I'm in a slump.

Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
Hi all... I was wondering if you wonderful MFP people could help me out. My husband and I are having some serious financial issues, and it's affecting other parts of my life. I'm not sleeping very well; although I'm getting enough sleep time-wise, I'm waking up still exhausted. I'm becoming increasingly frustrated, and depressed. Because I'm an emotional eater, I'm wanting to stuff myself for comfort, but I've been pretty much behaving in that regard. However, I'm finding it harder and harder not to over-indulge.

Yesterday the news story came out about Tyler Clementi and his suicide, due to his roommate posting his sexual encounter on the internet. I cried like a baby. Then I heard that Tony Curtis died; all I could do was empathize with Jamie Lee, and I cried again. My husband is a bit of a newshound, so it's hard to avoid the news, but I'm not in a good frame of mind as it is, and the news is making it worse.

My weight loss progress is very important to me, but sometimes I just feel like "what is the point?" The world sucks, people are ruthless, and there really isn't anything I can do to change it. I need some help getting pulled out of this funk.


  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    kminor, i read about the guy who jumped as well, and it really forces us to look in to society, and veiw some of these social sites and social networks closley
    Im not into Face book or a Twitter person, and I really dont publish much about myslelf on social networks......I think its the age thing

    I do think that the people responsible for sending that mans 'private" relatioship over the Internet should receive due justice. No one has a right to illegally video tape some one in a private setting and send it out to destroy that persons reputation Being gay had no relevance to it, whether they sent out that video of him if he were straight, gay, bi, transgendered, its his "personal" life. They violated his rights and need to be punished

    Fortunately, not being a social network person, I dont care about whos banging who.........its none of my business, and sadly, the media has a lot to play its part in all of this......dont believe me, turn on television and watch the "reality" shows that the kids get to look at, the name calling , the whoring around, and then we wonder...........the media has its share in this as well....

    remember the mom who sent those emails and text messages to that one your girl , pretended to be a nice looking young teen aged boy, then sent her messages, telling her that she should do herself in, only to have her take her life?
    I hope they have that bi*^$ch from the highest treee.......... Some really cruel mean people out there, just gotta know it, and deal with it. I avoid agressive people all together, Im staying focused on being healthy and in shape., thats my priority for the time being...

    Ill miss Tony Curtiss as well, loved him and Jack Lemon in "Some Like it Hot" with that hot blonde bombshell, Marilyn.....

    Hang in there, dont resort to pigging out, stay focused, and be like me......Just do the best you can with what youve got, it makes you feel good about yourself..............Put me down as a friend if you d like.......Lloyd
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    If you are feeling tired even after a full night's sleep you might be a little depressed. And given everything you just posted it sounds like that might be a possibility. One thing you said is you feel like you cannot change anything in this world...You are right in some regard. And that is alright. People are going to do bad things. People are going to die. That is just how our world works. Count your blessings. Thank God every day for the day that He has given you. I do this every morning in the bathroom. My boyfriend laughs at me from the other room. He yells with a giggly voice "Are you in there talkin' to yourself again??" I just smile at myself in the mirror and thank God for him too. Lol. It's the little things in life that contribute to our happiness. If you depend on everything being perfect all of the time in order for you to be happy then this slump is going to last a long time. You have a husband and best friend to walk with you through this amzing journey we call life and I'm sure both of you are each other's rock. Lean on one another during your financial issues and keep each other strong. Your love is what is important in this world and it will get you through anything and everything as long as you recognize that you are the only one in control of your own emotions. No one can make you sad. No one can make you mad. No one can bring you down. Only you can do that. So smile. We all go through these hard times and we can all relate to your troubles. Find your support system and let them help you stay strong. Good luck and God bless!!!
  • katkat987
    katkat987 Posts: 100 Member
    Exercise and eating well gives you a healthy mind and a healthy body. The confidence and self esteem you gain through this weight loss will radiate from you. Remember smiles are contagious. Try your hardest but don't beat yourself up about it, and this sense of achievment should shine a little light into your world. And don't forget it's the little things that count in this world. A shared smile, holding a door open for someone, and cheering people up when they're down x
  • Dencrossgirl
    Dencrossgirl Posts: 501 Member
    I am sad, frustrated, depressed all the time. We have so much bad going on in our life right now it is overwhelming at times I just want to run. But we have great kids, beautiful grandkids, and a great love for each other. So if we lost everything tomorrow we would still have each other. We have money troubles all the time, after we yell and fight over it, we sit down with pens and paper and figure out different scenarios and plan. No matter what everything will get better, but you and your health must stay top priority, because without your health you have nothing.
  • Hi, I am so sorry to hear about your financial situation and I will pray your situation changes and I know we understand completely about the feeling of giving up but please don't. I know you have committed to this as the rest of us has and we are here to support you. I know thats easy for me to say because I am not in your shoes but we are here for you and want you to succeed.
  • Goodness...the bad-news bug must be going around. I was thrown into new-induced anger this morning--not the best way to start your day. I just found out about a court case in NC where a woman who had initially consented to sex changed her mind, but the partner wouldn't stop and forcibly restrained her and finished. At court, the case was dropped because of a dated law that states something like, if you've consented at any point, no rape can be claimed. Which effectively legalizes rape. It burned me up SO badly! I'm still angry, so I'm glad you started this thread. I really needed to vent about it. What burns me up more, I think, is that there are many people who think that the law makes sense. OH! the IGNORANCE!

    But we can't let stuff like this affect how we live our lives. All we can do is take these things in stride. Litterally. If I wasn't at work, I would absolutely let off my steam with a nice run. Maybe some kickboxing exercises (with ignorance as the punching bag).

    Even though the world can suck, like you say, our lives don't have to be crap. We have every right to make ourselves feel good. And we all know that comfort-eating is only comforting for as long as we're eating. So why not opt for something that will keep your endorphins going all day? Go for a walk, eat something that will give you good energy (fruit, if you like), anything.

    Bad news doesn't have to mean bad food. :)

    Good luck. And hopefully some good news will come our way in the form of fewer pounds and healthier bodies.
  • This too soon will pass.
    It is OK to feel your emotions, as long as you DO NOT EAT YOUR EMOTIONS.

    Eating your emotions does nothng to help deal with them. Acknowledge them, and form a plan and KEEP MOVING FORWARD. Even if it is one step at a time. (make a TO DO list) even if it seems there is nothing to do! Ex: brush teeth, make bed, dishes, laundry, etc etc.

    Keep your mind and body engaged!!!!

    "I can do all things through Christ which strenghtheneth me."
    Philippians 4:13

    "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."
    Isaiah 40:31
  • Mamoonie
    Mamoonie Posts: 328

    keep your head up!

    The world may suck, you may not be able to change the world... and you don't need to!

    It's enough to change "your own world"!! Change your eating habits, change your lifestyle and do it for yourself. Be selfish!!!

    You may not be able to change any of the circumstances around you, but what you can do is change yourself towards a more healthy person.

    I know this may sound rough, but you cannot bring back into life any of these people you're crying over right now, not with your tears and not with you comfort eating. However you can bring yourself back into a healthier life with NOT comfort eating.

    As for your financial issues, I can only say: be strong, eat less and more healthy -> you're spending less money on food, less on junk food too, you'll be more healthy, needing less meds and docs, thus saving a little bit of money too, with a better lifestyle...

    You can do this!

  • kcshep
    kcshep Posts: 3
    I certainly relate to your post.. Sometimes when that scale changes very little and you feel like you've been working so hard, you think, 'Hell, I'd rather have a cheeseburger, at least it Tastes good!".. So I'm there with you.. I've been dieting on and off for the past 5 years, and I get so sick of it. This time I'm trying to just change the way I think about food, and why I want it.. I try to replace wanting to eat Popcorn with playing with the dogs, or planting something for the fall.. BUT, I do sometimes just have it if I want it! The second someone tells you you can't have something, what do you want to do?---HAVE THAT SOMETHING! So just try to think of all the amazing blessings in your life, and how great you have done so far, and you'll be back on track!
  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    Kami dear,

    I am sorry to hear about everything that is bringing you down. Finances suck for me also. You can't let that get you down by any means. I know I know harder said then done. I personally have been in the same boat for awhile. Somehow you got to overcome it all. Find out what works for YOU. Maybe when the hubby is watching the news go for a walk? Go in another room and workout a little bit. Maybe turn the radio on and just dance! That could be a good mood lifter. Or hey call Mindy and tell her you want to see that adorable granddaughter of yours. The main thing that you need to do when you want to eat something is stop and ask yourself is this really going to make you feel better? Is you putting this food in your mouth really going to make your problems go away? I find that the stress makes me want to chew so I grab a piece of gum. Sometime I go through a whole pack of gum. But that is a heck lot less calories then that donut or ice cream that seems that it would help at the time.

    As for finances I am learning the art of couponing. And for my boredom eating I have started a blog http://mommysuniteforlife.blogspot.com/. Check it out maybe it will get your mind off things. :)

    Let me know if there is anything I can help you with hun!
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    Thanks everyone for your kind words! I really appreciate it. Eventually I will get out of this slump, but it's nice to know that there are people out there who care.

    Lloyd~ a FR is on the way! This Tyler Clementi story has hit me hard because I have two nephews who are gay, and I cannot imagine how I would feel if this had happened to them.

    Ashlee~ Thanks for the reminder! My hubby makes life worth living!

    Kat~ I'm not beating myself up, but I feel like giving up. Yesterday started out GREAT with a 3 lb weight loss, but went downhill from there. I guess I'm just frustrated, and getting angry. I'll get through it eventually.

    Dencross~ I have suffered from depression for years. I'm sorry about your stuff, too. It's nice to know that I'm not alone.

    Donna~ Thanks so much for the prayers and support!

    Creech~ This rape case makes me mad too!!! I think I need to buy one of those foam bats and beat the crap out of the couch or something. Maybe that will help!

    Gibson~ You're right. Thanks! I think I'm gonna go vacuum now...lol.

    Mamoonie~ I've always had a hard time being selfish...I live to make others happy. I really need to work on that.

    KC~ thanks! I want so badly to enjoy the successes. I'm getting there!

    Amber~ Thanks SO much AGAIN for telling me about MFP! I've never been good at asking for help, but as you can see, that is changing. I don't want to be a burden on Mindy or on my family and depend on them to cheer me up, because they all have their own issues. I will get through this... just right now is HARD! Thanks for being there for me!
  • I have been where you are, I find the best thing to do is put on my Ipod (with uplifting music like Shakira, Black Eyed Peas, Shaggy), lace up my shows and get out for a long walk. The weight of the world just seems to go away when I go for a nice long walk. I find I sleep better too by exercising. I also make my own cards, so I try to keep my mind off thing so I am not continually putting food in my mouth. Hope thing turn around soon for you. Good Luck
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