


  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I don't believe in "cheating" - I think a normal diet* includes some "indulgences" or whatever you want to call it. Very few people would have the willpower to eat perfect all of the time. I PLAN some treats/indulgences/super yummy goodness into my food plans on a regular basis.

    The best thing you can do for yourself, though, is try to find healthier, satisfying treats that you can indulge with, instead of the sugar-laden, unhealthy foods like traditional cookies/cake/soda/etc. For example - I learned to make my own version of nutella as an occasional treat (spread on crackers/bananas/whatever), I also made brownies that had black beans instead of flour (it was crazy good!), and I made soft-serve bananas - which is basically bananas in the consistency of soft-serve ice cream. I eat stuff like this (omemade, all natural goodness!) and don't even miss candy/baked goods and other stuff that is loaded with processed sugars, salt and other stuff I don't want in my body.

    Edited to add: You can apply the above to the foods you talked about too - homemade pizza, burgers, etc. are so much healthier and more satisfying (in my experience) than fast-food/pre-made ones!

    *I use diet to mean what you eat, not some crazy starvation short-term plan or anything like that... lol

    I just made the BEST chicken quesadilla ! guilt free and yummo!
  • If I lose weight on weigh-in day I allow myself one cheat day. My cheat day basically means I don't have to cook dinner, so the boyfriend and I go out to dinner somewhere. I typically still stay within my calorie range though.
    For instance, last night was my cheat/treat. We went to In n' Out (which is a burger joint in CA). I ordered a hamburger and animal style fries (which are super goopy fatty). My meal was about 1030 calories, but I still stayed under my 1640 goal for the day.

    I fell like if you can make good decisions, you can find room to sometimes indulge yourself.

    I think this is good advise and makes sure you keep on track and stick with the program.
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    When i started my diet last week, I had decided that I will allow myself one day a week *usually saturday* that I won't diet. I will still keep within my BMR (which is 1800 cals for me), but it will be so much nicer than having to stay within my 1200 cals for dieting. If I exercise that day, I get to have even more yummy food :) It's not really "cheat" day, but it will sure feel like it :)

    I figure this should help with my metabolism. Also, I was planning to spend 1 week at my BMR after I lose 5 lbs, before continuing on to lose the next 5 lbs. This might make it seem slow going, but it will keep me motivated and then I have something to work towards, so that I don't have to go 6 months without some of my favorite foods.
  • redhotsmacker
    redhotsmacker Posts: 227 Member
    I wish I could have a cheat meal....but unfortunately I am to the point of avoiding any type of greasy fatty foods because my stomach doesn't agree with it anymore...

    Just one meal at McDonalds or Burger King has me stuck in bed the whole next day with gastro cramps...not something I enjoy, so I just don't bother.

    My cheat meals often end up at Subway, and even then I opt for the 6 inch turkey sub.
  • chris493
    chris493 Posts: 10 Member
    Eating the un-healthier foods is not cheating but it can be a very slippery slope.

    If you compromise one day, it can lead to old bad habits which we are all aware of, or we wouldn't be on this site.

    Saying that, I burn't 2500 calories extra one day digging up the garden for 8 hours. Only having healthy foods in the cupboard and
    fridge left me with a large calorie deficit as I couldn't eat any-more because I was stuffed.

    I would suggest, burning some serious calories BEFORE eating the un-healthy stuff because you need to eat what you burn (starvation mode ftw!). It's also definitely not cheating then.
  • I do 5 and 2...Eat well and stay within my calories 5 days per week, then eat whatever I want on the weekends. I've lost 16 lbs. and am sticking with it longer than I have any other eating plan.
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    I would suggest, burning some serious calories BEFORE eating the un-healthy stuff because you need to eat what you burn (starvation mode ftw!). It's also definitely not cheating then.

    This is how I handle my desserts at night. I love to have a small dessert at the end of the day if I have calories left over. Usually I don't until I do my workout, then I have just enough to have a small bowl of oh so delicious ice cream :) If I don't get to do my workout, then I don't get to have my dessert.
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    See, the SUPER COOL thing about this program is, it's NOT a Diet! I can't emphasize that enough. What this really is, is a way to begin to realize what true portions look like. So I agree with what the others say, if you want pizza, go ahead and have it but in MODERATION and plan on either working out extra that day to accommodate it or the next. This is about a lifestyle change not dieting :)
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    The above kind of says it all. The slower you lose the weight, the better. To want a new lifestyle -- not just to diet to a certain weight. Yes -- everything is okay. But in moderation.
  • I have to say that if I am in deficit mode, and I go off to eat pizza or a brownie, I find myself lost for a few days. For this reason, when I am eating 1200-1500 calories a day, I stay away from the worst foods.

    Funny how I never miss them until I bite into one!!

    I agree - I'm fine without 'treat' stuff until I start eating it, and then I just want more! But obviously posting it on MFP keep sme accountable, and while I don't have a set 'cheat day' or 'cheat meal' I generally work on the 90/10 rule. If I eat well 90% of the time, the other 10% isn't going to have massively adverse effects on me.

    I do still allow mysel fto have unhealthy things though because I figure I'm not going to want to totally give up some things forever, so I need to plan my life around being able to factor these things in to my healthy life.
  • I also made brownies that had black beans instead of flour (it was crazy good!),

    Any chance of a recipe? Woudl love to try these!!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I also made brownies that had black beans instead of flour (it was crazy good!),

    Any chance of a recipe? Woudl love to try these!!

    There's a whole thread on these - My recipe is on the 2nd page (the only one I can personally vouch for). The trick is to make sure you blend the mix in the food processor long enough (longer than you think you need to) - this ensures the beans are fully chopped up and not in larger pieces.
  • kaymd
    kaymd Posts: 470 Member
    See, the SUPER COOL thing about this program is, it's NOT a Diet! I can't emphasize that enough. What this really is, is a way to begin to realize what true portions look like. So I agree with what the others say, if you want pizza, go ahead and have it but in MODERATION and plan on either working out extra that day to accommodate it or the next. This is about a lifestyle change not dieting :)

    I can't agree with you more. I have lost weight just by changing proportions and still eating what I like. I can live with this kind of change but not a fad diet change. I LOVE MFP!!!
  • I think if you start denying yourself, then you set yourself up for failure. I think in moderation it is all right, you all ready have all the tools you need. So sure, cheat a little....enjoy it!!!
  • I cheat. Once a week or every other week. Just don't count calories. All day. Period. And I still lose weight. Love it!
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    I wish I could have a cheat meal....but unfortunately I am to the point of avoiding any type of greasy fatty foods because my stomach doesn't agree with it anymore...

    Just one meal at McDonalds or Burger King has me stuck in bed the whole next day with gastro cramps...not something I enjoy, so I just don't bother.

    My cheat meals often end up at Subway, and even then I opt for the 6 inch turkey sub.

    I think that's actually REALLY good. That kind of stuff should make you sick. It's kind of sad how immune to it we get. :-/
  • All of these responses are amazing.
    Thank you so much!
  • I cheat. I think it's healthy to eat some things AS TREATS to tell yourself "good job." If you tend to eat large amounts of food throughout the day "normally," you should only allow yourself one heavy cheat meal a week. But if you're not that heavy of an eater, allowing yourself an entire day of little cheats might be good. You are your own best judge, weigh honestly. Haha Although I'm going to add that once you've established and maintained real healthy eating, you probably won't enjoy those foods when you do have them. It's hard to go back once you've started, because the foods that made you fat in the first place taste gross after you haven't had them in a while. But still, allowing yourself a cheat day is healthy. Since I'm vegan, my cheats include vegan baked goods and such. Not counting calories one day is good, just make sure it's ONE DAY. That's my bit. Hope it helps. :)
  • lt3ag4s
    lt3ag4s Posts: 835 Member
    Be honest with yourself.
    Does your body know it is cheating and ignores what you have eaten?
    Keep track of it all. If you eat it, do the activity to make use of it.
    If you are going to plan to be bad, save up calories in order to do so.
  • Yarrum84
    Yarrum84 Posts: 57 Member
    I find that if you completly stop eating the things you love, then you will soon crash and burn. You'll end up bingeing out on it. There is an exception to a few people who can carry on without these foods, and well done, but most of us will crave.
    So, what I do is, I don't have a 'cheat DAY' but I'll let myself have a packet of crisps once during the week, or perhaps a choc bar.
    But I found later on, I didn't want these things anyway :D
    Well done with the loss :)
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