Cardio boxing/kickboxing DVD's?

I always wanted to get into boxing, but with my baby and lack of funds, I can't go to lessons (maybe one day though!). What are some good cardio boxing dvd's out there? Thank you!


  • ElenaTS
    ElenaTS Posts: 35 Member
    I am not sure if you are using a heavy bag or not.
    If you are, I HIGHLY recommend the Addicition workout. It's 5 dvd's to use with the bag. It has diminished my muffin top! It's $100 for the set, but worth every penny. It's on Amazon and on the addictionbody website.

    If you are just looking for regular boxing without the bag, there is a set I was just given for my birthday called Aerobox System of Sleek. It has 5 or 6 workout dvds in the set, and it's $20! I just watched them all yesterday, and it is a geat set. And a STEALfor that price. The guy that leads them was a boxer till he had an eye injury.

    If you more in the beginner/intermediate stage-Kelly Coffee Meyer has some great boxing/kickboxing dvds. And hers always have a bunch of premixes and stuff so you can really make your own workouts and make them as long or short as you want.
    If you are more advanced, Cathe has some Freidrich has some that are supposed to be great.

    I just discovered Ilaria who has a ton of Powerstrike dvd's. I haven't done them yet, but they look awesome, and I will be buying some becasue i can use them with the bag. on the collagevideo site, you can watch clips of pretty much all of these (except Addiction and Aerobox) and get a feel for the workout and the instructor. Hope that helps!
  • Fuelingmybody
    Fuelingmybody Posts: 12 Member
    Hello. As someone who is married to a Karate instructor, although I get lessons from him... When he doesn't have time I looked into purchasing dvd's. I tried a lot of them and my best advice is Tapout xt1 and Tapout xt2. Although in the Tapout dvd's they do other things, like strength and yoga.. I found their kicks and punches to be pretty effective. If those two are out of your budget, try Les Mills Combat dvd, it's cheaper and the workouts look pretty good too. You're welcome!
  • mommy3457
    mommy3457 Posts: 361 Member
    Oh yes! Thank you for these suggestions! I'll check them out. I get a certain "high" from boxing like others do from running, lifting, etc. I'd love to have a punching bag, but it honestly wouldn't fit in our apartment.
  • ElenaTS
    ElenaTS Posts: 35 Member
    That is SO funny! that is EXACTLY what I say. I tried running for a year. Hated EVERY minute of it. Everyone kept saying "Don't you hit that high and that zone?" NO!!! I get that when I got shoe shopping!! But it's funny-after an hour of boxing I feel very..Zen or something. Just very calm! Told my husband the other day "this must be that high I never got from running that i was supposed to get!"
  • TheMojoMissy
    TheMojoMissy Posts: 18 Member
    I second the recs for Kelly Coffey-Meyer! Her TLC (Train Like a Contender) and Kickboxing videos are KILLER! I feel so empowered after doing them & there are a ton of pre-mixes, too, so you never get bored.
  • dawn_h_d
    dawn_h_d Posts: 184 Member
    When searching on the On Demand channels I found that Jill Coleman is great for beginners. I actually like her "videos"
  • mommy3457
    mommy3457 Posts: 361 Member
    That is SO funny! that is EXACTLY what I say. I tried running for a year. Hated EVERY minute of it. Everyone kept saying "Don't you hit that high and that zone?" NO!!! I get that when I got shoe shopping!! But it's funny-after an hour of boxing I feel very..Zen or something. Just very calm! Told my husband the other day "this must be that high I never got from running that i was supposed to get!"

    I feel like one tough puppy when I do it!
  • amez1974
    amez1974 Posts: 213 Member
    following so I can look up some of these dvds later!
  • tarsha426
    tarsha426 Posts: 20 Member
    I like Les Mills Combat DVD's I find them very challenging and I can keep up with them. Don't be fouled the workouts are very hard and the trainers go extremely hard. Happy results!!!
  • emjaycazz
    emjaycazz Posts: 330 Member
    I currently alternate between LMC and Tapout XT and have sampled a couple of the Turbofire DVDs from a friend of mine. LMC has I think 3-4 steady cardio state sessions involving the gamut of kicks, punches and blocks, whereas Tapout XT 1 has one primary martial arts routine (Muay Thai), about 3 that have martial arts moves mixed in with core and circuit-type workouts. Obviously, neither will give you full formal MMA training but if you feel like punching or kicking they will definitely do the trick.

    I used to run, but now I realize there are other things that I enjoy doing more.
  • mommy3457
    mommy3457 Posts: 361 Member

    I used to run, but now I realize there are other things that I enjoy doing more.

    Yay! It is such an empowering feeling.
  • emjaycazz
    emjaycazz Posts: 330 Member

    Yay! It is such an empowering feeling.

    I actually had more luck dropping running for something else I enjoyed more because I was more motivated to workout and fit it into my schedule!
  • Hands down, Les Mills Combat. Not corny, not bootcamp. Just great trainers who seem to really care about inspiring you, and getting results. I am an addict!!
  • jmsouth5
    jmsouth5 Posts: 138 Member

    This site is excellent with the warm-up, explaining and doing. Very thorough and it's an awesome workout!! Fitness Blender has so may free workout video's, they're great. Never get board!!
  • Roxie65
    Roxie65 Posts: 155 Member
    I agree with Kelly Coffeys Train Like a Contender and her Kickboxing dvds they are awesome.
  • Spaghetti_Bender
    Spaghetti_Bender Posts: 509 Member

    This site is excellent with the warm-up, explaining and doing. Very thorough and it's an awesome workout!! Fitness Blender has so may free workout video's, they're great. Never get board!!

    I did the first one listed, a few weeks ago, and it was a great (and like you said) through. I think i burned over 500 calories from that workout.
  • jaznon
    jaznon Posts: 68 Member
    I have never heard of some of these dvds but I will be checking them out! I have figured out that I really enjoy kickboxing type exercise! I have Jillian Michael's Kickbox Fastfix and I enjoy it. Mainly because they are only 20 minutes each!
  • Roxie65
    Roxie65 Posts: 155 Member
    Kelly's workouts are only 30 minutes with warmup and cooldown.
  • hcobb33
    hcobb33 Posts: 66 Member
    Jillian Michaels has a great kickboxing DVD. It's got 3 workouts on it. You can usually find it from $10-$15 and the workouts are only 20 minutes. You WORK for those 20 minutes, but they're really good.
  • jmsouth5
    jmsouth5 Posts: 138 Member
    Jillian Michaels has a great kickboxing DVD. It's got 3 workouts on it. You can usually find it from $10-$15 and the workouts are only 20 minutes. You WORK for those 20 minutes, but they're really good.

    Jillian's workouts are also very easy to find on YouTube in full versions!!! So many of her workouts are there.
  • girlfighter1990
    girlfighter1990 Posts: 6
    edited November 2014
    By far this video is the best one I ever did, very challenging and a total body workout...
  • hensue11
    hensue11 Posts: 64 Member
    Kelly Coffey Meyer - They are super fun, and you can use the premixes which are longer than 30mins....