Hello, I'm trying to lose 40 pounds by Christmas!

As the title states, I am trying to lose 40 pounds by Christmas. I'm currently at 200.2 lbs. So far I've been trying to stay close to the calories recommendations from myfitnesspal, as well as going to four 30-minute cycling classes at the gym per week. Do you think I will be able to achieve my goal?

Thanks everyone!


  • liz3marie
    liz3marie Posts: 211 Member
    that's over 3 months away still, if you keep dedicated then I don't see why not! my goals very similar!
  • egh1974
    egh1974 Posts: 147
    Men tend to lose faster, so I'd say yes. Lots of people on here might say that's too big of a goal, but I say go for it as long as you are doing it healthy / the right way. Even if you don't make it to 40 lbs you will surely make a significant dent in it and have achieved a lot!
  • Yes, I think if you start to drink water before your meals you should feel a bit more full than usual. Don't over due it on the water though. You can find yourself gaining water weight and that can through someone off. Give it a try, you may even find that you can stay a little under the ''right calorie'' intake and save yourself some room for later! Good luck! I hope you reach your goal, from the sounds of it you're really putting in the effort.
  • kwantlen2051
    kwantlen2051 Posts: 455 Member
    Hi, You have roughly 10 lbs to lose per month ( approx 2 per week). I think if you increased your cardio exercise time and add strength training plus keep slightly below your max calorie allowance every day, you should be able to able to achieve it. Good luck.
  • floareaciprian
    floareaciprian Posts: 46 Member
    As the title states, I am trying to lose 40 pounds by Christmas. I'm currently at 200.2 lbs. So far I've been trying to stay close to the calories recommendations from myfitnesspal, as well as going to four 30-minute cycling classes at the gym per week. Do you think I will be able to achieve my goal?

    Thanks everyone!

    No! There are 15 weeks left till Christmas. At your lowest possible allowed weight loss, you would lose 30 pounds, and that is...mathematical. Fat does not know deadlines. Soon I will be losing 40 pounds in the course of a year. I had my plateaus, my ups and my downs, you won't lose weight the way you calculate, this much I learned. Good luck tho ;)
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    Yes it is do able, but as pointed out, no cheating & eat healthy. Plenty of veggies
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
  • You might add some strength training in there, cycle has some but not like adding weights. Muscle burns fat even when you are not doing anything so the more muscle the faster you lose it. Eating clean is going to be a big deal during this time if you want to get to 40 lbs. What is your monthly goal? I found I was more successful going month to month rather then looking at the final number. Best wishes on your journey.
  • HefferSprint
    HefferSprint Posts: 124 Member
    Good luck to you! Hope you make it! Won't that be a great gift to yourself? I'm hoping for some changes too.
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member

    This is cool!

    And yes, you're a guy so you'll lose faster anyway. Good luck!
  • pagemap
    pagemap Posts: 5 Member
    No! There are 15 weeks left till Christmas. At your lowest possible allowed weight loss, you would lose 30 pounds, and that is...mathematical. Fat does not know deadlines. Soon I will be losing 40 pounds in the course of a year. I had my plateaus, my ups and my downs, you won't lose weight the way you calculate, this much I learned. Good luck tho ;)

    I might need to reset my expectations at some point, but for now 40 lbs by Christmas is my goal.
  • jeannemarie333
    jeannemarie333 Posts: 214 Member
    Good luck!! I think it depends on your determination, your will power and amount of time able to exercise and cook healthy foods.

  • http://www.fitwatch.com/qkcalc/weight-loss-calculator.php

    ^^that just gave me a wake up slap in the face... lol
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    Shoot for the stars and hit the moon... Would be a great approach... Try for the 40 and be happy with 15... My goal is to be logging what I am doing 50 years from now to keep myself on track with what I am doing! If I lose the 28 or so that I have left to go for my goal by New Year's I'm going to be very happy if I lose 12, I'm still going to be happy.
  • rassha01
    rassha01 Posts: 534 Member

    No! There are 15 weeks left till Christmas. At your lowest possible allowed weight loss, you would lose 30 pounds, and that is...mathematical. Fat does not know deadlines. Soon I will be losing 40 pounds in the course of a year. I had my plateaus, my ups and my downs, you won't lose weight the way you calculate, this much I learned. Good luck tho ;)

    Fat may not but water does!!! MFP math does not=science. I can gain 8 pounds in a day and drop it back off in 2 so go blow your 2 pound math somewhere else.

    OP keep your attitude positive and if you do not meet your goal congratulate yourself for trying!!!!!
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    Do you think I will be able to achieve my goal?

    Thanks everyone!
    Beats me. That's 15 weeks away. It took me 30 weeks to go from 200 to 160 but I wasn't in a hurry.

    Then I figured out 160 was too little and started eating and lifting my way to 170+
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Well, I'm sorry but I will not cheer on your unrealistic and potentially unhealthy goal. Expecting our body to lose x pounds by x date is just a fail all around. Been there, did that, probably a thousand times.

    I would suggest adopting a healthy lifestyle that you enjoy and can stick with for the rest of your life. A healthy body will lose weight without being given an ultimatum to weigh a certain amount on a certain day. Did you gain 40 pounds in 3.5 months? But you think you should lose it in that time? I'm sorry to burst your bubble but the first 20 might indeed come off fast, but the last 10-20 might not. What then? Give up?

    I'm not saying "don't bother", I'm saying find something you can do forever, focus on improving health, look for non scale victories and forget setting dates for weight loss. It's a recipe for disappointment.
  • M22KY
    M22KY Posts: 61 Member
    It's possible. My brother lost 60 pounds in 3 months, but he was very strict. Chicken breasts and veggies. No carbs after 2 p.m. A minimum of 6 workouts per week, PLUS an additional evening workout on two of those days.

    He did it, but he was a cranky one to be around.

    He's maintained about 40 of that 60-pound loss since though.

    Go for it!
  • MzzFaith
    MzzFaith Posts: 337 Member
    Put your effort to it. You can do it. Good luck.
  • pagemap
    pagemap Posts: 5 Member
    Well, I'm sorry but I will not cheer on your unrealistic and potentially unhealthy goal. Expecting our body to lose x pounds by x date is just a fail all around. Been there, did that, probably a thousand times.

    I would suggest adopting a healthy lifestyle that you enjoy and can stick with for the rest of your life. A healthy body will lose weight without being given an ultimatum to weigh a certain amount on a certain day. Did you gain 40 pounds in 3.5 months? But you think you should lose it in that time? I'm sorry to burst your bubble but the first 20 might indeed come off fast, but the last 10-20 might not. What then? Give up?

    I'm not saying "don't bother", I'm saying find something you can do forever, focus on improving health, look for non scale victories and forget setting dates for weight loss. It's a recipe for disappointment.

    Thanks for your input, I appreciate the honest feedback.