Knee Pain

Ok, to start this off, I played soccer my entire life. I was a college soccer player and had some minor knee issues at that time (1999-2003). I had surgery called a lateral release in 2000 due to the uneven strength of my tendons pulling my knee off "track". I was fortunate enough at that time to have a college physical therapist trainer to work with me daily in rehabbing my knee. Now, 10 years later and many pounds heavier I am still dealing with knee problems. It's an ongoing battle dealing with aches/pains, cracks, and pops. My immediate concern is that I played a soccer game 5 days ago after a long time of not playing. My entire body was sore after the first two days but on the third day after the game I noticed that my left knee was swollen ( I think mostly above my kneecap and on the left/outer side of my knee). I haven't had a lot of physical pain, no more than what I deal with regularly, but the swelling has limited my mobility in that knee joint. Because I just started a new job, I am without insurance (what I can be covered for with my last job is an outrageous premium). My new insurance is effective on Nov 1. What I want to know is if anyone has some insight into what may be going on in my knee. I'm hoping it's just my knee rebelling against what it hasn't done in a while and it is no big deal. If I tore a tendon or something like that, wouldn't I have felt something immediately? Any help would be appreciated so maybe I can ease my mind until I can get to a doctor.



  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I'm not sure what the problem might be and I don't want to lead you in the wrong direction since I am not a doctor. However, if you have swelling, I would advise you to stay off of it as much as you can, keep it elevated, and put some ice on it. If you have pain, motrin would probably do the trick if you are not allergic to it...and then I would tell you to get thee to a doctor as soon as you can. You don't want to keep exercising on it in case something did tear in there, and you don't want to make anything worse.
  • johnthefatman
    I have chronically bad knees and I find a neoprene support brace helps a lot by controlling the swelling and stabilising the joint. Thee ones I like best are branded Neo-G but I don't know if they're available in the US - over here they cost about $30.
  • CortneyCPT
    CortneyCPT Posts: 4 Member
    I am not a doctor either, but I have had knee pain on the outside of my left knee for the last few years. Mine was due to a tight IT Band and a knot that was near my ankle. Both of those things caused my knee to swell and tighten up. I was able to get the pain to stop by using a foam roller. I also used Arnica Rub on a regular basis. You can get it at the Vitamin Shoppe. It is a homeopathic remedy that is used for swelling, bruising, strains, sprains, and pulled muscles. I would recommend trying it to see if it helps with the pain and swelling. Good Luck!
  • AuntMimi2010
    Thank you all. I'd like to try any and every home remedy before i fork up the money to get to a doctor. This is a bad time for me to have to go to a doctor. What is a foam roller? I will have to find a Vitamin Shoppe around my area.
  • AuntMimi2010
    I have chronic crunching and crackling, etc but the swelling is what concerns me. Been doing Ibupofen and Ice so hopefully that will continue to help and I will wrap it when I work out.
  • cianisy
    a foam roller is cylindrical piece of sturdy foam that used by runner and other athletes to rehab/massage the IT band. But it sounds like you need to strengthen the muscles that support your misbehaving knee. I would suggest doing some strength training the problem leg before hitting the hard workouts just as a precaution.

    How to use a foam roller---->
    at 2:39 they work on the IT band.

    some easy quad exercises-->

    and for your hammies

    and don't forget your inner thighs!

    good luck


  • championnfl
    championnfl Posts: 324 Member
    Not a Doctor! Athlete for 40 years though....If just sweeling stay off it as much as possible and ice it till sweeling goes down....If having pain and condition worsens go to emmergency room and get checked out.
    Body in pain or other conditions it's telling you something,listen to it and don't try to fight thru the pain!
    Long term losing the weight will help not having played soccor for a while body wasn't ready for the game. Extra weight being forced on knees doesn't help. Good Luck!
  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member
    Not a Doctor! Athlete for 40 years though....If just sweeling stay off it as much as possible and ice it till sweeling goes down....If having pain and condition worsens go to emmergency room and get checked out.
    Body in pain or other conditions it's telling you something,listen to it and don't try to fight thru the pain!
    Long term losing the weight will help not having played soccor for a while body wasn't ready for the game. Extra weight being forced on knees doesn't help. Good Luck!

    Ditto, from someone who works on peeps who ignore their aching body issues. Especially with the knee, til the swelling goes down "chill out". And see a doctor as soon as you can, to rule out debiliating issues!! :-)