and 30 minutes in the evening with 30 minutes of weight training. Most days I get the 1 hour of treadmill. I have lost 60 1bs previously using this method and eating within my calorie range as set by my fitness pal. My goal is a 1-2 pound weight loss per week. I regained 25 pounds and would like to lose this. I didn't gain this overnight. I did keep the weight off by exercising for 5 years and slowly regained when I decreased my exercise. I feel exercise is just as important as a healthy diet.

  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    ^^^ pretty much what everyone else said. Use the HRM and experiment. It is amazing what changes in steady HR you will see. if you use an incline.
  • icelanski
    does the hr monitor tell you how many calories you burn?also what are other effective ways to burn more cals when walking on a treadmill?