weight loss plateau :(

so i'm about halfway through my weight loss journey (i've lost about 23.5 pounds and i want to lose about 20 more) and i've hit a weight loss plateau :(

so far, i've lost weight in two ways: i lost the first 11 pounds by eating around 700-800 calories a day. eventually that stopped working (i'm not sure why...maybe starvation mode?) . i lost the next 12.5 pounds by doing the HCG diet. now that that's over, my weight loss has slowed down considerably and i'm struggling to even get a single pound off. i was thinking that it might be because my body's clinging to the fat since i'm not considered "overweight" anymore (i'm in the 130's range - 5'3" female).

i've been eating around 900-1000 HEALTHY cals a day AND exercising, but the weight isn't coming off! i know i'm being accurate recording my intake all that (i scan barcodes, all that). i go biking for 30 minutes everyday, and sometimes go hiking or walk to change it up.

here's an average day of food intake:

breakfast: two medium nectarines

snack: 4 celery strips with low fat peanut butter

lunch: grilled beef (lean cut) - 4 oz

snack: cucumber (8", raw)

nonfat greek yogurt, pomegranate flavor

dinner: same as lunch, 2.5 oz this time..

as you guys can see, i'm not even eating bread, rice, or pasta, or starchy fruits or veggies like potatoes or bananas. what am i doing wrong :(


  • cjohn2278
    cjohn2278 Posts: 65 Member
    You are likely not eating enough...you should be eating at least around 1200 cal per day...more with exercise...anything much less than this is unhealthy and yes, your body will go into starvation mode.
  • j6o4
    j6o4 Posts: 871 Member
    I dont know if eating 900-1000 calories a day would be considered healthy, especially that you are burning even more calories through exercise while eating so little. It seems like you were eating way to little for a really long time, your metabolism must be screwed up.
  • weezbagy
    weezbagy Posts: 40 Member
    You must be so hungry :-(
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    It doesn't matter if you're eating healthy if you're not eating enough. I'd advise you to research your TDEE to get a better idea about the calories you need to eat.

  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    A lot of your weight loss has probably been muscle. Even 1200 calories isn't going to be enough for an active person. For an 18 year old female, it should probably be 2x that. Now the question will be how much did your resting metabolic rate slow down to compensate for the lack of calories. Based on your stats, you should be around 1750 calories day. What I would do if I was you is add 200 calories a week until you hit 1750 calories. I would also suggest doing some weight training to maintain the rest of your muscle. After 6 weeks of eating 1750 calories, evaluate your weight loss. It's possible it will take longer since you did HCG and other low calorie diets. Also, adjust macro's to around 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fats. This should help you hit 1g of protein and .35g of fats per lb of lean body mass.

    Essentially, you need to reset your RMR to align to your basil metabolic rate (natural metabolic rate). This will also reduce the stress on your body.
  • GLDawson
    Agreed, You cannot starve yourself. My program was to lose 1 - 2 lbs a week. As you lose weight you will require less calories, unless you exercise. I started in the 1800 calorie range and am now at 1580/day. Exercise requires more calories. I started last Halloween.

    I too am at a plateau. I talked with my doctor about this (he recommended myfitnesspal) and he said I could not eat less than my current caloric intake. The only alternative is to exercise more. I wanted to lose more weight but at 66 years old I think my metabolism is what it is!
  • oferb1
    Try adding fat while remaining in your goal calories (which seems a bit low), as a take it or leave it advice, I have been doing a diet that is 20% carbs (from veg, fruit), %30 protein, and %50 fat - not only have I dropped 20lbs, but my blood stats significantly improved (blood sugar, cholesterol, triglycerides, etc.)

    Another thing to consider is a break - switch to maintenance mode for a couple of weeks, and then back to the diet...
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Your not gonna like what is said here because its all gonna be eat more.. even if you are eating "healthy" calories, your not eating healthy. And from all I read that HCG diet is basically a low cal diet.. so if you start eating, your gonna gain weight... you really have no other options.. what are you gonna do cut calories...
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    A lot of your weight loss has probably been muscle. Even 1200 calories isn't going to be enough for an active person. For an 18 year old female, it should probably be 2x that. Now the question will be how much did your resting metabolic rate slow down to compensate for the lack of calories. Based on your stats, you should be around 1750 calories day. What I would do if I was you is add 200 calories a week until you hit 1750 calories. I would also suggest doing some weight training to maintain the rest of your muscle. After 6 weeks of eating 1750 calories, evaluate your weight loss. It's possible it will take longer since you did HCG and other low calorie diets. Also, adjust macro's to around 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fats. This should help you hit 1g of protein and .35g of fats per lb of lean body mass.

    Essentially, you need to reset your RMR to align to your basil metabolic rate (natural metabolic rate). This will also reduce the stress on your body.

  • Gee_24
    Gee_24 Posts: 359 Member
    You've eaten so little calories! This was me over the summer and I'm so sad I wasted the heat wave in July on netting 500 cals most days. ( Eaing at 1200, however )

    I was so hungry, and tired. But hey, I was losing 3lbs a week. I was happy with that! But then it stopped, for 3 weeks. And 1.5 weeks ago I went from 1200 to 1300, and then this week 1400. Dropped 2lbs after a 3 week plateau. Now I know that my body was holding onto everything it could after starving it for 55 days.

    Im no longer hungry, have more energy and no longer feel constantly pissed off! And weight loss has kick started again. Its slower, but with only 8lbs to go I'm not complaining.

    Seriously, you need to up your calories. If you want the fast loss of eating under 1200, remember, you WILL have to up those calories one day. Why not add 50 calories every day until you hit 1700?
  • ablot63
    ablot63 Posts: 71 Member
    apart from eating more, what can i do to "fix" my metabolism?
  • Gee_24
    Gee_24 Posts: 359 Member
    apart from eating more, what can i do to "fix" my metabolism?

    Work on building muscle. Hit the gym and lift! Also try to get all of your protein in, daily. If you can't get it from nutrition ( which is always best ) perhaps a shake?

    I buy a supermarket ready made protein shake. I find when I drink 2 or 3 a week my loss is slighter better. Protein is very important.
  • ablot63
    ablot63 Posts: 71 Member
    eating more calories really helped you get past a plateau? i hope that'll work for me too, thanks :)
  • ablot63
    ablot63 Posts: 71 Member
    thanks everyone for all your feedback. i'll try upping my calories and changing up my workout routine and hopefully that works :)
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    apart from eating more, what can i do to "fix" my metabolism?

    Essentially you will have to get around your true maintenance calories for a few weeks or months (depending on how long you suppressed calories). After a period of maintenance, you can create a small deficit to see if your body will accept losing weight again. If you really want to repair, you will need to go through a couple bulk/cut cycles to add back the mass you lost. I am currently working with another member with the same issue. It's been 6 weeks without weight loss but seeing minor composition changes. This is why I suggest building up to 1750, eat high protein and do some heavy weight training. At your stats, 1700 should be good for loss and 2200 should be good for maintenance. Also, keep in mind, you might gain a few lbs. By eating more calories, you will eat more carbs which means you will store more glycogen and water. Also, eating more calories will make your body freak out a bit as it's trying to regulate hormones. So be prepare to gain 2-5 lbs. Don' t worry, it's not fat, it's water. It should regulate over time.

    And the most important thing, be patient.
  • amartinigirl
    wow, I can't believe you are surviving on such an amount for so long. One to the best ways to trigger your body out or starvation mode is to eat more... but on a set pattern. My suggestion would be to do a 12 day cycle twice...

    3 days 900 calories
    4 days 1100 calories
    5 days 1400 calories
    then repeat..

    This should help you get your body out of the plateau and should help you start eating more without feeling too full. Once finished you should start eating about 1200 calories a day to keep the weight loss going.

    As well a lot is dependent on your age and how long you have been loosing weight, but the most important thing is to start eating more as your body and your organs cannot function or sustain long term without adverse effects on what you are eating.
  • ablot63
    ablot63 Posts: 71 Member
    that's interesting, i'll try it! thanks