First week.. WOW



  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    Ignore the negativity on your exciting post. I'm sure that you're intelligent enough to know you won't lose 9 lbs a week. Heck, even if you lost 9 lbs a month or every other month that would be fantastic! Stay the course and keep smiling in your new lifestyle :)


    nothing you wrote is going to help the OP succeed. everything i wrote will.

    what i posted is a FACT. it's a fact all newbs should be made aware of. i have been here nearly a year and there is a constant stream of newbs posting at the end of 3 or 4 weeks how frustrated they are because their weight loss slowed to a crawl and they don't understand because they are doing exactly the same as what they did in the first week when they lost so much.

    from saturday moring at 4AM to sunday morning at 8AM (a 28 hour period), i lost 7lbs on the scale. it was almost all water weight being shed as part of the natural processes always occurring in one's body. i know enough to know why that happened and why it was an illusion. the only fat i lost during that time is the amount that corresponded to my calorie deficit.

    i am sorry if these facts upset you, but trust me on this... i truly do have the OP's success at heart. only instead of wishful thinking and unicorn farts, i know that science and math and an actual understanding of how the body works is the best way for her to get there.
  • ihad
    ihad Posts: 7,463 Member
    Ignore the negativity on your exciting post. I'm sure that you're intelligent enough to know you won't lose 9 lbs a week. Heck, even if you lost 9 lbs a month or every other month that would be fantastic! Stay the course and keep smiling in your new lifestyle :)

    Not negativity at all, just a wise caution.

    I must have read over 500 threads where the poster said "Help! I lost nine pounds last week, but only one this week! I've plateaued! I'm in starvation mode! This isn't working! I quit!"

    A little perspective goes a long way.
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    Congratulations. And, when the weight starts dropping of slower (and it will), don't get discouraged. :smile:
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    Congratulations. And, when the weight starts dropping of slower (and it will), don't get discouraged. :smile:


    successful weight loss is all about setting realistic expectations.
  • That's fantastic! Well done :) I'm doing my best to tone up- got the whole skinny fat thing happening! Weights are my new best friend :)
  • Absolutely, I'm finally realizing how important it is to track what I eat. I'm new to the site and this is very exciting. It's simple and I don't feel overwhelmed with information overload. lol...
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    The Burro is a wise man. You will not have a major weight loss every week. But if you stick it out it will come off.
  • egh1974
    egh1974 Posts: 147
    Ignore the negativity on your exciting post. I'm sure that you're intelligent enough to know you won't lose 9 lbs a week. Heck, even if you lost 9 lbs a month or every other month that would be fantastic! Stay the course and keep smiling in your new lifestyle :)


    nothing you wrote is going to help the OP succeed. everything i wrote will.

    what i posted is a FACT. it's a fact all newbs should be made aware of. i have been here nearly a year and there is a constant stream of newbs posting at the end of 3 or 4 weeks how frustrated they are because their weight loss slowed to a crawl and they don't understand because they are doing exactly the same as what they did in the first week when they lost so much.

    from saturday moring at 4AM to sunday morning at 8AM (a 28 hour period), i lost 7lbs on the scale. it was almost all water weight being shed as part of the natural processes always occurring in one's body. i know enough to know why that happened and why it was an illusion. the only fat i lost during that time is the amount that corresponded to my calorie deficit.

    i am sorry if these facts upset you, but trust me on this... i truly do have the OP's success at heart. only instead of wishful thinking and unicorn farts, i know that science and math and an actual understanding of how the body works is the best way for her to get there.

    Angry elf....
  • Kamikazeflutterby
    Kamikazeflutterby Posts: 770 Member
    OP, congratulations on getting started. There is a lot of information available on this site, and it'll help keep you losing weight.

    Egh1974, congratulations on making this about how sensitive you are. You're right, everyone else is just trying to be negative and I wouldn't have noticed without you. You've saved me from paying attention to common stumbling blocks new people face.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    Ignore the negativity on your exciting post. I'm sure that you're intelligent enough to know you won't lose 9 lbs a week. Heck, even if you lost 9 lbs a month or every other month that would be fantastic! Stay the course and keep smiling in your new lifestyle :)


    nothing you wrote is going to help the OP succeed. everything i wrote will.

    what i posted is a FACT. it's a fact all newbs should be made aware of. i have been here nearly a year and there is a constant stream of newbs posting at the end of 3 or 4 weeks how frustrated they are because their weight loss slowed to a crawl and they don't understand because they are doing exactly the same as what they did in the first week when they lost so much.

    from saturday moring at 4AM to sunday morning at 8AM (a 28 hour period), i lost 7lbs on the scale. it was almost all water weight being shed as part of the natural processes always occurring in one's body. i know enough to know why that happened and why it was an illusion. the only fat i lost during that time is the amount that corresponded to my calorie deficit.

    i am sorry if these facts upset you, but trust me on this... i truly do have the OP's success at heart. only instead of wishful thinking and unicorn farts, i know that science and math and an actual understanding of how the body works is the best way for her to get there.

    Angry elf....

    not angry... just annoyed and worn out by the derp posted on this site on a daily basis.

    i don't suffer fools well. i'm not saying you're a fool (i haven't seen enough of your posts to know one way or the other), but this site is full of fools. many of them pass along wrong information. some of them think it's their business to complain to the mods whenever the harsh truth is not delivered along with a heavy dollop of syrup. still others intentionally mislead the newbs on this site into following harmful fad diets.
  • egh1974
    egh1974 Posts: 147
    OP, congratulations on getting started. There is a lot of information available on this site, and it'll help keep you losing weight.

    Egh1974, congratulations on making this about how sensitive you are. You're right, everyone else is just trying to be negative and I wouldn't have noticed without you. You've saved me from paying attention to common stumbling blocks new people face.

    LOL Sensitive? I was the one congratulating the OP. She didn't ask for advice.
    I'm just trying to stay positive, which is more than I can say for you sweethearts.
    I'm so tired of people attacking the new guys when all they want is a little pat on the back, not a scholastic research paper. However, if she does ask for that, I'll be sure to recommend you folks first.
    Don't forget to SMILE, honey. It'll do that heart of yours some good :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • bahargaser
    bahargaser Posts: 13 Member
    well done! :) for me, usually it's the oppsite: first week is the hardest. The first week I started both exercising and sticking with my diet I could only lose .6 kg and the next week it was 1.6.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    OP, congratulations on getting started. There is a lot of information available on this site, and it'll help keep you losing weight.

    Egh1974, congratulations on making this about how sensitive you are. You're right, everyone else is just trying to be negative and I wouldn't have noticed without you. You've saved me from paying attention to common stumbling blocks new people face.

    LOL Sensitive? I was the one congratulating the OP. She didn't ask for advice.
    I'm just trying to stay positive, which is more than I can say for you sweethearts.
    I'm so tired of people attacking the new guys when all they want is a little pat on the back, not a scholastic research paper. However, if she does ask for that, I'll be sure to recommend you folks first.
    Don't forget to SMILE, honey. It'll do that heart of yours some good :heart: :heart: :heart:

    false premise is false.

    just because you call something an attack doesn't mean it's an attack.

    but then again, you've been on this site for all of a few days, so you've got it all figured out, huh?

    i can't wait to see your advice when the OP comes back in 3 weeks upset and ready to quit because she gained 2lbs (of water weight) the previous week. maybe you can congratulate her on her decision to quit and feel good about yourself for being so positive and supportive. of course, you won't be anywhere to be found then, will you?

  • Donald_Dozier_50
    Donald_Dozier_50 Posts: 395 Member
    9 lbs is awesome but I would hate to see you get discouraged when it slows down, I had similar results for a month and since then it has slowed but I continue to seek my goal. Just be prepared and keep focus.
  • egh1974
    egh1974 Posts: 147
    OP, congratulations on getting started. There is a lot of information available on this site, and it'll help keep you losing weight.

    Egh1974, congratulations on making this about how sensitive you are. You're right, everyone else is just trying to be negative and I wouldn't have noticed without you. You've saved me from paying attention to common stumbling blocks new people face.

    LOL Sensitive? I was the one congratulating the OP. She didn't ask for advice.
    I'm just trying to stay positive, which is more than I can say for you sweethearts.
    I'm so tired of people attacking the new guys when all they want is a little pat on the back, not a scholastic research paper. However, if she does ask for that, I'll be sure to recommend you folks first.
    Don't forget to SMILE, honey. It'll do that heart of yours some good :heart: :heart: :heart:

    false premise is false.

    just because you call something an attack doesn't mean it's an attack.

    but then again, you've been on this site for all of a few days, so you've got it all figured out, huh?

    i can't wait to see your advice when the OP comes back in 3 weeks upset and ready to quit because she gained 2lbs (of water weight) the previous week. maybe you can congratulate her on her decision to quit and feel good about yourself for being so positive and supportive. of course, you won't be anywhere to be found then, will you?


    Actually I've been here 5 years. Closed my account and reopened when I got married and wanted to change my username.

    Go away.


    Be gone.
  • Oh yikes! Didn't mean to cause an argument.. just wanted to 1, share my good news and 2, Encourage any one just starting!

    I know I wont shift that much every week and if I did I would be seeking medical advice urgently! I fully expect it to drop to 1-2lbs a week perhaps nothing maybe even gain occasionally... I understand its water weight as well as some fat loss :)

    Please don't get into a heated discussion over this... its not worth it!

    Thank you to everyone that posted with support xxx
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
  • Congratulations!!!! thats a great start, I found the same in week 1 I dropped 5lbs but I know in following weeks it is likely to be 1-2lbs as its your body adjusting,

    Dont you love the feeling you have on the inside? Its been just over a week for me now and this morning I woke up and I wasnt bloated my belly wasnt swollen and I didnt feel sick and heavy I felt achey from my bike ride and was craving chicken randomly enough! haha

    Keep going, your off to a great start
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    I think most experienced fitness members will agree, that the first couple of weeks are the easiest. Keep up the good work, and don't cut back on calories, but give your body enough energy to perform a daily workout, jog, walk etc. Be kind to your body, and with hard work, and dedication, you will reap the rewards. Just don't panic, when some of those pounds, come back, as you gain a little bit of muscle along the way.
    I am in my first week, as well, and yeasterday was my restday from working out, as my little muscles was aching, I spent the day mainly stretching. I need to spend more time on warming up and cooling down. I am on a healthy 1800-2000 a day. I expect to loose around 5-12lb the first couple of weeks. After that, I'll have to up my kcal, and start jogging. I dread having to jogg.
  • I started my lifestyle change yesterday. I did go over my calories for the day but I can salvage my week I think. What an inspiration. 9 pounds is fantastic. Keep up the good work.
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