**Where do I begin? Help!!**

Hi everyone,

Where do I begin when it comes to exercise? I am 26 over 350lbs. And unfortunately after losing over 50lbs. Before I have lose skin.

Does anyone have any good work out routines they recommend to start with? Burning fat, tightening, toning, calorie burning work outs.

Thank you!


  • I started at 333 lbs. To begin, I just started walking. It was very hard in the beginning. I remember only being able to walk for 15 minutes or so the fist time. Slowly, as my knees stopped hurting as much (weight loss is amazing to help with this), I was able to walk for more and more time.

    My friends have recommended Pilates to me, so I bought a Pilates for Dummies DVD that came recommended. I haven't done it yet, but it is next on my list.

    BTW, that 15 minutes? I can now walk for an hour and 15 minutes!