10 lbs lost!! My Story

jdj8223 Posts: 16
edited September 21 in Success Stories
My husband and I decided we wanted to make a change. We are tired of being, well, FAT!! I was at work one day, and was saying to a friend how it would be fun if the two of us and our husbands started a "Biggest Loser" challenge of our own. Surprisingly our husbands agreed. We decided to start officially on October 1, 2010 because our friends were going on their honeymoon, but my husband and I decided we wanted to get a head start since we were both feeling pretty motivated. When I came home from work, my husband told me about finding MFP and let me just say, I LOVE this site. It has been so helpful to both of our weight loss. It's funny how once you start counting calories you always look at food and instantly think "I wonder how many calories are in that?" My husband and I have both tried Fad diets and never successful. When we decided to do this the first thing I said was, "I'm not going on a diet!! I will count calories, but I will not restrict myself from any food" I knew that if tried taking away all the foods that I love, I would just give up and go back to eating way too much. I have found with MFP it is easy to still eat anything I want as long as I log it and watch my calorie intake. With MFP, I don't WANT to eat anything that is going to make my calorie intake sky rocket. It's really been fun. With that said, In the past 5 weeks or so my husband and I have both lost 10 lbs each!!! Our goal was just 1 lb a week. Slow and steady wins the race! Tomorrow is Oct 1, and our friend will be having gall bladder surgery soon. We may have to put off our "challenge" but my husband and I will continue our journey and will be waiting to support her and her husband when they are ready.


  • Awesome! My twin brother and I started MFP together. We were basically the same way. Tired of being fat. It's astonishing how many calories some of the foods we used to eat contain. I used to eat 3 Beefy 5-layer burritos from taco bell, found out thats 2100 calories in a single meal. Keep up the good work!
  • GinaB30
    GinaB30 Posts: 725 Member
    Great job!
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 504 Member
    Congrats to the both of you for not only loosing the weight, but for sticking with it even if your friends haven’t started yet.
    Keep up the great work!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    and you are doing great. Thank you for sharing your story. It shows commitment that you have already lost even though your friends havent started. Keep up the good work. You can do it
  • piersons
    piersons Posts: 51 Member
    Great job! Keep it up!
  • YummyTpn
    YummyTpn Posts: 334 Member
    Good job! I have lost 10 pounds too, but since July 1! :embarassed: I have had lots of ups and downs. Good for you and your husband for sticking to it so well!
  • Thanks everyone! :happy:
  • *snip
  • (sorry, that *snip above was my accidentally commenting while logged into her account. lol)

    Thank you everyone for the kind words....I would be her husband she was speaking of. :)

    It really is amazing to see what kind of calories I use to eat without even thinking twice. I mean, some of the sandwiches I would eat were 800-900 calories JUST in the sandwich! (not to mention the large fries and the large pop to go with it!) It's embarrassing to admit, but I could sit and eat an entire large pizza by myself and not care....I always gave the "I'm happy being fat" excuse!

    We are not only watching what we eat and how much we eat, but we are completely changing our lives! I started this at 349 lbs at the age of 29 and could hardly walk to the mailbox and back without being out of energy and being "done"! When we started this I told myself that I COULD work out, I COULD eat healthy, and I WILL make a change! As my wife stated, I've already lost 10 lbs, I ride our stationary bike at least 2-3 miles every other day (haven't the past couple of days because of overextending my bicep tendons trying to do curls incorrectly) and I can actually walk 1-2 miles now without even feeling that tired! I look at all foods with the mindset of keeping my calories as low as possible. She has an android phone so she is able to use MFP on her phone and I have it installed on my ipod touch so as long as I have a wifi signal, I can use it too!

    Well, that is pretty much our story and thank you everyone for the kind words and for taking the time to read about us and our journey! It's far from over for us and I can't wait to come on here in the near future and talk about how I've lost 50+ lbs and how I walked in a charity event (which is something I never pictured myself being able to do until now)

    Thank you myfitnesspal for changing my life forever!
  • maroon58
    maroon58 Posts: 289 Member
    congratulations to both of you! how great that you are both doing this together as a team! i love this site too and am so addicted to logging every single thing i eat. really makes me think how i use to just eat whatever and whenever i want and not really care about my calorie intake. keep up the good work!
  • Great job to the two of you!! I am so addicted to this site and it really keeps me distracted from wanting to eat out of boredom. Logging my food intake really keeps me in line. Best of luck!! I can't wait to lose my first ten!!
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