Totally not determined..

Hey guys, so Ive been on and off this site for a while now, and truth be told I need some help. Ive seen this site work, but I just dont have the determination to have the patience to see it work for me. I have the desire to lose weight. However, I do not have the desire to deal with actually losing it. I know this is probably a problem most people who need to lose weight go through. So I guess this is like my cry for help maybe. Ive heard this site has an excellent support system, and I desperately need it, no matter how much its weird for other people to know the struggles Im having. I suppose its so much more worth it to let people know what Im going through and actually lose the weight I want to, then not letting people know and never lose any weight at all.

Thanks for reading this, whoever may take the time to.
Hopefully you'll add me( :
I need the support this site is notorious for.
Again, thanks.

Everyone have a fantastic day!


  • StacLegg
    StacLegg Posts: 346 Member
    You've come to the right spot!! :bigsmile: the support here is amazing!! but you have to be the responsible one and make the right choices..... log in every bite you take, exercise as much as you can- and check in daily with all your friends on here!!! =)
    You can do it!! :flowerforyou:
  • BMW6Series
    Get your ticker up. That is what motivates me. I see others with their losses and I want to get my loss number up.

    It has also been helpful for me get dietary advice as well.

    Keep showing up, adding friends, and get the ticker moving.

  • losergirl78
    You have definatly come to the right place. I found it's easier to tell the absolute truth about my weight and my successes here than with people in my life. Sometimes I feel like my family and friends judge me but I never get that here, and MFP keeps me motivated.
  • jsjg
    jsjg Posts: 1
    I am 100% behind you! I feel EXACTLY the same way. I want to lose weight, I just don't want to do the work or put the effort into it! Every day all day is a struggle, and I'm constantly lying to myself about what is and is not ok to eat. I am my worst enemy. It makes me crazy- what I do to myself!!!
  • buffalogal1979
    buffalogal1979 Posts: 236 Member
    I know right where you are coming from, that's where I started. You can do this.

    The thing that worked best for me was BABY STEPS. I didn't know if I REALLY wanted to do it either. So the first thing I did was just figured out how many calories I was really eating in a day - then I slowly took away 100 or 200 cal. then another 100 or 200 - when I felt like that was "doable" I started to add in exercising. I reminded myself this is a lifestyle change, not a diet. I want to be healthy but I do love my ice cream :happy:

    Some days all I could think about was what I was going to eat and when and how many calories I had left... it gets easier, it even just becomes how you live, and not a problem.

    This site is awesome for support! You are in the right place.

    Just take it one day at a time and don't make too many changes too fast.
    You can friend me if you want to.
  • BellaCoconut
    Hi! Welcome back! I am so sure that you will meet lots and lots of folk here who can relate to exactly what you are going through now! And well done for taking the first step- it takes guts to ask for help :flowerforyou:

    It may not feel like it right now, but you DO have the determination to reach your goals, you just need to flex that willpower 'muscle', and with repetition it gets easier!

    Hope you have a great day, and am sure you'll have lots more support before the day is out! :happy:
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    The support here IS awesome. I have made some great friends that constantly keep me going. With that said though, NO ONE can do this for you. It is 100% up to you. Someone can only motivate you so far, and the rest is up to you. You just have to get to the point where enough is enough and you are willing to make a change. Because that's what it has to be. You can't just "diet" and then go right back to eating whatever and not exercising. That will make you gain all the weight back. But you if commit to doing your personal best and making a real change, there's no reason you can't succeed! You CAN do it, but it will take work. Anything good comes from hard work. If its easy, then its not really worth it. Good luck!
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    I agree with BMW6Series. GET YOUR TICKER UP

    Set yourself a mini goal - it doesn't matter how small it is. How about this for your mini goal...check in every day for a week and log your food, good or bad.

    Once that's done ask for advice on changes you could make without it feeling like major work.

    Log your activities, danced on a night out, log it. Anything, tiny changes you can make will all add up so walk one flight instead of using the lift or escalator etc.

    Its all about baby steps, big leaps are more likely to make you feel like your failing.

    Send some friend requests out, give encouragement, receive encouragement.

    Good luck
  • beelsy1
    beelsy1 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello, I'm with all the other people who have posted comments! and I know how you feel as I'm exactly the same as you! This is my first week and if there is anything to focus the mind where eating healthily and getting some unwanted weight off, it's seeing your actual calorie/fat/carb etc intake everyday. If you use the food diary every day it will make a difference to you and you will question what you are eating. Give it a try it has to be worth it. Good luck.
  • k8_reed
    Hello! You are totally not alone, this is actually my first day and already I am a bit overwhelmed. Nothing is impossible though, keep your head up and any goal can be reached.
  • mariasheehan
    Hi there,

    You can totally do this, like everyone said, get your ticker up, set mini goals for yourself. Ask for help and support just like you're doing. think of it as a way of life rather than a diet. That's exactly what I did, I wasn't really ready to start losing weight, so I didn't really push myself that much, just started slowly with my husband (he's my only friend on here so far as we help each other). I still each chocolate and icecream, but I walk every day and watch my calorie intake, and now I've lost 11lbs and another 1.5lb as of this morning. That's almost a stone since August, without really thinking about it too much and still enjoying my goodies.

    One thing I've realized, you don't know how much confidence you've lost until you get a tiny little bit back. Up to two months ago I was still in my maternity pants! this morning when I got up I had a mini fashion show :-) trying on all the clothes I couldn't fit into for the last year, it's such an amazing feeling.

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!!

    Best of luck xxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    I felt exactly like you in the beinning. As said before create a ticker. And join a group. For example the 30 pounds till Christmas. It is great to be with a group and you all weigh in on the same day. That motivates because you would want to post a loss too.
    And after the first week when the scale is down you will see that it works and you would want it to be down again the following week and so on....

    Just keep logging in! Here is the suuport!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Welcome. I have too many friends so cant add you :laugh: I guess that tells you somethign about this site!

    For me, the thought of losing 50 pounds was just too much. My brain said "!" So I did small goals. First it was get below 160......that was like 8 pounds............then I said HEY I am doing this!! So I decided to lose 10% of my original goal, because they said even 10% will reduce your health issues.

    When I hit the 16 pound loss.............again amazed that I had done this...............ME..........woot!

    Then I decided on goals like 5-10 pounds. I would just set up my ticker to hit that goal. Like right now, I want to lose another 20 pounds. I have it set to 10 pounds and I am getting back to logging and exercising each day.

    You can SO do this!!
  • debbieemmett
    keep up the good work