working mom looking for motivation

I am a single mom looking for some friends to motivate me...I work a full time job, and take care of my beautiful child on my own.


  • Hi, you sound like me...I work full time as well and also a single parent. Maybe we can be distant fitness buddies....share what we did, ate, and how we feel about what we did/ didn't do or did/didn't eat, or just in general..
  • Yes, i need to hold my self accountable and log what i do...and dont LOL. I need this to be the time that works
  • Livin4me1969
    Livin4me1969 Posts: 745 Member
    Hi,,,I am a single working grandmom if that I have been working on this for 7 months now and I am down 53 lbs (lost 20 before I started MFP) I am always glad to help anyway I can because we can all use as much motivation as we can get. Please add me if you woud like
  • ewarlow
    ewarlow Posts: 71 Member
    I'm not a single Mom but I can appreciate and understand the struggles as I work two jobs and my husband is rarely home.

    Add me if you'd like - Im on daily :)
  • es513
    es513 Posts: 51 Member
    Busy mom here as well. I find that what has helped me with my eating habits the MOST, would be logging EVERYTHING. If I ate something terrible, I logged it anyways. Eventually I got sick of seeing high fat/calorie foods in my log and stopped eating them because I knew I would have to log it.