STUCK for 2 weeks (intermittent fasting)- Suggestions?


I'm 26 years old, starting weight was 215lbs in April, current weight is 195-ish, been there for two weeks now.

Diary key is: 12345
The missing food entries are because I'm doing intermittent fasting, between 10pm-noon the next day. I really like it because it's easier than dealing with 6 small meals that have to stay within a certain calorie range. Have trouble keeping macros in check. Try to work out 2-3 times a week, including 30-day shred (circuit training with light weights).

Any suggestions?

BMR is 1755, Lean Muscle Mass is 127.7 lbs, Current Body Fat is: 35.2%.


  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    You're not eating enough. Your goal is 1200 but you're only eating like 750 calories. Start eating more and giving your body the fuel it needs, regardless of intermittent fasting or not. If you goal is 1200 calories, you should be eating 1200 calories... not undercutting it. If you exercise, eat those calories back. When you dip below 1200 calories, you're treading in dangerous territory.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    If you're logging everything you eat then you really need to eat more. It isn't to anyone's advantage to eat under 1,000 calories a day. I noticed you usually don't eat them back but exercise isn't housework or the 4 hours of slow walking which I assume was probably shopping or some kind of family outing.
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    You're not eating enough. Your goal is 1200 but you're only eating like 750 calories. Start eating more and giving your body the fuel it needs, regardless of intermittent fasting or not. If you goal is 1200 calories, you should be eating 1200 calories... not undercutting it. If you exercise, eat those calories back. When you dip below 1200 calories, you're treading in dangerous territory.

    This. Eating less won't make you lose weight any faster, it often seems to have the opposite effect. You should still be reaching your goal while doing IF.
  • JustMeee333
    Agreed, you should eat 1,200 at least. You could always aswell try eating a little bit more than that again for a week or so, then lower it again.
  • crisb2
    crisb2 Posts: 329 Member
    I'm fully satisfied (i.e. not hungry), should I just eat anyways? I'm not feeling tired, drowsy, cranky or anything like that...

    The housework and the walking are included, because 1) I sweat a lot while doing it, I just assumed it counted as some sort of exercise. 2) It's a far cry from what I do on "normal" days, since I'm a graphic designer and sit at my computer all day long, sometimes for 8-10 hours. And that isn't the ONLY exercise I've logged since April...
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Eat higher calorie foods then. Even 1200 calories isn' t going to be enough for you.

    BTW, how old are you and how tall? I suspect you should be closer to 1500-1700 based on your stats and activity level
  • crisb2
    crisb2 Posts: 329 Member
    I'm 26 years old and 5'5.5", the BMR and other stats were calculated by my doctor's assistant with her little gadgets.

    So, if I don't get enough calories during the day, eat some chocolate and get to my calorie goal? That seems fun... I'll try it.
  • crisb2
    crisb2 Posts: 329 Member
    Just ate a fistful of almonds and chocolate chips...

    So, does anyone know how long until the weight loss kick starts again? A few days, a week?
  • gracejr
    gracejr Posts: 21 Member
    If your BMR is actually your BMR (and not TDEE), you really need to be eating a lot more than you are. BMR is ONLY what your body needs to survive, say if you were in a coma. Try upping intake for a few weeks and see what happens. If you're not hungry, just eat foods that are more calorie dense. Even with IF you should still be hitting your calorie goals.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    It could take like 4-6 weeks. Don't stress about how long it takes, just focus on hitting your calorie goal.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    I'm 26 years old and 5'5.5", the BMR and other stats were calculated by my doctor's assistant with her little gadgets.

    So, if I don't get enough calories during the day, eat some chocolate and get to my calorie goal? That seems fun... I'll try it.

    With your stats, 1700-1900 is a more appropriate goal. 1200 calories is a bit low with someone that has a high BMR like you do. I would suggest at least 1700 calories daily and maybe 1900 on exercise days. You can also adjust macro's to around 40% carbs, 30% fats and protein. This should help you hit 1g of protein and .35g of fat per lbm of lean body mass.
  • crisb2
    crisb2 Posts: 329 Member
    Gracejr, I looked it up just in case I was confusing them, it's definitely my BMR, it's written down as "Tasa Metabolica Basal" in spanish, in the file they gave me. I didn't really get a calorie estimate to eat daily, and I just kept the one given by MFP...

    According to online calculators, my BMR would be around 1650 and my TDEE would be around 2,200. I couldn't find one that would calculate my TDEE based on the stats my Dr. already gave me...

    So, I should be eating more than 2,000 calories, to continue losing weight? Does that sound about right?

    The irony, I got to 215 lbs my overeating, and now I'm not eating enough to lose weight! Frustrating...

    Edit: Just read psulemon's reply. I'll try that. Thanks!
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    With your TDEE, most people subtract 20% (or 500 cals) to get their net calories. If you do TDEE remember not to eat back your exercise calories are they're included in the calculation.
  • gracejr
    gracejr Posts: 21 Member
    Gracejr, I looked it up just in case I was confusing them, it's definitely my BMR, it's written down as "Tasa Metabolica Basal" in spanish, in the file they gave me. I didn't really get a calorie estimate to eat daily, and I just kept the one given by MFP...

    According to online calculators, my BMR would be around 1650 and my TDEE would be around 2,200. I couldn't find one that would calculate my TDEE based on the stats my Dr. already gave me...

    So, I should be eating more than 2,000 calories, to continue losing weight? Does that sound about right?

    The irony, I got to 215 lbs my overeating, and now I'm not eating enough to lose weight! Frustrating...

    Edit: Just read psulemon's reply. I'll try that. Thanks!

    Yep, I'd go with her suggestion of 1700-1900. TDEE-20 is about 1760 for you.
  • crisb2
    crisb2 Posts: 329 Member
    Ok, so I'm adjusting my goal calorie intake to 1,700...

    But I'm not sure about raising the carbs to 40% Psulemon, since that was one of the things mentioned in the file to try to keep in check: Carbs 20%, Protein 50% and Fat 30%... Maybe they gave those percentages so that people "guess-timating" wouldn't over do it with the carbs... I'll try 30-40-30 which is a mid-way point, see how it goes.

    I was having a hard time getting to 1,200... oh my...
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Ok, so I'm adjusting my goal calorie intake to 1,700...

    But I'm not sure about raising the carbs to 40% Psulemon, since that was one of the things mentioned in the file to try to keep in check: Carbs 20%, Protein 50% and Fat 30%... Maybe they gave those percentages so that people "guess-timating" wouldn't over do it with the carbs... I'll try 30-40-30 which is a mid-way point, see how it goes.

    Do you have any medication conditions or have insulin resistance?
  • crisb2
    crisb2 Posts: 329 Member
    The doctor said, nothing to worry about in my bloodwork last month, a few things to watch here and there:

    So, I'll be eating 1,700 but NOT eating back my burned calories. Right?
  • gracejr
    gracejr Posts: 21 Member

    As for meeting calories, go full fat on your foods. None of that fat free crap they try to push off as food. Don't restrict yourself. If it's not a trigger food, enjoy the occasional cookie or ice cream. Everything in moderation. Eat the skin if you have chicken. yum! Red meat is a higher calorie source of protein, instead of chicken/fish.
  • crisb2
    crisb2 Posts: 329 Member
    Ok, don't get me wrong, I obviously LOVE to eat, otherwise I wouldn't be this overweight... I think the challenge now will be to keep my macros in check.

    Thanks for all the help!
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    If you are a kid, that BMR looks about right.