Tight chest/coughing when running..


I do a fast walk every day for 60 minutes to and from where I work. I don't seem to have any problems walking as fast as I possibly can. However, as soon as I start to run my chest tightens and I can't seem to go much further than a mile, I then start to cough and sometimes cough for the rest of the day. I'm aware that when I was very young (7/8 years old) I had mild asthma. I was told by doctors at the age of 12 that I had grown out of it and never seemed to have any noticeable problems after that - I'm now 26. Is this just me being generally unfit or could it be linked to the asthma? It's very frustrating as I feel like I'm missing out on valuable exercise!



  • DannyPeligro
    DannyPeligro Posts: 10 Member
    It could be, but only a doctor can tell you for sure. I carry an inhaler when out running, it's no big deal. My chest gets tight, I take a puff and carry on.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Go see a doctor