I need advice

im getting so frustrated...Im not really losing any weight...weekends are so hard. I think im going to start taking a supplement to help increase my motabilizim and possibly a protien shake...any thoughts?

I dont think im getting enought protien, will this really help with weight loss.

PS during the week i stick to the 1,200 cals a day and on weekends i eat about 1,500 - 1,700 cals and i work out also. Im 214.0 But i seem to weigh myself on mondays after the weekend.


  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    im getting so frustrated...Im not really losing any weight...weekends are so hard. I think im going to start taking a supplement to help increase my motabilizim and possibly a protien shake...any thoughts?

    I dont think im getting enought protien, will this really help with weight loss.

    PS during the week i stick to the 1,200 cals a day and on weekends i eat about 1,500 - 1,700 cals and i work out also. Im 214.0 But i seem to weigh myself on mondays after the weekend.

    A calorie deficit is all that is needed for weight loss. If you are not losing, there is a miscalculation somewhere. Do you have realistic goals? Are you logging accurately? Do you weigh everything? How long since you have not lost?
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    According to your ticker you've lost 19 pounds? Congratulations! That's great progress.

    If you're weighing yourself Monday morning after the weekend it's possible you're seeing some water weight thanks to sodium, drinks, etc. This can mask the fat loss that's actually happening in the background. Are you weighing yourself under the same conditions every time? (first thing in the morning, before food, after visiting the bathroom?)

    Your diary is closed, so I'm going to ask: how accurately are you tracking your food? Are you weighing/measuring your portion sizes? Any cheat days in there?

    And are you eating back your earned workout calories? I know it sounds counter-intuitive, but a lot of us find that we stop losing if we don't eat them. If you're already eating them, how are you measuring your burn? Heartrate monitor or MFP/machine estimates?
  • notnikkisixx
    notnikkisixx Posts: 375 Member
    Can you open up your food diary so we can see what you're eating?
  • phattothin
    I have opened my food diary. and i track EVERYTHING
  • joanthemom8
    joanthemom8 Posts: 375 Member
    I always weigh myself on Friday mornings - weekends are hard for me, too. I'm usually very good during the workweek, so I weigh in on Fridays.
  • chelseaisabella
    What you could do is work out how many calories you're allowed a week. 1,800 a day is the guideline for a woman and you should drop this to no less than 1,200 to stay healthy (source: NHS) however this is slower than crash dieting. By creating a 5-600/day deficit you will lose weight. If you know you shouldn't have more than 6,000/week then try to factor your weekend diet into this and make healthier choices in the week. Swap sandwiches for salads etc.
  • CA_Emily
    CA_Emily Posts: 12 Member
    Congrats on the weight you've lost! It can be so fustrating when things slow down (or stand still!). My suggestions:

    1. Track how much salt you're eating. Sodium can do all sorts of crazy things to your boday and make you retain a bunch of water.
    2. Examine the quality of food you're eating. Make sure you've included enough lean proteins, whole grains, fresh fruits, and veggies. I find when my weightloss stalls if I add in an extra salad each week it picks up again.
    3. Are you drinking alcohol? For me drinking alcohol slows down my weightloss dramatically. I have to be really careful to limit to 1-2 glasses of wine per week to continue seeing a loss.
    4. Mix up your exercise. Are you always biking or walking? Try something new. Try intervals. Try weightlifting. Try a ftiness class. Try adding an extra day of exercise.
    5. Also I try to not eat tons of sugar. I'd suggest looking at where your sugar is coming from (in my mind fruits ok, candy not okay).

    I workout in the early morning most days and am ravenous by the time I'm done showering. I really like a a protein shake. I like whey protein and I make sure that it doesn't have tons of sugar in it. Just another tool to have in your box. I'd suggest trying some if you're interested. They're quick, easy, and full of protein (I love carbs so eating enough protein is always a struggle for me).
  • chelseaisabella
    Ahhh, OP, have you checked your macros? You're going over your recommended intake of carbs, fats and salt which have to be cut to lose weight. Try and keep these under your allowances and you will notice BIG changes :D
  • igotabulletproofheart
    Increase your calories. You're not eating enough. I'm a 140lb girl at 5'2 with ~27% body fat and I'm consuming 1200, but it's not enough for me. If anyone wants to start the "individual bodies react to diets differently!" debate, they don't. Most of us aren't special snowflakes when it comes dieting and weight loss.

    Also, make sure your weigh yourself naked in the morning straight after you wake up and pee. Oh yeah, don't measure yourself on Mondays if you binge on the weekend. You'll be measuring your water weight from the binged food if you do.
  • notnikkisixx
    notnikkisixx Posts: 375 Member
    I'd have to agree with upping your calories! I eat 1400-1500 (more if I exercise) and still find myself losing at a slow and steady rate. For reference I am 5'4" and 146 pounds.
  • phattothin
    Thanks for all the help and advice, im eating the 1200 cals/day because thats what MFP says to eat to lose 2 lbs a week.
  • glheureux56
    Are you recording your water?
  • xxnellie146xx
    xxnellie146xx Posts: 996 Member
    You track everything, but how accurately? Are you weighing your food? Measuring is more accurate than eye-balling portions, but often not consistent with the weight
  • frood
    frood Posts: 295 Member
    Thanks for all the help and advice, im eating the 1200 cals/day because thats what MFP says to eat to lose 2 lbs a week.
    Try this: http://www.fitnessfrog.com/calculators/tdee-calculator.html It takes into account your activity and exercise. That's the amount you need in an average day to maintain.
    Then subtract 10-20% from that number to create a deficit.
  • MFPRat
    MFPRat Posts: 201 Member
    I like the idea of changing your weigh-in day to Friday.
  • jeffpettis
    jeffpettis Posts: 865 Member
    First, don't waste your money on a pill that isn't going to do anything.

    Second, if your not losing weight, do not up your calories. This one kind of reminds me of the drunk guy that wakes up in the morning and drinks another beer thinking it will sober him up! :noway:

    You must make ABSOLUTELY sure that you are TRULY in a deficit. If you are not weighing what you eat and enter in to your diary are you 100% sure that you are in fact in a deficit? Don't make it harder than it is. You will hear 40 different reasons why you are not losing weight, but the one thing you must do, no matter what, is be in a deficit to lose weight.
  • tattedlady75
    tattedlady75 Posts: 185 Member
    Thanks for all the help and advice, im eating the 1200 cals/day because thats what MFP says to eat to lose 2 lbs a week.
    Try this: http://www.fitnessfrog.com/calculators/tdee-calculator.html It takes into account your activity and exercise. That's the amount you need in an average day to maintain.
    Then subtract 10-20% from that number to create a deficit.

    Also, calculate your BMR, http://www.fitnessfrog.com/calculators/bmr-calculator.html, and don't eat below it. I a currently at 208 and 5'6, my BMR is 1686 so I usually try to get around 1700. I also think the 1200 is a too low, try upping it and see if that helps. Also, remember any changes you do make is going to take a couple of weeks to really show
  • jeffpettis
    jeffpettis Posts: 865 Member
    Ahhh, OP, have you checked your macros? You're going over your recommended intake of carbs, fats and salt which have to be cut to lose weight. Try and keep these under your allowances and you will notice BIG changes :D

    Those things do not have to be cut to lose weight. Some of those things should be monitored for health reasons but the only requirement for weight loss is a caloric deficit. If a deficit is not present the other things don't matter at all.
  • notnikkisixx
    notnikkisixx Posts: 375 Member
    Thanks for all the help and advice, im eating the 1200 cals/day because thats what MFP says to eat to lose 2 lbs a week.

    Thats where MFP first put me and while I initially was losing at a steady rate, I eventually stalled out. You can still lose on 1400-1500 and will probably find yourself a lot happier!