Eating 500 calories a day or 1200?



  • What the what? 500 cals a day is what I ate when I was anorexic. And I, too, gained weight on it after a while. Are you suffering from an eating disorder? If so, I greatly encourage you to seek the advice of a therapist and a nutritionist.

    Im not suffering from an eating disorder. Ive been obese all my life and previously have done crazier diets than this. But i will up my calories because i am gaining fast.

    Eating disorders are NOT defined by your weight. They are a result of "disordered" thoughts about food and eating. Eating 500 calories a day, and having done crazier things are indications of "disordered" thoughts. You should consult a doctor.

    I know it's not defined by weight, I realized what it sounded like after. I apologize.
  • What the what? 500 cals a day is what I ate when I was anorexic. And I, too, gained weight on it after a while. Are you suffering from an eating disorder? If so, I greatly encourage you to seek the advice of a therapist and a nutritionist.

    Im not suffering from an eating disorder. Ive been obese all my life and previously have done crazier diets than this. But i will up my calories because i am gaining fast.

    I seriously hope you had a doctor monitoring you with such a low calorie intake. You are a prime example of why they are so dangerous! Such low calorie intakes cause people to GAIN weight. That is why they cause yo-yo dieting! They are not a life style change. DIETS don't work! If you want to get this right make it a life style change! And if you have done crazier than this then I would seriously sit down with a certified dietritian because you have some serious issues. If you have done other crazy diets, why then do you think you have to continue going on and off diets?

    Sorry if this sounds rude, but you need some sense knocked into that head of yours!

    I obviously didn't know, that's why I'm asking questions on here. I realize that I've been doing things wrong and I'm changing it
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Same thing happened me and I was on a plateu for a year!!! Now that I've been educated by the lovely people of MFP. I eat 1650 on non-workout days and up to 2000 on workout days!

    :D Loosing about 1lb to .5lb a's been a slow loss this time, prob because I'm sure I screwed up my metabolism eating so little calories for so long. But I know this is the healthy and most safe way to do it.

    I'm 5'7" too and 197lbs with a BMR of 1672

    So am I supposed to eat my calories back that I burned working out? I burned 350 on treadmill so should I eat that plus 1200?

  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    If this happened to me I think I'd seek the advice of a nutritionist. And maybe a therapist depending on why I did such a drastic diet in the first place.

    I'm not gonna harsh on you, but that is a really low amount of cal's and I don't know where you'd go from there and even though some folks here might have some great ideas I can't think it was fun eating that amount of cals and feel there must be more complex issues going on that I think I'd have checked out. Trying to find a nice way of saying that if I wasn't crazy before I started eating that little, I think I'd be crazy after I started eating that little. Not trying to be mean but just in a straightforward way saying I think you might consider seeking out more support than this site can offer.
  • zhvah18
    zhvah18 Posts: 158 Member
    I read this on another forum and found it very helpful.

    The general rule of thumb is:
    1) you need 10 calories per pound to maintain your current weight wtihout exercise.

    So right now I'm 129. I if I eat more than 1290 I'll gain? That makes me very sad. I don't think this rule applies at smaller weights... at least I sure hope not.

    I'm 5'1" at 117 lbs, i eat 1700 to maintain.
  • I eat 1800 calories a day and I am losing weight easily and I only weigh 146.
    One of my best friends eats about 3,500 calories a day, trying to keep her weight above 110. I gain like crazy above 1,200.
    Your mileage may vary.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Why go up, I say you go down.. How about 200 calories a day!
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Lots of random thread necro'ing going around today. Watch out for Zombie Threads! They'll eat your braaaaiiiiinnnssss!

    ...or something.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member

    What the heck is up with the thread resurrections today??
  • i started at 208 and set my calories at about 1800. making sure to add in the exercise calories. i am down to 180. started in april of this year. when i got to 180 i readjusted to about 1700 calories and still losing.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    What the what? 500 cals a day is what I ate when I was anorexic. And I, too, gained weight on it after a while. Are you suffering from an eating disorder? If so, I greatly encourage you to seek the advice of a therapist and a nutritionist.

    Im not suffering from an eating disorder. Ive been obese all my life and previously have done crazier diets than this. But i will up my calories because i am gaining fast.

    Just because you're obese, doesn't mean you don't have an eating disorder......just sayin.