Finally taking control of my life!! New to my

edited November 2023 in Getting Started
Hi everyone!!

My name is Ashley and I am new to I am finally taking control of my life. I have a lot of weight to lose but I'm ready. If anyone has any tips, words of encouragement, or anything positive please feel free to post. Finding support and people who understand is not something I have right now so all kind words will be greatly appreciated. Wish me luck!! And I wish you luck on your weight loss journey too!!


  • Good luck on your weight loss journey! It's not easy especially when the needle on the scale refuses to move but keep at it! You definitely are taking the right steps in the right direction. Just a new comer myself so I'm learning many new things about food and calories. Nice to be able to track your food and see where you can make improvements. You'll find many inspiring stories here and lots of support! Keep up the good work and welcome aboard!:bigsmile: :drinker:
  • ShadeBlossom
    ShadeBlossom Posts: 99 Member
    Welcome! Do yourself a huge favor and take some 'before' pictures and take your measurements. They'll get you through the days when the scale doesn't move. I haven't lost a pound in weeks, but my pants sizes keep right on dropping. :)

    Good luck!
  • Thank you! Its a little nerve racking because this is my tenth billion time trying to get my weight under control but hey practice makes perfect!! Lol

    Right now I am looking for a diet for me. Ive tried many but i am looking for a diet that isn't a quick fix but a life style change.
    I am so tired of eating the worst food.
    Also trying to figure out where to start exercise.

    A lot to figure out but hey you gotta start somewhere.
  • Thank you shadeblossom for your advice. Thats a good idea. Pictures keep me motivated for sure
  • cdprouty
    cdprouty Posts: 140 Member
    Welcome! Do lots of research and take small steps. You can do this.

    If you are looking for motivation and commit to keeping up with this long term, feel free to add me.

    Do well!
  • Ashley,
    I've done Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, Atkins, you name it. I've been logging my food on MyFitnessPal for 122 days. I've lost 42.5 pounds during that time.

    My recommendation to you is to make certain that you actually eat the base calories MFP sets for you. I learned this lesson the hard way. I've made CERTAIN that I eat every calorie of the goal number for all but 20 of those days. For 20 days in July, I was exercising like crazy, determined to lose weight, but I did not eat to the calorie goal. Someone on another thread recommended always being under your calorie goal. Unfortunately, I did not moderate that and ended up eating way too few calories. I LOST NOTHING. As soon as I started making certain I ate the calories MFP told me too, I started losing weight right away.

    The other thing I would recommend is to get yourself a pedometer or Fitbit that can communicate with MFP. I have the Fitbit One and it has been really motivating to see calories be added when I am more active. The combination of MFP and my Fitbit have totally changed my thought processes and have shown me that "eat less and move more" are not a cliche. It is real.

    Good luck!
  • thesifter
    thesifter Posts: 107 Member
    Welcome! Do yourself a huge favor and take some 'before' pictures and take your measurements. They'll get you through the days when the scale doesn't move. I haven't lost a pound in weeks, but my pants sizes keep right on dropping. :)

    Good luck!

    ^^ this! ^^ , there is something they call NSV on here , "Non Scales Victory" its important to not just focus on the scales, take the wins from the comments, feeling better and all sorts of great things that will happen if you stick to it. Good luck.
  • Welcome
  • 2essie
    2essie Posts: 2,866 Member
    If you want to get started with exercise take a look on Youtube. Lots of free exercises on there. I do the Leslie Sansone walk at home videos and Fitness Blenders kettlebell workouts. Fitness Blender do any type of exercise from kettlebells to Yoga or cardio and anything in between. Take a look and choose what you think you will enjoy. If you don't enjoy it, you wont stick to it.

    Good luck with your weight loss. You have made an excellent choice of website with MFP.
  • Welcome! Do yourself a huge favor and take some 'before' pictures and take your measurements. They'll get you through the days when the scale doesn't move. I haven't lost a pound in weeks, but my pants sizes keep right on dropping. :)

    Good luck!

    Yeeesss! I second this so much!
    I do that and keep a fitness blog on tumblr--a 'fitblr'--because I would hate to lose a moment of my journey. When I hit my goal, I want to look back on everything I went through, for nostalgia and also to keep myself motivated to never stop pushing myself.

    Also, what I've found to be really helpful and motivating is to use technology for all that it's worth.
    I've tried multiple times to lose weight, but I've found that using apps that synch with MFP (I use Striiv and runkeeper) helps keep me focused and to do better than the numbers I logged the day before.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Hi Ashley and welcome. The best advice I can give you is to go to this post here:
    It will help you set your calorie goals for a sustainable calorie deficit if you have not done so already, and it also talks about the importance of weighing and measuring your food, setting your macros and quite simply explains just how uncomplicated everything can be. So many people try and overcomplicate weightloss and it can get confusing. The simple truth is MFP works if you use it right and find a plan you can stick with. Calorie deficit for weight loss, ideally with exercise for overall health and resistance training for retaining muscle mass. That's it! You just have to be patient and consistent. Good luck.:flowerforyou:
  • kj26boys
    kj26boys Posts: 73 Member
    It looks like you already have great advice and tips. But welcome and congrats on not giving up. I too have tried weight watchers literally over 20 times. Last month, I decided to nix the monthly pass and start MFP. In one month I've dropped the weight I've been losing and regaining over and over. I'm now on a downward trend and haven't been at this weight in over 7 years. (maybe longer). Jump in feet first and follow the program. You will definitely see results. :smile:
  • monicastryin
    monicastryin Posts: 40 Member
    Hi everyone!!

    My name is Ashley and I am new to I am finally taking control of my life. I have a lot of weight to lose but I'm ready. If anyone has any tips, words of encouragement, or anything positive please feel free to post. Finding support and people who understand is not something I have right now so all kind words will be greatly appreciated. Wish me luck!! And I wish you luck on your weight loss journey too!!

    Congrats on taking the first step..... Feel free to add me.
  • Wow!! Thank u so much everyone!! I never expected so much support and great advice. Its definitely a breath of fresh air! :)
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