Did my past "diet" ruin my chance of losing weight? Help :(

I really need some help here. I was at a fine weight, but then October of
Last year I decided it wasn't good enough. So I started eating less, then would go days without eating anything at all. I lost so much weight that I finally decided to keep it up. I'd allow myself to eat only if I was about to pass out. Now a month away from it being a year since I started that, I want to get healthy. I'm going to eat 1,200 calories a day and exercise tons. But my problem is that when I eat enough to just make it to 500 I get bloated and look even more fat than I am. The only way to make it go away is not eating again. My plan is breakfast, lunch some snacks and dinner. But will my body ever stop bloating up after what I did? How doido get it back to normal so I can enjoy the five meals a day, exercise and lose it all for good without it coming back. I look like I've gained ten pounds and haven't. Just a tiny food amount makes my stomach bloat. I'm 5' and 107 pounds. I want to lose 7 to 11 pounds and keep it off. I font wanna look bloated and huge :(


  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Please go see a physician and a counselor specializing in food and body image issues.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I would suggest not relying on anyone on a public forum for the advice you need and go seek professional assistance..... Best of Luck to you.......
  • KathleenMurry
    KathleenMurry Posts: 448 Member
    Listen to the above posters. You have an eating disorder. If you're already in therapy for this - great. The only person who can help you with your diet is a nutritionist. Whatever people say in this topic about how to approach eating - it may be right or wrong - but I suggest you block it out and only take advice from your doctor, therapist and nutritionist. This is a serious health issue and can do permanent damage.

    I'm so sorry you're going through this. (I've been in your shoes before and I know how it is. You can beat it!)
  • salladeve
    salladeve Posts: 1,053 Member
    Please get some help!
  • helpfit101
    helpfit101 Posts: 347 Member
    It's all in your head.

    You're not really bloated up. Nobody else thinks so, it's only you that sees it.

    I am perfectly healthy and sometimes I feel my stomach puffs out like a balloon. Well it's normal. I know some foods make it worse you could look into finding what causes it for you like maybe certain carbs or whatever, but what I'm saying is there is nothing physically wrong with you.

    So no you're not ruined. You just have to eat more and go out and exercise get active. Eat at least 1200 calories.
  • Lld320
    I am glad you are trying to get healthy, but you need help please go see a professional. no one on here can help you.
  • Donald_Dozier_50
    Donald_Dozier_50 Posts: 395 Member
    Please go see a physician and a counselor specializing in food and body image issues.

    This is true. What you describe is sounds like an eating disorder that needs professional help not advice from unqualified people like you will find here, myself included.
  • vlmay1955
    vlmay1955 Posts: 100 Member
    You need to go to a doctor and go through all this with them. I am 5' tall and when I weighed 107 pounds no one could ever say I was "fat" or "bloated". No matter how I personally felt about the way I looked. I weight a little less than that now and everyone I know says I'm "too skinny". Again, no matter how I personally feel about the way I look. You may FEEL "fat" and "bloated" but you are NOT. Only a doctor can help you with this. And you should NEVER skip meals to lose weight. I eat three meals a day, and some snacks, and I easily maintain my weight. Please get some help, life is too good to spend time obsessing about body image!!!!
  • photojunkie28
    Please go see a physician and a counselor specializing in food and body image issues.

    This is good advice. Please follow. I could tell you some of the things that will probably happen on your journey to health and fitness and a real way of living, but it would be discouraging. The reality is that sometimes you have to take two steps back to go one step forward. This is definitely going to be a process for you, but you can do it and I commend you for wanting to make the right choice!

    Please seek a professional :)
  • 1PoisonIvy
    1PoisonIvy Posts: 891 Member
    You are reaching out for help and you are taking a step in the right direction.

    This type of behavior is life threatening, please please, go see a physician and a counselor specializing in food and body image issues, if you don't know where to get help, here is some information:

    Call toll free, confidential Helpline at 1-800-931-2237

    Monday-Thursday from 9:00 am - 9:00 pm and Friday from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm (EST). helpline volunteers will be there to offer support and guidance with compassion and understanding.

    God bless!

    Love and prayers,
  • action_figure
    action_figure Posts: 511 Member
    I really need some help here. I was at a fine weight, but then October of
    Last year I decided it wasn't good enough. So I started eating less, then would go days without eating anything at all. I lost so much weight that I finally decided to keep it up. I'd allow myself to eat only if I was about to pass out. Now a month away from it being a year since I started that, I want to get healthy. I'm going to eat 1,200 calories a day and exercise tons. But my problem is that when I eat enough to just make it to 500 I get bloated and look even more fat than I am. The only way to make it go away is not eating again. My plan is breakfast, lunch some snacks and dinner. But will my body ever stop bloating up after what I did? How doido get it back to normal so I can enjoy the five meals a day, exercise and lose it all for good without it coming back. I look like I've gained ten pounds and haven't. Just a tiny food amount makes my stomach bloat. I'm 5' and 107 pounds. I want to lose 7 to 11 pounds and keep it off. I font wanna look bloated and huge :(
    More importantly than any diet, you need to get help. In order to heal yourself and get truly healthy you need to learn a different relationship with food. Please see a professional.
  • CaitlinM77
    Sweetie, you need to get some professional help, because I think you may not be seeing what's actually there. Go see your doctor, and hopefully they will be able to recommend a nutrionist and a therapist who can help you with treatment of a body image/eating disorder.

    I can say, that as someone who is working at getting past disordered eating (mine made me actually fat--clinically obese. It was a pattern of not eating for days and then bingeing), there is hope at the other side. For me, the process of recovery has been first of all forcing myself to eat regularly and not worry about calories. Oddly enough, even though I thought I was eating SO MUCH, I actually lost weight (although I did gain it at first, for maybe the first year). Then I started replacing foods, making better choices. I started out counting calories, but my nutritionist is trying to get me to eat more intuitively and eat to my hunger. I'm doing a mix of 50/50 at the moment.

    TL;DR, there is hope at the other side. The human body is an amazingly adaptable thing if you support it with proper nutrition and exercise.