Should I keep doing Insanity? I can only finish 8- 10 mins!



  • hi i am also foing insanity and i can only do 10 to 15 mins and i struggle also
  • it's a very intense workout it hard lol you can go on youetube and watch some
  • docjoanna
    docjoanna Posts: 3
    Hello guys! I bought insanity about 6 weeks ago and I had 2 goes at it but every time I gave up because I just didn't have the will to go through. I have a relatively weird schedule where I have to be on call 24/7 for a week and I sort of use that reason to hide my lack of will to push it (because that;s what it is) because I think "Oh they might call me upstairs and then I'll interrupt ".I can t do mre than 8 min in a row and I got through 3/4 of it with many breaks.But even when I took a break I never stopped moving.
    I need to lose about 25 kg and I will do it but I guess I need some encouragements as well :wink:
  • Just jump in and go full force. I am starting week 2 tomorrow and believe it or not looking forward to it! The first 4 days I was really sore but kept going. By the end of the warm ups I was good to go again. I will say that I already can feel a difference in my muscles so don't give up! Also stay away from the scales, if you are turning fat into muscle your weight may go up. Mine shot up 5 pounds (part is water weight from the muscles) but by the end of the week I was almost back to normal. Keep taking your breaks as needed but push through and don't give up, you can do it!
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    I hope your still doing insanity I actually reached my goal weight last year with insanity I believe I had replied to your post when I started it but I also got pregnant so now I will be starting insanity in sept here we go again you can do it =)
  • Wow, Now I feel encouraged!! I started Insanity last night, did the fit test and was shocked at how "unfit" I am! I initially started to do it because my daughter wanted to but after reading the posts and last nights result I am more determined than ever. I guess it can only get better! and I must admit as hard as it was last night - ( had to stop a lot) I didn't give up and pushed through to the end, and felt great for just doing something! like everyone has said - its better than sitting on the couch! plus I am LOVING the nutrition plan. started that a week before insanity and cannot believe the difference in my energy levels already!!

    Will definitely stick this out - got nothing to lose except bad habits, fat and an unhealthy lifestyle!
  • Insanity is hard core, what i think is you have to find something that you think you can do "forever".
    bike everyday, or swim everyday even walk everyday... when ppl do something that is too hard they tendency to give up.
    the trick for a nice body is consistence, its must be part of you daily routine.

    i like to do insanity when i have very few fat to burn. like i am 9% fat now then i have some photoshoot , i do insanity for one week to 10 days just to get like 6 or 5 % fat.

    be loved, be blessed and be well :)
  • you can google it . is high intensity cadio, like reallllllllllyyyyyyyyyy intensity.