Ove in protein?

Yesterday I went over in my protein, but not in anything else, including calories, carbs, fat, etc. Do yall think that is ok for weight loss?


  • hill242
    hill242 Posts: 412 Member
    Should be fine. The default % of protein on MFP is actually pretty low especially for someone who is exercising.
  • chelsealjames
    chelsealjames Posts: 92 Member
    Should be fine. The default % of protein on MFP is actually pretty low especially for someone who is exercising.

    I thought so too.... I ran 3 miles yesterday. But I feel like maybe my body was telling me something b/c when dinner rolled around I was still hungry, and I hadn't had anything "bad" that day.
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    Going over on fiber and protein is actually a good thing. Where the numbers placed for calories, fat, sodium, and carbs are limits, the numbers set for fiber and protein are more like goals. It's great to go above and beyond!
  • chelsealjames
    chelsealjames Posts: 92 Member
    Does anyone know what the sodium intake should be?
  • jmmcclel
    jmmcclel Posts: 7 Member
    when dinner rolled around I was still hungry, and I hadn't had anything "bad" that day.

    Consistency is key here. The tools offered on this website are great for recording daily totals, but there is very little talk about spacing out consumption (fueling up). Ashley is right on about the protien intake - no worries. However, you have to experiment with your meals and the times that you eat them.

    For example:
    Before I get to the gym I like to 'carb load' a cup of oatmeal with a tbsp of honey to give me decent energy to burn during my exercise. I do this approx. 30 mins before I intend on beginning my workout to allow propper digestion. Then after my workout I use a post workout supplimentation of, your going to laugh: either a whole chicken, protien shake, BCAA, and glutamine, or a balanced chicken salad, protien shake, BCAA, and Glutamine.

    The structure of my diet reflects my activities. Try to think of yourself like a car. If you plan on going long distance you always check your tires (shoes) and be sure to fuel up before you start the journey. This should curb some of those hunger pains you might be getting. Also, if your not used to your body being properly fed, then your internal systems might have some adjusting to do hormone and chemical wise.

    Hope it helps.
  • jmmcclel
    jmmcclel Posts: 7 Member
    Does anyone know what the sodium intake should be?

    Sodium definitly has a bad reputation. There is a lot involved with the study of sodium. My best advice without writing a couple paragraphs as I tend to be long winded is; Stay properly hydrated at all times and be sure to keep up your potassium intake.

    "Recent research suggests that this ratio is critical. While many studies have focused on high sodium content in the diet, it appears that problems with hypertension may be related more to an inappropriate ratio of sodium to potassium. Processed foods are extremely high in sodium. The major sources of potassium are fruits and vegetables. In recent years, the typical American diet has increased in the amount of processed foods and drastically decreased in the amount of whole, unprocessed foods such as fruit and vegetables. This means that sodium intake is potentially much higher than potassium intake."(1)

    1) Jeremy Likness, Sideroad.com, "http://www.sideroad.com/Diet_and_Nutrition/salt-in-diet.html"
  • claire0928
    claire0928 Posts: 73 Member
    The FDA are actually considering increasing the Recommended Daily Allowance of protein and as others have said when you're working out extra protein isn't a bad thing. Generally I tell people to try to stay under 2400 mg of Sodium in a day. People with high blood pressure like me should shoot for more like 1500mg. I have to say though it's really hard! They sneak it into everything!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Does anyone know what the sodium intake should be?

    No but - I actually have gone over on sodium a few times and when I start getting out of whack there, MFP adds that category to my diary. I <3 salt in its many many forms so I try not to think about it unless I get prodded by the diary.
  • hammod
    hammod Posts: 23
    Recommended daily allowance for sodium for a 2000 calorie diet is 2400.