Belly overhang near goal weight :(



  • rockon77
    rockon77 Posts: 31 Member
    This must be the day for starting threads looking for advice and then rejecting all of the good suggestions. :noway:

    Oh wait, that's everyday.

    I never rejected good suggestions. I love the ideas. Must be the day people like to attack others!
    I know I should do strength training or whatever, but I really don't have the money and interest in that. I like simple forms of exercise because that way, I know I will stick with it.

    That wasn't a rejection of anyone's ideas. That was my way of telling everyone why I HAVEN'T been strength training. I've already reported your post. I suggest stop bothering me.

    Reported? Really?

    Yep, and her comment was removed. :)
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    I'm 5'7" and 130lbs. I have a little muffin top at 21% body fat. A lot depends on how your body distributes fat and what your body fat percentage is.

    When getting close to your goal weight, it is time to change your goals from pounds to bodyfat percentage. That is the fine tuning of a fitness plan.

    I think you have some body issues as well. My sister is 5'4" and 130 lbs and has no muffin top and she has a pretty normal activity level. Sometimes it is heavier but most of the time it is pretty normal. She is not a big weight lifter or anything. I looked on Mybodygallery as well and I just do not see people at your weight with a muffin top.

    The whole 21% is distributed in my midsection. I've got no visible fat on my extremities. Also, I'm perimenopausal and a thick waist is just something that goes along with age, unfortunately, I know I'm healthy. I keep spanx on hand when I want to look fabulous.
  • clairedrose
    clairedrose Posts: 121 Member
    Thanks for the advice so far. I don't know my BF%. I don't own any equipment that could tell me that percentage. My exercise is all walking. I walk around 8 to 10 miles a day. I know I should do strength training or whatever, but I really don't have the money and interest in that. I like simple forms of exercise because that way, I know I will stick with it.

    You can download apps and use your own body to strength train. Example, Push ups, planks, squats, Flutter kicks Sit ups crunches... A lot of floor exercises can strenghten and Tone muscles... You should really switch some stuff up!

    This! Try'll be a believer
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I'm 5'7" and 130lbs. I have a little muffin top at 21% body fat. A lot depends on how your body distributes fat and what your body fat percentage is.

    When getting close to your goal weight, it is time to change your goals from pounds to bodyfat percentage. That is the fine tuning of a fitness plan.

    I think you have some body issues as well. My sister is 5'4" and 130 lbs and has no muffin top and she has a pretty normal activity level. Sometimes it is heavier but most of the time it is pretty normal. She is not a big weight lifter or anything. I looked on Mybodygallery as well and I just do not see people at your weight with a muffin top.

  • rockon77
    rockon77 Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks for the advice so far. I don't know my BF%. I don't own any equipment that could tell me that percentage. My exercise is all walking. I walk around 8 to 10 miles a day. I know I should do strength training or whatever, but I really don't have the money and interest in that. I like simple forms of exercise because that way, I know I will stick with it.

    You can download apps and use your own body to strength train. Example, Push ups, planks, squats, Flutter kicks Sit ups crunches... A lot of floor exercises can strenghten and Tone muscles... You should really switch some stuff up!

    This! Try'll be a believer

    I will try this. Any apps you recommend?
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    This must be the day for starting threads looking for advice and then rejecting all of the good suggestions. :noway:

    Oh wait, that's everyday.

    I never rejected good suggestions. I love the ideas. Must be the day people like to attack others!
    I know I should do strength training or whatever, but I really don't have the money and interest in that. I like simple forms of exercise because that way, I know I will stick with it.

    That wasn't a rejection of anyone's ideas. That was my way of telling everyone why I HAVEN'T been strength training. I've already reported your post. I suggest stop bothering me.

    Reported? Really?

    Yep, and her comment was removed. :)
  • rockon77
    rockon77 Posts: 31 Member

    I don't take shiz from anyone!
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    You might want to add a lot of strength training in to your routine. Muscle burns more calories than fat, and it might help get your BF% down and strengthen the tummy area (to hold skin closer to the muscle) and might add more definition once you do lose more BF. I know how you feel... I was at my goal weight and was still so chubby, I couldn't believe it. Just hang in there and keep up your good habits!
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    PS: I didn't realize I was saying the same thing as everyone else. Just google "body weight strength training" and you can see how to do all of those things. Planks, squats, sit ups, push ups, lunges, etc. are really easy to do in any space, but will keep you challenged. There are a ton of websites that provide lots of other ideas and you can modify them to make them harder (put weight on your back for push ups, do jackknife push ups).
  • Car0lynnM
    Car0lynnM Posts: 332 Member
    I am just over 5' 1", and weigh about 120 pounds depending on what I ate yesterday. :) I am about 28% body fat last time I calculated (a while ago--I should probably do it again). All that fat sits in my midsection (I think they call that apple shape). I definitely have a pouch. I think it just depends where you hold the fat.
  • jacalennejax
    jacalennejax Posts: 97 Member
    I started well over 200 lbs at 5"1' (female). I am 140 lbs now. My goal is 130 lbs. I still have a belly overhang that I thought would be gone by this weight. Maybe it will be gone around 130 lbs or even 120 lbs? Ugh...

    Does anyone know at my height at around what weight I would get a flatter stomach? I know everyone varies and such, but I just mean in general for the average person. I don't have any loose skin as I have been losing weight at a consistent pace.


    So if someone already said it- Oh Well.

    try checking out

    Enter in your size weight w.e or if you want, put in what you would like to look at, and check out how some of the other girls looks. it might give you an idea. Just saying.
  • Congratulations on your progress OP! If you are interested in beginning strength training, might I suggest (Heart and Soul Fitness, they have free workouts on YouTube). I have been doing these workouts for over 2 months now, and they keep me fit and motivated! There is a range of workouts from beginner to advanced so anyone can find suitable workouts, and increase workout intensity as strength increases. Also you can start out with using soup cans or water bottles.

    I've read on MFP that the Be Fit channel on YouTube has good free workouts as well.

    Good luck!
  • MsMimidoll
    MsMimidoll Posts: 249 Member
    It might just be the area that's the last to lose. I know when I was 140 and I'm 5'4 my stomach was flat, but I still had a big butt and thighs.
  • NataBost
    NataBost Posts: 418 Member
    According to charts at 5 ' a woman should be 100 pounds and add 5 pounds of weight for every inch over. But that does not account for frame size.

    Oof. I'm around 5'1", and at 105 I'd be too skinny. I have a pretty small frame. Even at my most fit, the lowest I got was 108, but I was pretty much solid muscle. But to each her own.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    250 sit ups a day.
    it works.
  • AnnaMarieDinVa
    AnnaMarieDinVa Posts: 162 Member
    Good for you! (On reporting the mean post.) I try not to get into anything other than diet/weight loss/fitness things, but I have to say that snarky comments tend to make reading on MFP less pleasant...

    Great thread, BTW. I learned a lot. I should add that the only time I didn't have some belly fat was when I was in college and weighed 120 lbs...but I'm 5'8" and my happy weight is higher than that.
  • babyblooz
    babyblooz Posts: 220 Member
  • pavrg
    pavrg Posts: 277 Member
    I started well over 200 lbs at 5"1' (female). I am 140 lbs now. My goal is 130 lbs. I still have a belly overhang that I thought would be gone by this weight. Maybe it will be gone around 130 lbs or even 120 lbs? Ugh...

    Does anyone know at my height at around what weight I would get a flatter stomach? I know everyone varies and such, but I just mean in general for the average person. I don't have any loose skin as I have been losing weight at a consistent pace.
    The belly overhang is dependant on bodyfat %, not weight. You'll probably have to go down to 18-20% to lose the overhang. Use this to find out what weight that is (requires current bodyfat measurement to compute):