Net weekly vs. day to day calories



  • this calorie counter there using says i should be eating 3000+ calories a day.....dnt know why but it does but ive been eating under or around 1200 a day and walking off about 620 does anyone know if thats healthy? ive lost 34lbs so far
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    this calorie counter there using says i should be eating 3000+ calories a day.....dnt know why but it does but ive been eating under or around 1200 a day and walking off about 620 does anyone know if thats healthy? ive lost 34lbs so far

    I think you may have posted this in the wrong topic, but I'll answer. If you're only eating 1200, and burning 620, that leaves you 580 calories to live off, which is horribly low. 1200 is the minimum usually stated that people need simply to breathe and keep their hearts beating, and that's for short women. So no it's not healthy, you definitely need to be eating more. Calculate your TDEE (search Google for a calculator) and eat 80% of that. If it's a lot more than the 1200 you've been eating and you don't want to jump up that quickly then add 200 cals a week (or whatever number you feel comfortable with) until you reach it.

    As for an on-topic reply, I always went for day-by-day but I think I'm going to start doing this. It sounds much easier! Especially since I never know what I'm having for dinner each night, so if we go out and I eat more than I have left I can make up for it later.