Eat clean in college? Help!

So I'll admit I'm not the standard (stereotypical) college student. I don't touch alcohol, I don't party, and I don't smash down pop chips and pizza every day.

However! I still need to eat cleaner. I need to get more protein in my day and especially vegetables. Do you guys have tips for me for cleaner food in general? Would it be okay if I got steak strips that were frozen or is there too much crap in them..? Chicken? I buy the steamers vegetables and I generally try to by as much fresh fruit as I can...but going to the store is hard in itself because I need to get a ride with my friend when she goes. It's too far away to take the bus and lug tons and tons of groceries back.

Do you guys have any suggestions for me?


  • fsucrack
    fsucrack Posts: 68 Member
    If you are trying to eat more clean then you are going to want to stay aways from steak tips, in fact the only meats that are on a clean eatting plan is chicken, and fish (generally tilipia and salmon) For more protein you can add beans and nuts, so easy suggestiosn that make going to the store a little easier.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Do you have decent dining options on campus? I work at a university and the campus facilities have so many options for clean eating.

    Our campus dining facilities always have grilled chicken, a huge salad bar, tons of fresh fruit, fresh-made soups, brown rice, whole wheat pasta, stir-fried vegetables, etc.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    If you are trying to eat more clean then you are going to want to stay aways from steak tips, in fact the only meats that are on a clean eatting plan is chicken, and fish (generally tilipia and salmon) For more protein you can add beans and nuts, so easy suggestiosn that make going to the store a little easier.

    I consider lean, grass-fed beef to be a clean dining option! (probably cleaner than tilapia - which is a rather cheap fish, often raised in filthy farmed-fish conditions)
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    Actually there is no definitive "clean eating" plan. Lots of them do include steak.
  • JesChernosky
    JesChernosky Posts: 37 Member
    Honestly, I love my George Foreman grill and typically buy meats that I cook in there. It gets rid of some of the fats in the meat, as well as works as a quick cooking method (I can put it on while I am studying). I try not to buy flash frozen meats (like the chicken in the bags) and instead buy packages of fish, chicken and steak that I can divide up. Then I will freeze them in vacuum sealed bags in the freezer. I find that if I portion control things as soon as I buy them (even fresh veggies and snacks) I eat better, as well as have things that are easier to grab and run, which makes it easier for me to stay on my healthy living plan while I am going to school and working full time.

    Good luck and good job recognizing the need to eat healthier, even in college :)
  • MissKpopper
    Actually I live in an apartment near campus. So no food stuff for me!
  • BelleVegan77
    BelleVegan77 Posts: 70 Member
    Go vegan. Seriously it is not expensive. It isn't hard. It is freaking delicious and you will feel so much better. Meat isn't "clean" it is full of antibotics, horomones (I know I can't spell) and fear...seriously a lot of people get addicted to meat because of the adrenalyn in it (again I know I can not spell) which is caused by the panic of the animal...before they die.

    Sounds like you are doing a pretty great job already :)

    Try hummus. It isn't expensive, easy to make from scratch, high protien and SO yummy on carrot sticks nom nom nom :D

    Drain a can of chick peas
    blender them up with a couple cloves of garlic.
    Hummus calls for tahini which is sesame paste but honestly you can use natural peanut butter and it is just as yummy.
    You only need a teaspoon or so to taste.

    Oh and no offense to meat eatters. Not trying to hate, just sharing an opinion/option.
  • thesupremeforce
    thesupremeforce Posts: 1,206 Member
    The risk with buying frozen food is high sodium levels. Otherwise, you should be fine. Wal-Mart tends to have good prices on meats. I buy a lot of stuff that gets marked down due to being near its "sell by" date. I don't see much of a point in "eating clean" anyway. I'd rather eat smart.
  • sarah_lou22
    The risk with buying frozen food is high sodium levels. Otherwise, you should be fine. Wal-Mart tends to have good prices on meats. I buy a lot of stuff that gets marked down due to being near its "sell by" date. I don't see much of a point in "eating clean" anyway. I'd rather eat smart.


    I used to buy frozen chicken breasts because they were less expensive and I was going to freeze them anyway, but they contain so much more sodium!

    when I was in college, I was a vegetarian -- it was a healthier option for me at the time because I didn't have much time to workout (so I didn't need a lot of substance)

    since you don't have a car, think about planning your meals for two weeks at a time, then buy all the groceries you need for those two weeks. not only does it save time, but it saves money because you are able to buy in bulk!

    hope this helps :)