

  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    I know the feeling. I'm 7.5 stones and 5ft4, yet I'm huge. :(

    OH puhlease:frown:
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    I store most of my fat on my legs. Lifting has helped. My legs look 100% better than they did. But I'm always going to be shaped the way I'm shaped.

    You have to realize that while you can change to a certain extent, you can't change your genetics. So just aim for being the best that you can be and try not to compare yourself to others. They are probably looking at you and wishing they had some of your strengths.

    So my advice is two-fold. First, start lifting heavy. You can either eat at a slight deficit (5% tops) or at maintenance (to recomp and slowly lower your body fat percentage). Start taking pictures and measurements and don't worry about the scale at this point. You'll see some water weight gain when you start lifting. That's okay. Give it at least a month to go down. Second, work on your self-talk. Find the things that you like about your body and make an effort to notice them when you look in the mirror.


  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I store most of my fat on my legs. Lifting has helped. My legs look 100% better than they did. But I'm always going to be shaped the way I'm shaped.

    You have to realize that while you can change to a certain extent, you can't change your genetics. So just aim for being the best that you can be and try not to compare yourself to others. They are probably looking at you and wishing they had some of your strengths.

    So my advice is two-fold. First, start lifting heavy. You can either eat at a slight deficit (5% tops) or at maintenance (to recomp and slowly lower your body fat percentage). Start taking pictures and measurements and don't worry about the scale at this point. You'll see some water weight gain when you start lifting. That's okay. Give it at least a month to go down. Second, work on your self-talk. Find the things that you like about your body and make an effort to notice them when you look in the mirror.

    Solid advice is solid. Lift, lift heavy, love what you see in the mirror.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Sorry I missed the part about lifting. Get a beginner compound barbell routine like Stronglifts or Starting Strength.
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    Hey girl...I think you need to get on a serious lifting program, and please try to be patient. 2 months of lifting is just the teeeny tiiiny tip of the iceberg. It takes time to change the shape of your body. It takes a LOT of resistance, and the right nutrition, and patience...lots of it. Lower body fat is extremely stubborn for some women...for a LOT of women. You are not alone. You need to incorporate other exercises in your regimen as well...Squats, lunges, bulgarian split squats, Barbell Step-ups, Deadlifts, Stiff-legged deadlifts...you have to work your legs really hard to get them to change shape. And of course the fat that is on your legs will only come off with time and a calorie deficit. You can do it though!! It'll just take time...

    This. Definitely this.
    You have only been lifting for a month, and doing pretty small isolation lifts at that. Start doing full body compoud instead or as well as, and eat in a small-moderate deficit to lose body fat. Its not going to be mega fast but it will work.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I think you will see a lot of improvement if you start up a real strength training program. There are many options as mentioned in this thread such as The New Rules of Lifting for Women or any of the other New Rules books. I prefer The New Rules of Lifting for Life (it's an excellent beginner program, and allows for progression or any level). The New Rules of Lifting Supercharged is great also. http://www.thenewrulesoflifting.com

    My favorite is Strong Curves by Bret Contreras bretcontreras.com This is an excellent program to work on your "problem" area (booty and legs).

    Good exercises with heavy (for you) weights and increasing as you get stronger and better at it: Hip thrusts and Glute bridges, Deadlifts, Squats, Lunges or Split Squats, High Step ups, Glute kickbacks or Quadriped Hip Extensions (this is usually called something like a Butt Blaster), Abduction, and a lot more (I know I'm forgetting stuff right now). These are just some basics to start with.

    You aren't fat. You just want lower bodyfat and something different in your fitness, physique, body composition. And it's ok that you want that, lots of people are here doing that.
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    My 2 cents:

    1) like some others have mentioned, HIIT & heavy lifting (squats, weighted lunges, deadlifts...etc). I've always had thick thighs and carried extra body fat there, and since I started doing CrossFit (basically HIIT & heavy lifting), I've finally started to trim them up.

    2) you DO compare yourself to others (see below), and I think Akima's response was sincere and serious. I realize that you are looking for advice on a specific subject, but she's right, go easy on yourself :flowerforyou:
    [snip] There are lots of people I know that are the same weight & height as me but their body shapes are NOTHING like mine, it's so unfair. I look about a stone more than I am. How can this be when we're the same height & weight, I even know people who weigh MORE than me yet are still slimmer. [snip]
  • I know the feeling. I'm 7.5 stones and 5ft4, yet I'm huge. :(

    Isn't that 105 pounds?

    yeah. but i don't look it. I look fat.
  • I know the feeling. I'm 7.5 stones and 5ft4, yet I'm huge. :(

    OH puhlease:frown:

    I know it sounds stupid but i really am! other people my weight look amazing yet I look fat. it sucks
  • camm1969
    camm1969 Posts: 8 Member
    As mentioned, you likely would benefit from strength training. However, according to many experienced people, you will not be able to build muscles in a calorie deficit. So start strength training (I do body weight exercises at home), eat more (healthy, nutrient dense food), and be patient. BMI is really a poor indicator of health. You could actually gain weight and yet be healthier and have less fat than you do now once you get into a good strength training routine..

    And, it's quite obvious that your perception of yourself is overly critical and needs to be improved. Nothing good comes from hating our bodies. You only get one so love it and treat it with respect. Stop comparing yourself to other people and stop trying to live up to a fake image of perfection. I'm in my 40s too and I'm so done with the self hate. Completely over it.
    I don't want to 'live up to a fake image of perfection' I just want to be able to wear shorts in the summer! & with MY legs, I can't
    Also, I mentioned, I DO do weights, isn't that 'compound/resistance exercise?

    Who is stopping you from wearing shorts? Is it at gun point? You have such negative talk about your body you could never look good enough to be satisfied. No one cares about your legs and if they do then they have their own problems they need to address. You CAN wear shorts if you choose to.

    My legs don't look much different than yours, likely worse. I have saggy skin on my thighs because I used to be so heavy and did lots of yo-yoing on conventional diets. I don't care. I wear shorts, skirts, bathing suits. I'll do whatever I want. I love my body. It is healthy and strong and I won't get another one. I regret treating it like crap and hating it for so long.

    Really, I'm trying to give you the best advice ever. Love yourself. Respect yourself. Work on your self-dialogue. You are reducing your quality of life for nothing. Improve your health by all means, but forget the putting yourself down. Nothing is gained by self-hate. Forget wasting energy on worrying about what others might be thinking. Life is too short for that.
    Jesus, why are you being nasty? I DON'T HATE MYSELF! I DON'T PUT MYSELF DOWN! This website is FULL of people wanting to improve their physical appearance, including you, it doesn't mean we all hate ourselves fgs. Of course no-one is putting a gun to my head telling me I can't wear shorts. I'm only asking advise on how I can tone my chubby legs, this does NOT mean I hate myself, or compare myself to other people or (you forgot to say this one-) have low self esteem. Bloody Hell!

    Are you serious? Wow.

    You need to re-read your posts. If talking about yourself like that is healthy and normal for you, well, my bad. Sorry for wasting my time on trying to give some advice that could enrich your quality of life. Enjoy missing out on wearing shorts or doing whatever you want because of your "tree trunk, fat and wobbly, saddlebag" legs. :sad:
    wow, what is your problem? she's only asking a question & your basically saying EVERYONE who wants to shift a bit of fat has self loathing issues!
  • HealthyVitamins
    HealthyVitamins Posts: 432 Member
    I have the exact same legs as you, really i'm not just saying that!

    My knees are so ridden with cellulite I haven't worn shorts since I was a teenager, I can literally pull my knee fat over my knee.

    I am 5" 4 and weigh 9 stone (126 lbs)

    Its definitely down to body fat (I'm a perfect example of skinny fat - my body fat is 24%) i'm eating clean and running 5 days a week, although ive been doing that for 2 months I haven't see much of a difference yet - got to keep going though!
  • HealthyVitamins
    HealthyVitamins Posts: 432 Member
    As mentioned, you likely would benefit from strength training. However, according to many experienced people, you will not be able to build muscles in a calorie deficit. So start strength training (I do body weight exercises at home), eat more (healthy, nutrient dense food), and be patient. BMI is really a poor indicator of health. You could actually gain weight and yet be healthier and have less fat than you do now once you get into a good strength training routine..

    And, it's quite obvious that your perception of yourself is overly critical and needs to be improved. Nothing good comes from hating our bodies. You only get one so love it and treat it with respect. Stop comparing yourself to other people and stop trying to live up to a fake image of perfection. I'm in my 40s too and I'm so done with the self hate. Completely over it.
    I don't want to 'live up to a fake image of perfection' I just want to be able to wear shorts in the summer! & with MY legs, I can't
    Also, I mentioned, I DO do weights, isn't that 'compound/resistance exercise?

    Who is stopping you from wearing shorts? Is it at gun point? You have such negative talk about your body you could never look good enough to be satisfied. No one cares about your legs and if they do then they have their own problems they need to address. You CAN wear shorts if you choose to.

    My legs don't look much different than yours, likely worse. I have saggy skin on my thighs because I used to be so heavy and did lots of yo-yoing on conventional diets. I don't care. I wear shorts, skirts, bathing suits. I'll do whatever I want. I love my body. It is healthy and strong and I won't get another one. I regret treating it like crap and hating it for so long.

    Really, I'm trying to give you the best advice ever. Love yourself. Respect yourself. Work on your self-dialogue. You are reducing your quality of life for nothing. Improve your health by all means, but forget the putting yourself down. Nothing is gained by self-hate. Forget wasting energy on worrying about what others might be thinking. Life is too short for that.

    Get off your high horse, I bet 99% of us on here want to change SOMETHING about ourselves, that's why a lot of us are here, to lose weight, to tone up, to gain muscle etc.

    I am so happy for you that you are happy with your 'saggy skin' on your thighs. Not everyone is.
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    I am also pear shaped. 2 years ago I lost 14lb and toned up. I started jogging 3 times per week and did Jillian Michaels DVD and Tracy Anderson mat work out and I did notice a difference on my whole body esp my legs (prob because I liked them least)

    I'm trying to get back to this after having a baby ( he is one now). I have about 7lb to go but need to work on toning up.

    Sorry I cant really offer any more advice than already said. Think just keep going and Im sure it will improve over time.
  • GameOfPounds
    GameOfPounds Posts: 128 Member
    Working out is the way to go. I'm not a dietician but there's no reason to eat at a calorie deficit if you're not overweight. Eat healthy and do both, cardio & strength workouts :)
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    Working out is the way to go. I'm not a dietician but there's no reason to eat at a calorie deficit if you're not overweight. Eat healthy and do both, cardio & strength workouts :)

    ^^^ THIS

    I've always had big legs and bum, but I've found zumba is the best (And its loads of fun!):happy: My legs are now almost all muscle - there's a few stubborn bits round my bum but that's it. Even my ankles are slimmer!

    Also Rosemary Coneley DVDs are excellent for focussing on legs - lateral leg raises really work the outer thigh.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    I agree with everyone else, you need to lift weights, really lift.

    You could stand to lose a few pounds, maybe get down to 115. That would put you in the middle of the BMI for your height. But mostly you need to lift weights.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    You need to lift--squats, weighted lunges, etc. It's going to take a while, possibly months, to see big changes, but you WILL see them.

    this is 5 months of the back of my legs. The 3rd month I had TONS of fat on the back of my legs, but the 4th month it all dropped off!
    Untitled by crochetmom2010, on Flickr

    here is 4 months of the side of my legs. the changes are not as drastic, but you can see them changing shape.

    Untitled by crochetmom2010, on Flickr
  • scruffykaz
    scruffykaz Posts: 317 Member
    I really hate that people are so hard on themselves. I weigh probably double what you do OP and my legs are far from perfect but fk it, they are my legs and if people don't like then they don't have to look.

    I've been through the whole 'can't wear shorts', 'can't wear skirts' thing and it sucks so NO MORE!

    Okay, dislike parts of yourself but work to change it and don't be negative about yourself (no I'm not just talking about you OP). Be proud to be uniquely you and that you are working towards a goal :happy:

    How can people be 'huge' at 105lbs. That really isn't a healthy self image...
  • Cakelady11
    Cakelady11 Posts: 11 Member
    To ElliotTN : The weight advice you gave was great. Any advice for excess skin on arms from weight loss. How do I tone this up. surgery is definitely not an option.
  • amsipub
    amsipub Posts: 84 Member
    You need to accept your body the way it is. I'm a lot like you. No matter what my size is, my thighs are always going to look heavier to me. And I've learned to accept it. I have an hourglass figure so it would be impossible for me to not have the thighs I have. It would be strange if I had all of a sudden super skinny thighs.

    I don't wear shorts because I find other things to wear that are more flattering to my body. That's my choice. If you want to wear shorts, wear them. I've seen all shapes and sizes in shorts so I don't think it's as big of a deal as you think it is.