Things my mother should have taught me .... !

I posted this on my wall for friends, but I thought this lesson should be put up for any and all to view. My diary is open to the public ... So you can really go look at it, but please note the warning in this post! LOL!!

OK ... This is my lesson for the day ... I am sick (the flu), but my mom doesn't know I'm feverish, and she really wanted someone to go to the orchard with her ... So I did. Then she decided that since she had a coupon (buy 1 get one free meal) for IHOP that we should stop for lunch ... And we did that as well. You know that old adage about feed a cold ... starve a fever? .... NOPE!! Doesn't work for me! Didn't eat breakfast, and I was hungry when we stopped at 12:30pm. So I ordered lunch (if you want to see the atrocity go peek at my menu) .... But I'm warning those meek of heart and weak of stomach to do so at your own risk! Disclaimer announced! ..... Back to the lesson. I've decided that I'm not on a "diet" ... OK ... This decision doesn't make me unique among MFPers .... But along with the refusal to deprive myself and eat only oatmeal and salad .... I have forgotten that this concept doesn't slam all reason to the 4 winds!! I forgot what I learned about asking for a to-go box when you order, and putting half your meal in it as soon as the plate arrives in front of you. I let slip away the intelligence it takes to realize what kind of foods aren't the best choice to accomplish goals that I've set. In my defense ... I not only had no idea where we were going to eat ... I had no idea that we were even stopping to eat ... So I couldn't peruse the excellent website that IHOP has set up with nutritional info for all of their food .... But that's not sufficient excuse. I have learned that along with refusing deprivation I must allow for intelligence and common sense. If I never eat french fries, and I go out 1x/mth ... Then french fries are ok .... But consider ALL the choices that I'm making, and how they'll lok when I log them into my diary. Using all my cals for 1 meal is a sign of ignorance. SOO ... That's the lesson I learned today!


  • VCStarr
    VCStarr Posts: 155
    Wow! OK so it was w rough day I see. Does you mother know you are on journey to a healthier life? Maybe you should let her in on the secret. IHOP as yummy as it is, is a HORRIBLE place to dine by health standards. But even so the have a whole grain blueberry pancake that isn't as bad as some other things. But the whole point is you've made a mistake and learned from it. This is a journey. with that journey you must explore different roads to find the best one for you. We are all learning here :) You will get where you wanna be soon. As long as you stick to the healthiest road for your body and life :)
  • RCharlesworth
    You know, sometimes life happens, so learn from the lesson and let it go... Since this is a lifestyle change (as opposed to just a "diet"), there are going to be times when we eat out and have to learn to deal with that, too, if we want to achieve success in the long-term. Today is just one day in a journey and tomorrow is another day to start again.

    I've also noticed (and I'm not saying that's going on here) that there are other folks "jealous" of our trying to change our lifestyle and lose some weight. I think sabotage is too strong a word, but intentionally or unintentionally sometimes there are those around us who aren't exactly helping with our goals.

    Thanks for the post -- I'll try to keep it in mind the next time I'm feeling lousy and stop at a restaurant, and hope I make the better choices...
  • madijo41
    madijo41 Posts: 367 Member
    Thank goodness my mom is on board. Son is getting there.
  • I don't want to give anyone the impression that my mom is out to sabotage me in ANY way!! She knows all the health issues that can be associated with being overweight .... Diabetes, Hypertension, Water retention .... etc .... We both have most of them. I guess this didn't come off here as it did on my 'Home' wall ... Or maybe I should have titled this thing better. My mom lost almost 100lbs over a year, and I'm very proud of her ... She's one of my inspirations. The lesson I learned was just to think first ... eat after the thinking. Most of my friends understand my sense of humor, and sometimes I forget how things can look and sound if they're being heard or read by a stranger. Thanks people for all the positive feedback here ... I really appreciate the encouraging words!
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