Need some help

Hey all,
I need some help getting back on the wagon. I fell off hard this week. Its been insane because of my mom being in the hospital. I really wanna get back and get going again. Any suggestions? Please and thank you ahead of time


  • sgssmile
    Well you are asking for help so it's obvious you really want to do it. Try and remind yourself of how much more hard work it is going to be the longer you are off the wagon....the sooner you get back on the better and easier on you it will be. Good luck and I hope your Mom get's well.
  • ccsingrey
    Stress can definitely be hard to stay on track with things. But, just try to remember how good you feel when you do and that you want to stay healthy so that you don't wind up in the hospital too! Stay healthy and strong for your mom, but more importantly for yourself! You can do it!