Trouble keeping the scales going down..

Well hello there everyone!
I am not a newbie on MFP but this is my first original post, the reason I am posting now is because I feel I need some encouragement, support, a push, a butt kick...which I know some of you are good at...but regardless whatever it is going to take to get me to get back on the right track here!

I joined in January and have not really missed a day logging but holy cow, sure have not lost enough weight to date to prove that I have been working at this or to myself that I can do this on a continued basis. I post both what I eat and what exercise (mainly walking) I do or have done for the day. Some days are really active some I only get the walking done..

I realized that yes, I am posting what I am eating, and trying to make sure I am posting everything but then today, I was trying to figure out why I have not lost in the last couple of months...not only that but why I have gained back at least two pounds.. I am here where I have ended up that I was sitting here thinking about giving up!!!

Here are some of my problems and excuses..
*well, I was travelling for over a month hard to control my eating and exercise (not true)
*I know I have been not as honest about my logging (true)
*I sometimes weigh and measure but not always, I will guesstimate instead..(true)
*if I forget to log in what I ate earlier in the day ..oh well, I will make sure I am up on it tomorrow. (true)
*I have cheated this week, only cheating me of course (true)
*I am not inclined to go to a gym just not my idea of a lifestyle change I want to make (so true)
*I do walk twice a day at least for about 1 hr a day total...sometimes more. (true)
*I am set up as sedentary lifestyle on mfp,(true)

Well, now that I feel bad beating myself up for giving up or ready to give it up and wonder why the heck I am even trying, I know it is up to me, only me but I am not having the success I really, really want. I need your positive support as well as knowing if any of you have run into this sort of block and lack of weight loss or desire to continue, how did you keep it up!!!


  • mjpTennis
    mjpTennis Posts: 6,165 Member
    Sticking with the plan, patience and variety have worked for me. If you are logging everything and sticking with your fitness plan, good things are going to happen. There are so many different variables to consider. Some things that have made the biggest difference for me -
    Get into a routine so it becomes part of your lifestyle.
    scheduling in four 30 minute cardio sessions each week (maybe add in walking for 5 min, 30 seconds of running, 5 min of walking....something to increase that heartrate)
    focusing on minimizing the amount of sugar in my diet
    staying at my MFP caloric intake

    During one stretch of 4 - 6 weeks for me nothing changed on the scale although my measurements were changing slightly. I would take other measurements for yourself to compare that as well as your weight.

    Ultimately after getting into a routine, it was so easy to change one thing for 3-4 weeks and see how it impacted me. Good luck. I can tell you are going to do well.
  • landodewd
    landodewd Posts: 43 Member
    I haven't lost in quite awhile. But it doesn't matter I eat healthy and exercise. I know eventually it will start again but even if it doesn't I am bettering myself on the inside. I can eat healthy and exercise and be fat or I can eat crappy/way to much with no exercise and be fat. I feel good i'm proud of myself. Don't worry you will get there you are bettering yourself. Are you keeping measurements? I was using the scale and it was driving me nuts I started taking measurements instead totally changed my thinking. Weigh in every week or two but keep taking measurements and keep feeling good! You can do it. I make mistakes all the time but we are only human. I have thought about giving up lots of times but the support of friends on here keeps me going. Trying is better than giving up because you will at least be moving forward. We only get one chance at life so lets all make the best of it. You are doing good slow progress is still progress. :smile:
  • jaecamp1
    jaecamp1 Posts: 120 Member
    It sounds like you already know where your roadblocks are and that's a big portion of it! Now you just need to get over those hurdles, and you can. You're not on here whining that you don't know why you aren't where you want to be, you are admitting your errors. You got this!
  • jeslaughter
    jeslaughter Posts: 131 Member
    Thanks so much for the encouragement everyone, it is depressing to keep trying and keep failing..this is why I came to MFP and not tried another fad diet program like Jenny, WW, Sure Slim, etc, been there done that this is what I know will work...but wow..hard to keep it up when the scales go up and I know it is me that is making it do that!
    I am determined to lose another 10 or more pounds by Christmas, I so want to have to buy a new outfit for New Years or wear my favorite one that is still too small for me...
    Again. thanks for the help to keep going, I knew I could count on the awesome MFP friends to be there with wise encouragement.