mid 20s & looking to get healthy

A little background:

In high school, I did it all. Binged, purged, restricted to only hundreds of calories, fasted, stole diet pills, took laxatives. You name it. I probably tried it. That was a long time ago. I'm now in my 20s and haven't done any of that (except binge eating - blah!) since high school. I was never diagnosed with any eating disorder, but I think I may have had one. Who knows.

Anyways. I'm now pretty fat due to phases of binge eating. I joined this site to hopefully get that under control & lose some weight in the process. I want to lose 40-45 pounds and get down to about 130-135 lbs. I'm 5'4 and have been that weight before & remember being ok with that, so we'll see.

If you want a supportive friend who is trying to get healthy, please add me :)


  • losttogain
    losttogain Posts: 84 Member
    I'm 26 and looking to lose 45-50lbs for now! I've definitely had an undiagnosed eating disorder for years. Feel free to add me! I try to be as supportive as possible.
  • skinny_search
    skinny_search Posts: 11 Member
    Added you :)
  • skinny_search
    skinny_search Posts: 11 Member
    anyone else want to be friends? :)
  • missvie
    missvie Posts: 21 Member
    I've never had an eating disorder, but I am mid 20's and very out of shape compared to how i used to be! I got a desk job and then a promotion and work 10 hours a day. Which leaves me little time for exercise, and my eating habits have suffered! I'm scared I am going to slack back into my back habits would love supporttt as well as to support
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    I'm 5'1" 25 yrs old. Did the same as you in hs & college. Started binge eating & gained a ton of weight after getting married & having a baby. Now I'm 150 & wanting to get down to 132 & go from there. I have an open diary & post daily. Good luck on your journey!
  • sweet_blasphemy
    sweet_blasphemy Posts: 129 Member
    I'm... slightly past... my mid-twenties and have about 50ish more pounds to go. By the time I was 9 I could already sense there was something different about the role food played in my life compared to other kids my age... You sound like my dieting twin in HS, ephedrine - the GOOD stuff, not the watered down extract that's legal again these days - was my best friend back then (helped me through countless all night cram sessions, too!). I have no idea how I kept up with it back then! If I had a fraction of the discipline and determination I had back then, I'd have never gotten to this size for so long... Added :)
  • sugarlyze
    sugarlyze Posts: 17 Member
    Hello there! I'm 24 and also trying to get down to 130 lbs. I used to take laxatives and all those diet products, and I gotta say that it was torturing esp putting myself in starvation mode. Joined MFP and now doing the healthy way. I believe that being slow & steady will get you to your ultimate goal! Here we support one another! Feel free to add me :)
  • skinny_search
    skinny_search Posts: 11 Member
    Great glad to have more friends! I think the support from you all will help :)
  • thegabbleduck
    thegabbleduck Posts: 52 Member
    Hi :) I am 22 and trying to loose about 40lbs
    My diary is open, and I am on here every day

    Anyone who wants to, feel free to add me :)
  • fattymcbuttrpants
    Hey! I'm 27.... I've learned to get over the number on the scale and am now focusing more on my body fat %. I'm working out regularly lifting weights and doing SOME cardio ;) I've always battled my weight so I totally feel you girl! Feel free to add me (anyone) !
  • Caty_power
    Caty_power Posts: 145 Member
    Hope everyone is in good health.. . I have started a new program yesterday -- ADD me- if answer is yes-.. if we all can start it and can discuss the results everyday ,help each other to motivate .. Would be so awesome .. Anyone in .. have a look at the program .. LEts kill it ... It is not impossible all we need is strength and motivation.....
    I even have a group join it

    25 lbs by X-mass-14 Weeks Challenge :D!
    Join this group and add me as well
  • kyleekay10
    kyleekay10 Posts: 1,812 Member
    I'm 22, almost 23. I'm passed my "weight loss" stage and moving into strength training, but feel free to add me.
  • skinny_search
    skinny_search Posts: 11 Member
    Requested you ladies as well :)
  • vanillacoffee
    vanillacoffee Posts: 1,024 Member
    Good luck! I know you can do it. I have lost 40 pounds so far and wouldnt have been able to do it without MFP.
  • HeyGoRun
    HeyGoRun Posts: 550 Member
    Same height also wanna be at 130-120. Will send request!
  • kassi_23
    I'm 29 and I've got the same story as well... I've done it all. I was a cheerleader in high school, gained weight in college, gained 100 lbs after a bad relationship, lost 80 lbs (yay!), but now I'm on the road to gaining it back (up 30 lbs since my wedding 3 months ago). I need some contacts on MFP to help me know I'm not alone. Feel free to add me! I want to get motivated to lose what I can and get down to my goal weight (about 50 lbs to go!). I do weight training 2x/week with a trainer but I need to find the motivation to move more every other day and make better food choices.
  • KisaraKaiba
    KisaraKaiba Posts: 59 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm 23 and have spent the last year+ trying to take off all the weight I put on in college and deal with the health issues it caused for me. When I was in high school, I had my fair share of problematic behaviors in terms of weight control too. For a long time it put me off of getting healthy because I didn't think I could do it without returning to that head space. But it can be done and it's worth it to live a life without unnecessary medical complications in my case. :)
  • katierose67
    katierose67 Posts: 16 Member
    Hey, I'm 23 and need to lose about 10 more pounds. Feel free to add me, or just give me as much advice as you have because I really need to lose those last new pounds in the next month. I'll try most things, but i do not want to go below 1200 calories a day. thanks!
  • TamaraKat
    TamaraKat Posts: 533 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me too! :bigsmile:
    I'm 20 but although I achieved my goals, I still remain active to help motivate, support, and chat with others! I know how hard it can be but it is important to just keep at it! ROCK ON!!
  • Asheriee
    My name is Ashley I'm 20 years old and have about 65 lbs to lose. I never had an eating disorder but through high school, and even middle school, I had poor self image. I would restrict my calorie intake for months and then give up. I'm a yo-yoer.

    Happy to say I'm finally going to do it the healthy way and eat well with exercise.

    Anyone and everyone is welcome to add me.