28 lbs in 3 Months

To clarify -cuz Ive already gotten one remark on this. No its not photoshopped. I blurred my shirt with paint because it was really ripped and looked horrible...lol...If it was photoshopped I wouldn't of put my face publicly. Thanks :)

I hope this works!
Start weight 270
Current : 242
Heighth: 5'5"
To make a long story short...
Heavy all my life but recenlty gained 40 lbs from a surgery in which I had a tumor removed from my hand. Was unable to move my hand , or use my arm for 3 months. I ate whatever i could, walked only when I had too. I was stationary 23 hrs a day.

I have lost 28 lbs in 3 months. Before this tiny weight loss I had high blood pressure, anemia, migraines, abnormal hormone levels, break outs (face acne), insomnia, swelling of the lower limbs (bad circulation), the list goes on. I was officially one of those "big " people that huff going up the stairs and knees hurt just walking for 5 minutes.

3 months later -I am semi normal. No swelling, sleep better, normal blood pressure etc.

I am on a mission for health..the physical part just comes with it, but its def. important too!
I am going to walk 10 miles tonight in celebration of...Life :)

Hope the pic works.


Left Image is blurry cuz its a sucky camera phone-right is from actual camera :)


  • TayzerFun
    TayzerFun Posts: 45 Member
    WOW!!! FANTASTIC!!!! :D
  • cassig13
    cassig13 Posts: 78 Member
    wow you look great!
  • imarlett
    imarlett Posts: 228 Member
    That's pretty impressive. Keep up the good work!
  • april27kelli
    april27kelli Posts: 338 Member
    28 lbs isn't a "tiny weight loss"...it's HUGE... and you look great!
  • wkay99
    wkay99 Posts: 29 Member
    Great job! I know how tough it is to be working on improving your health and get a set back from something else. I've been working on watching my food intake and improving my exercise consistency for a while now - goal was to improve health more than to "lose" weight (although that was an objective too). Have been doing well, but am suddenly facing shoulder surgery in a couple of weeks and am somewhat scared that my eating and exercise changes will end up being compromised. I commend you for sticking with it and wish you well as you continue.:love:
  • Awesomeness!!! You look so great!!!
  • SistahX
    SistahX Posts: 7 Member
    Way to go Kari! You look great!
  • erulasse
    erulasse Posts: 141 Member
    The photoshop is a bit of a shame. But bloody well done on your loss! Keep it up :flowerforyou:
  • Nice job! Keep moving girl! Thanks for sharing!
  • RoboTrish
    RoboTrish Posts: 20 Member
    sounds ( and looks :) ! ) like 28 pounds really made a difference, nice work!!

    seeing this has really encouraged me, because your stats are very similar to mine:

    SW 262
    current: 246
    height: 5"5'

    thanks for sharing and keep it up!! :D
  • Almost 10 pounds a month is "little"??? Stop selling yourself short. You are doing great and look amazing. Just please, please please do not get discouraged when you hit a plateau. Because you will. A week or two or three will go by with little or no weight loss and that is when most folks give up. Just continue making your health a priority and the rest will fall into place.

    Kudos to you! I look at people here and think wow they really did great on weight loss. Admittedly I have never been "very heavy" but when I hit my all time middle aged high 9 months ago I realized I needed life changes.

    Found out today that I may have MS. Asked the Dr.... is this why I lost weight or do I get credit for my hard work? His answer? Great job and keep doing what you are doing! My weight loss is not from illness it is from healthy choices and yours is too.
  • Chimis_Siq
    Chimis_Siq Posts: 849 Member
    Thank you :)
  • Chimis_Siq
    Chimis_Siq Posts: 849 Member
    Oop, getting the hang of this reply thing. lol bare with me!
  • Chimis_Siq
    Chimis_Siq Posts: 849 Member
    Almost 10 pounds a month is "little"??? Stop selling yourself short. You are doing great and look amazing. Just please, please please do not get discouraged when you hit a plateau. Because you will. A week or two or three will go by with little or no weight loss and that is when most folks give up. Just continue making your health a priority and the rest will fall into place.

    Kudos to you! I look at people here and think wow they really did great on weight loss. Admittedly I have never been "very heavy" but when I hit my all time middle aged high 9 months ago I realized I needed life changes.

    Found out today that I may have MS. Asked the Dr.... is this why I lost weight or do I get credit for my hard work? His answer? Great job and keep doing what you are doing! My weight loss is not from illness it is from healthy choices and yours is too.

    @ Karenober..
    Yes 28lbs is not little. The first Month I lost about 18 lbs, then the rest the second month. The third month..0 lbs. I guess plateau is where I am at. I have now started "running" which is something 3 months ago I couldn't even walk .75 of a mile without my body feeling like I was going to fall apart and me not being able to breathe.

    I will take health over lbs and physical anyday. I felt so sick. The doctor diagnosed me with certain things before my tumor was removed(as if that wasn't enough, I almost had my finger amputated). I had to suck it up and ask them..."Just answer one question..are all these issues because of my weight?". The answer so simple...."YES, I am 100% sure. ".

    I vowed after I got out of surgery when I was able too, I was going to change my life. I was blessed to not lose my finger, and was blessed to be alive. I was being selfish and not taking advantage of all I had.

    Thanks for your support. Its nice to hear when the self doubt demon creeps in.
  • Chimis_Siq
    Chimis_Siq Posts: 849 Member
    WOW!!! FANTASTIC!!!! :D
    Thank you! Thank you!
  • Chimis_Siq
    Chimis_Siq Posts: 849 Member
    sounds ( and looks :) ! ) like 28 pounds really made a difference, nice work!!

    seeing this has really encouraged me, because your stats are very similar to mine:

    SW 262
    current: 246
    height: 5"5'

    thanks for sharing and keep it up!! :D
    Yes just take it one day at a time. Enjoy the accomplishments that your body can now do things you couldn't do before cuz of the extra lb.
    I lost it all in my first 2 months, and the third month 0. Just keep at it. Email me and we can chit chat !
  • Wow! You look beautiful and you must be very tall or you just carry that weight really well. You go girl!
  • Chimis_Siq
    Chimis_Siq Posts: 849 Member
    The photoshop is a bit of a shame. But bloody well done on your loss! Keep it up :flowerforyou:

    I didn't photoshop. I blurred out my shirt a bit because it was ripped and looked ghetto. I wouldn't post it publicly with my face if that was the case. Whatever you say, Im so proud of me and my loss! yeah buddy!!! :)

    Thanks for the negativity, it just pushes me harder-LOVE IT!!:)
  • Chimis_Siq
    Chimis_Siq Posts: 849 Member
    Nice job! Keep moving girl! Thanks for sharing!
    Thanks :) DO you have a permit for those guns! :) lol
  • Chimis_Siq
    Chimis_Siq Posts: 849 Member
    Way to go Kari! You look great!

    Thanks for the positivity, we should be this way to each other. You keep up the great work as well! :)
  • Chimis_Siq
    Chimis_Siq Posts: 849 Member
    28 lbs isn't a "tiny weight loss"...it's HUGE... and you look great!

    THank you friend :) . 97 lbs/ WHOA , you are amazing!
  • Chimis_Siq
    Chimis_Siq Posts: 849 Member
    Wow! You look beautiful and you must be very tall or you just carry that weight really well. You go girl!

    I am 5'5" not tall at all but yes Ive always carried it well. My goal is under 200. Which seems like a lot of weight but for my body and how I carry-I think itll be perfect. :)

    Thanks for the kind words!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Looking good! Keep up the great work!
  • Congrats preset girl!
  • Chimis_Siq
    Chimis_Siq Posts: 849 Member
    Great job! I know how tough it is to be working on improving your health and get a set back from something else. I've been working on watching my food intake and improving my exercise consistency for a while now - goal was to improve health more than to "lose" weight (although that was an objective too). Have been doing well, but am suddenly facing shoulder surgery in a couple of weeks and am somewhat scared that my eating and exercise changes will end up being compromised. I commend you for sticking with it and wish you well as you continue.:love:

    Thank you for the kind words. I know what you mean. I had surgery and am now at month 5. Month 2 I barely starting using my hand at the gym-and only to hold on to the tread or anything when I needed. Ive had to limit my exercise because of my hand.

    Progress is progress. Just eat healthy, be positive, even walking is great. I know what you went through ..your body does what your mind believes.
  • *Pretty. Congrats pretty girl!
  • Chimis_Siq
    Chimis_Siq Posts: 849 Member
    *Pretty. Congrats pretty girl!

    Thank you so much. The support/positivity is amazing and MCH appreciated.
  • erulasse
    erulasse Posts: 141 Member
    The photoshop is a bit of a shame. But bloody well done on your loss! Keep it up :flowerforyou:

    I didn't photoshop. I blurred out my shirt a bit because it was ripped and looked ghetto. I wouldn't post it publicly with my face if that was the case. Whatever you say, Im so proud of me and my loss! yeah buddy!!! :)

    Thanks for the negativity, it just pushes me harder-LOVE IT!!:)

    I enjoy how you only picked up on that bit... I also said well done, you're doing fantastically.
    Props to you.
  • jmorrisof2
    jmorrisof2 Posts: 108 Member
    Amazing job! Very inspiring. I wanted to ask how many calories are you eating per day and how many calories do you burn a day in exercise? I just ask because I am trying to lose 80 pounds and having a hard time figuring out this calorie thing. I have been eating 1200 calories and going to Curves and walking about 30-60 min per day.
  • norahs45
    norahs45 Posts: 22 Member
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