Need some binge eating friends!

I realise this ^ (title) sounds weird, but I had an episode of binging (relatively small compared to my usual and I know what triggered it) and I would like some friends who struggle with the same issue for support and so we can empathise with each other!
Also anyone who shares the same interests as me in climbing, or aerial silks etc are welcome to add too!
SO yeah, please add me :)


  • llfretwell
    llfretwell Posts: 218 Member
    I am a binger. It's embarrassing. I am trying my hardest to kick the habit, though. Feel free to add me!
  • Mouseanonymous802
    Adding you! I nearly binged again today :( hopefully well both kick the habit :)
  • highpriestess42
    You can add me as well! I've been trying to use the 'reward' day approach, but I keep having 2-3 reward days in a week.....
    I've also been trying to exercize when I'm upset or stressed, instead of cooking brownies and then eating all of them. What kind of support would be helpful?