Starting MFP

I'm Tara and I'm 24 years old. I'm not exactly new to MFP, but I'm serious about getting healthier and losing weight this time. I've been in a rut the last couple of months and reached my heaviest (oops). I have 2 weddings to attend this fall/winter (one I will be standing up in) so I have some definite motivation to lose weight.

I've been a member for about a year, but started this venture a week ago. Usually I get discouraged when I don't see big change in weight. However, I have just felt better in the last week from eating better and exercising, so I definitely would like to stick with it and keep in mind a realistic 1-2 lb loss weekly.

I'd love to get encouragement and encourage others too! :-)


  • tinavanvliet
    Just keep plugging away at it. Every pound lost is a pound lost. I find it easier to set small goals such as maybe 10% of your body weight and when you reach that goal, then 10% of your new weight and so forth. Lots of great inspirations here on MFP so keep up the good work!
  • taraxashley
    taraxashley Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks! At this point, I'm more worried about how I feel about myself than my weight. That being said.. the number ain't too pretty! Thanks for the encouragement!
  • kem05
    kem05 Posts: 97
    Just keep plugging away at it. Every pound lost is a pound lost. I find it easier to set small goals such as maybe 10% of your body weight and when you reach that goal, then 10% of your new weight and so forth. Lots of great inspirations here on MFP so keep up the good work!


    Welcome back! :bigsmile:
  • daveymac1
    daveymac1 Posts: 784 Member
    Feel free to add me if you wish, and go kick some *kitten* would ya!