Hello!! (( waves ))

I actually joined MFP a few months ago but only started logging what I ate & what exercise I do,last week,when the scales went over 13 stone :(
Yeah,I know we're all supposed to be either metric or use lbs but I'm English & I'm old ( nearly 63 ) so I'm excused...right? :D

Anyway, I hope to lose a stone,maybe one & a half by Christmas :fx: as I'm off on holiday just after & hope to do a bit of walking/gentle hiking whilst we're away, so need to get a little leaner & fitter if possible.

OK, going to see what I can find for my tea,that is reasonably healthy but filling :)


  • W1665483
    Hi, I - would like to introduce, myself, to, Instructor @ Lewis. I-am, Ms. Hillder Mary Jones, a (Single - Parent), whom is the head of her own household. I-am, a (Single - Parent), of (one-child), Janae Alissa Brooks, a daughter, age 14, years, of, age. I -am, a, 1st -time, (mother). And I-am, very-much, family, with - my, (1st and only child - Janae). Janae, is,a, (very - smart - child), now, in the 8th - Grade.

    As a single, 1st - time, Parent, I-am, enjoying, a, little -person, hanging -around, me. Its, all, (new),and (different). Because, I - have, live, a life, of, being, (single), for, many of year's. I -am, very much mature and responsiable, and enjoy - learning.

    Seeking, more, knowledge. And trying, (very - hard), to stay, (positive - minded), and staying, focus,walking, into my destiny, of, life.

    Trying, to, (achieve), a, (2 -year assicoates degree), in, Physical - Therapy.etc
  • W1665483
    Hi, I-am, Ms. Hillder Mary Jones, age, 48, years. (Southmore - Sudent), Attending, Houston Community College. One - Child.etc
  • W1665483
    Hi, I-am, Ms. Hillder Mary Jones, age, 48, years. (Southmore - Student), Attending, Houston Community College. One - Child.etc