Strength Training Is Kicking My Butt!

CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
Oh. My. Goodness.

I went for a 2 1/2+ mile brisk walk last night and, although sweaty (I live in Tucson, where it's still 100 degrees during the day and still in the 80's when the sun goes down), I wasn't particularly sore or even terribly winded. I'm feeling it today, but it wasn't exactly painful.

Today, on my lunch break, I decided to do a little strength training. A few reps each of squats, lunges, and push ups (I use an exercise ball to elevate my lower body because I'm too heavy to support all of my weight on my toes). I felt like I was dying by the time I was done! My legs were all quivery, I was sweaty, and my arms felt like lead. I didn't even do that much. Is strength training worth the pain???

Because I don't know what (if any) calories I burned, I don't see any benefit. I mean, I KNOW that I'm supposed to do strength training, but what exactly does it do for me, other than making me stronger? Does it tone/firm? Does it burn any calories?

I freely admit to being totally ignorant about this and welcome any/all info and advice. Thank you!


  • StacLegg
    StacLegg Posts: 346 Member
    YES it is so worth all the hard work and yes sometimes pain!!!!!!!!! Don't give up! you will be so glad that you did it...... =)
    Good Job!!
  • TXBlockhead
    TXBlockhead Posts: 169 Member
    You will lose inches more I believe. I need to do my measurements myself.
  • sgp329
    sgp329 Posts: 184
    I know exactly how you feel. I have been doing Zumba for three months and I get all hot and sweaty in class and can feel my muscles tightening. Occassionally I do feel a bit sore the next morning, nothing major. I also walk a bit. We are in Louisiana so I understand the heat you are talking about. We have had a little break from the high temps lately, though. Thank goodness!

    Anyway, today I went through my very first routines with an exercise ball and a set of 3 lb dumbells. The whole thing lasted MAYBE 20 minutes from start to finish. I know I did 12 minutes with the handweights for sure because that was a timed routine, so I am purely guesstimating on the exercise ball part. Now I feel shaky... from just that little bit of work! Man, oh man... I am in worse shape than I thought!

    Not giving up! Tomorrow will probably be rougher, but I will face it with a smile. I know it will get easier as I get stronger. I guess keep picturing in my mind's eye what my old body could possibly look like when I get it whipped into shape.

    Keep up your good work!
  • Mahooka
    Mahooka Posts: 21 Member
    Strength training has a ton of benefits. One of the best is the increase in lean muscle mass. By increasing your lean muscle mass you boost your metabolism 24 hours a day. It also tones and shapes your muscles. Getting stronger and more flexible will make you feel the difference of your weight loss a lot faster too.

    In my humble opinion:

    Athletes perform a combination of strength training, sprinting, and cardio. These people look and are fit. Don't get me wrong, I like running but would rather look athletic and fit than like a distance runner.
  • lt3ag4s
    lt3ag4s Posts: 835 Member
    If you burn off all your fat and you havent built up your muscles, what do you think you will look like?

    Building muscles hurts, but you got to do it. Pay attention to the pain. Dont over do it and cause injury.
  • mmmpink
    mmmpink Posts: 25
    Yes, it is so worth it to strength train!
    The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn even while you're not doing anything at all!
    Muscle makes your body look toned, and firms you up!
    If you decide to start strength training, (which you really, really should!) you'll be sore for the first couple of weeks, but it's a good sore, because you know you're making changes.
    Strength training is also great for making your bones stronger, and it's also just really fun to see yourself getting stronger. I use way heavier weights now than when I started, and that is an awesome feeling! :D
  • megank3380
    I wear a heart monitor, and keep a close eye on my calorie burn-- I notice more burn when doing strength training than I do doing cardio alone. I think it is important to do both the cardio and the strength-- but have noticed that if I do it back to back days I am weaker and can't handle as much.
    On nights you walk, maybe to upper body the following day-- give your legs a bit of a break. I know you don't notice the weakness/ or soreness in your legs post walk--but it is there. You have to stretch the muscles and then give them a chance to rebuild into a better buffer you!!!

    No matter what you do- just keep it up!!!
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    Do it!
    The more muscle you have, the more fat you will burn.
  • lordofultima
    Start with whole body workouts 3 days a week, having at least a day rest between so your muscles can re-cooperate. As you get more experienced you will have to dedicate a day to a specific muscle group and give it a whole week rest, it feels great! No pain no gain.

    Muscles burn fat, I think that's what most people overlook. They end up looking like a starving Ethiopian in the end if they don't hit any weights.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    My legs and butt are really sore this morning! Without any equipment or a gym membership, what are some good upper body exercises I can do other than just push ups?