What Am I Doing Wrong??



  • DHogan80
    DHogan80 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi Everyone:

    Thanks for all the input you've posted - certainly made it worthwhile asking the question and receiving another perspective. My exercise consists of walking, walking, and more walking as I'm not really do much else due to my disability (left sided hemiplegia). Having said that I'll certainly be measuring out my portion sizes to what they should be and try no to over eat, as has been suggested. I try to drink at least 8 glasses of water everyday, but occasionally fall short by one or two. If anyone has any other exercise tips for me - I'm all ears...

  • marysidneyherbert
    Have you gotten physical therapy for your hemiplegia? A good physical therapist will be able to suggest and teach you good exercises that you can do with that condition.
  • DHogan80
    DHogan80 Posts: 21 Member

    I have home exercises available from the Rehab that I went to, but that's more to do with strengthening my core, hips and stretching for my arm. I have nothing else really except the walking....
  • marysidneyherbert
    Well, walking is great. How about stair climbing? Sometimes I just run up and down the stairs in my house for 10 minutes to get a little exercise boost. When I lived near a stadium, I would go up and down all around the whole place, listening to music or an audiobook. Just wondering if since walking works if there would be a way for you to take that up a notch and burn some additional calories while boosting heart rate more.
  • DHogan80
    DHogan80 Posts: 21 Member
    I could certainly do both of those while the kids are school. I'll set up the Wii also, with the fitness games and go from there. Thanks for the added boost....