
Hi Everyone! My name is Linda and I have to get some of this weight off. Ate what I wanted during my pregnancy and now I need to get serious. Being held accountable helps me, otherwise I just have "good intentions."

A little bit about myself.... I have a wonderful husband who I've been married to for almost 7 years. I have 4 beautiful boys...Brandyn is 14, Veejay is 6, Marq is almost 5, and baby Luke was born on July 9th and passed into God's loving arms on August 1st. We had 23 beautiful days with the little guy and wouldn't trade a second of them. I am currently unemployed because the company I was working for would not hold my job for TWO more weeks even though I was under dr's orders to be off for 8 wks. Oh well. Good riddance!

So anyway, it is nice to be on a site where I can get some motivation, accountability, and hopefully "meet" new friends.

Good luck to everyone!


  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    Welcome to MFP, Linda! It's a great site to help you get back on track. Good Luck and congrats on the new born!
  • luv2run4fun
    Welcome, Linda!
    This site is excellent for helping you with weight loss and the accountability from the member connections is great!
    Good luck with your weight loss journey!
  • ppenton
    ppenton Posts: 27 Member
    Linda, how long were you employed there? They cannot legally do that under the Family Medical Leave Act if you have been there over a year. I am sorry about the loss of your son. I don't even begin to understand how painful that must be. Good luck with the weight loss. I started on Saturday and I am still a little apprehensive and am trying to enjoy foods I really don't like.
  • kpopa
    kpopa Posts: 515 Member

    So sorry to hear about the loss of your son! As a woman who has lost a baby herself, I know how you must be feeling. I'm glad, however, that you are focusing on making yourself better and sending your energy to positive things. I know that must be tough on many days!

    We're here for you!

    Feel free to friend me...

  • TooManyMigraines
    Thank you. Most of the time I do ok, but understandably, I do have my moments. Sometimes the grief is like a crushing weight on my chest. Thank God those moments are not every day. I hope you never have to imagine the feeling of losing a child. No one should have to go through it.
  • TooManyMigraines
    Kate, I'm so sorry you've experienced losing a baby. It is the hardest thing a mother will ever go through, I'm sure. Trying to stay positive and not let the grief consume me! Staying busy sure helps. :)

    I was not at my job for a year, so they really didn't have to hold my job at all. But it just feels like a heartless thing to do, especially since they knew from the time I did that Luke wouldn't live long, you know? Bunch of jerks! I'm relieved really, not to be working there anymore.
  • qwants2bslimmer
    qwants2bslimmer Posts: 55 Member
    Hi Linda

    Very sorry to read about your loss, I can't even begin to think what it must be like.

    I have joined today and I am a Linda as well!! Good luck with your journey :)

  • kpopa
    kpopa Posts: 515 Member
    Kate, I'm so sorry you've experienced losing a baby. It is the hardest thing a mother will ever go through, I'm sure. Trying to stay positive and not let the grief consume me! Staying busy sure helps. :)

    I was not at my job for a year, so they really didn't have to hold my job at all. But it just feels like a heartless thing to do, especially since they knew from the time I did that Luke wouldn't live long, you know? Bunch of jerks! I'm relieved really, not to be working there anymore.

    Thanks Linda! Stay strong!! :flowerforyou:

    Bunch o' jerks is RIGHT!!! Horrible that they have to add that type of stress onto an already awful situation. :cry: