A Fresh Start/A New Commitment

Hi everyone,

I just joined MFP this week. I lost 35 pounds with the help of another online source but then I got stuck. I stopped tracking but continued to eat well and exercise. I have not gained anything back but I am now determined to lose my last 6 pounds and reach the goal I originally set for myself last October. I planned to achieve that goal by this past May but the summer has come and gone and I'm not there yet. I found MFP while doing an online search and so far I love it! It is very user friendly and I really like that it takes your daily exercise into account while calculating calories. My first weigh in since starting with MFP is tomorrow and I'm really excited to see the results. Getting back in shape and finally losing the "baby fat" from my three wonderful children has made such a difference in my day to day life. I can finally go to my closest and pick out clothes based on what I feel like wearing rather than on what fits or what will be comfortable. ALL my clothes are comfortable now and I've even packed away the "fat" clothes to make room for my new wardrobe (one piece at a time :)) I became so inspired by my exercise routine that I went out and got certified to teach the classes! And I'm healthier than ever. What a difference the past year has made. So here's to another fresh start with MFP and the loss of those pesky last six before the holidays.


  • lifeisgoodBev
    Hi turbogirl!! Way to go 35 pounds!! Good you did the switch, the change will do it. Tracking is a huge tool to success. You will reach those last 6 pounds, you will see!! Pat yourself on the back. Good for you getting your teaching certificate!

    My name is lifeisgoodbev. I am new to MFP & love the website. I am a lifetimer from weight watchers that has reached my goal previously & due to life happenings have to lose 55 pounds. Life is good, I watch " Biggest Loser " with my husband weekly/yearly & find it so inspirational.

    Enjoy your day.
  • TurboGirl11
    Hi lifeisgoodBev! Thanks for the welcome and words of encouragement. And good for you for reaching the goal once and coming back to do it again. We all have those "life happenings" that can trip us up, but getting back on the horse is the most important thing. Life IS good and I truly believe it is what we make of it. I wish you the best of luck on your new journey with MFP and look forward to seeing your updates along the way. Here's to our success! :bigsmile:
  • alicegentz
    Welcome TurboGirl11, and congrates on maintaining your wieightloss during this past year. Maintenance has always been a problem for me. I've fallen off the wagon so many times, but I'm not a quitter, so I keep at it. I think it's so inspiring that you got your exercise teaching certificate. That's my goal when I retire, then I can age gracefully!
