Anti-Depressant weight gain



  • emmawoolf84
    emmawoolf84 Posts: 243 Member
    Ive been on an SNRI long term twice in my life with a substantial gap of time inbetween of NOT being on it...first time I began taking it I gained about 15 lbs in a month. I know some people claim the "meds" themselves cause you to gain weight (as in they didn't change their intake however gained cant gain air) however for me personally it was due to my increased appetite, really ramping up my cravings & I seemed to have no control/willpower, hence ate a LOT more (okay, nearly everything in sight) & gained weight. Again, most importantly it HELPED AND I found the cravings tapered off within the month, but I was def left with those 15 lbs to shed.

    The second time starting the medication again, I had no side effects that were related to weight gain or even cravings.
  • jenwarship
    jenwarship Posts: 28 Member
    I'm on Zoloft and am losing weight. I actually find it easier to count calories and work out since I no longer feel like lying in bed all day. :) I guess the theme of this board is- everyone is different and you will need to find a medication that works best for you. But, it is possible to lose weight on anti-depressants. Good luck!
  • sweet_blasphemy
    sweet_blasphemy Posts: 129 Member
    I gained a ton of weight on Risperdal and Effexor when I was in my teens... but I think PCOS had a part in it as well. I can't remember how long I was on them before I stopped, but the weight and increased appetite stayed after I kicked them despite going to the gym 5 days a week and living on ephedra and hoodia (all the rage back then). A couple years later I got on Metformin for insulin resistance and dropped about 80% of the weight I gained from the ADs without even trying. A few years after that, I was put on citalopram and lamictal but I lost a few more pounds because I was going through a rough time and I guess they weren't really helping, ha. Got tired of feeling like a doped up zombie so I stopped them in 2010. I gradually gained back about 30lbs between 2010 and 2012 from not being able to get Metformin anymore and from being lazy and eating too much crap. Sept 2012 got on Bupropion XL 300mg (Welbutrin) which killed my appetite and gave me a ton of energy so I dropped 15-20 but that all leveled out after a few months, got hungry and lazy again and well, here I am :laugh:

    My doctor is suggesting adding a mood stabilizer to the bupropion which I'm kinda hesitant about because I'm doing well so far. I don't need to be battling a raging appetite and weird adrenal/hormonal fluctuations and the such so early in the game...