Dukan Diet Anyone? Success/Tips?



  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    I'm pretty sure the Duchess if Cambridge didn't have 40lbs to lose...she was never that big??
  • Haha, this made me laugh - thanks for that, I don't actually eat donuts (honestly) and luckily don't live near a Dunkin Donuts haha!
  • Thank you everyone - I appreciate everyone's answers. I'm truly not looking for a cheat or an easy way out, I am looking for something to jumpstart for me. I eat a lot of fruits/veggies as it is - but being a Wisconsin gal, dairy is a huge issue for me - I know I eat way too much of it and too often. I thought about trying Dukan to help kickstart my weight loss and help eliminate some fatty foods. Yes, I know you need fat in your diet, but I know I am eating all the wrong foods. I will honestly say I lose motivation SO QUICKLY and honestly thought if I could see some change - even a little, it would honestly keep me motivated to keep going.

    My ultimate goal is a 100lb. weight loss, but 50 by May for sure. It's so tough when I only have virtual support (which I value beyond belief!) my fiance eats nothing but junk - and I know its not an excuse, but its HARD. I have been trying, but it has also been stressing me out so bad.

    One of my friends told me I was lucky, because "heavier' people lose weight faster - is there any truth to this!?
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Heavier people do lose weight faster, initially. My understanding is this is caused (mainly) by two factors. One, a higher BMR. It takes more calories to keep a 220lb person alive than a 120lb person, even if they're just lying in bed all day. Two, a bigger mass. At 220lbs, you would burn more calories walking for an hour than someone at 120lbs because there is simply more of you to carry around. As you lose weight you'll need to readjust your calorie goal to keep it in line with your new weight and ensure that you're not eating too much :)
  • MizMimi111
    MizMimi111 Posts: 244 Member
    I don't know anything about Dukan or any other diet plan. What I can tell you is that I have 100+ lbs to lose. I have been logging my calories on MFP for the past 36 (maybe 37?) days and have lost 10 lbs so far. I'm staying within my calorie deficit, exercise sporadically and while trying to make a lifestyle change, I certainly haven't been perfect the last month. I've had pizza, wings, burgers, ice cream all withing the last month and still dropped 10lbs.

    I know I won't continue to lose at this pace but hope to heck I will have lost 50 lbs by May!

    Just saying, I think it can be done using MFP as your guide.

    All the best! :drinker:
  • Heavier people do lose weight faster, initially. My understanding is this is caused (mainly) by two factors. One, a higher BMR. It takes more calories to keep a 220lb person alive than a 120lb person, even if they're just lying in bed all day. Two, a bigger mass. At 220lbs, you would burn more calories walking for an hour than someone at 120lbs because there is simply more of you to carry around. As you lose weight you'll need to readjust your calorie goal to keep it in line with your new weight and ensure that you're not eating too much :)

    Thanks! This makes me feel a little better. I see from your profile you eat gluten-free has this helped you at all?
  • xlfmlymom
    xlfmlymom Posts: 3 Member
    On the advice of my nurse practitioner, I am doing a modified dukan diet and am thrilled so far. I add coconut oil to it, 1-2 T. a day. And my homemade crockpot yogurt is full fat and cottage cheese is low fat. (Just cause that's what Sam's club has) I know we need fat. My mood has been better, so I'm not convinced on the serotonin issue. I only had 25 lbs to lose and it said I would lose it by the end of November. That motivated me to give it a whole hearted shot, knowing that it's possible for me to reach my goal by then. Then the 3rd phase is 3 days for every lb lost so I've got 75 days on that phase. In that phase, you gradually add in fruit and carbs and you get a cheat meal each week, while also having a pure protein day every week. I have lost 9 lbs since 9/16, so in 2 weeks. I want to follow the main timeline and learn better moderation but I'm not willing to go long term very restrictive so this seems like a perfect solution for me. I have high blood pressure also and it is slowly coming down. My joints are not as achy either. I use xylitol for sweetener and for the oat bran I make a "galette" with the oat bran, an egg and a couple T. cottage cheese. (What in the world is fromage frais?!) and a bit of xylitol and cinnamon if I'm wanting something a little sweet. so I'm tweaking it a bit but still losing at a good clip. Hope this helps. I also have teens and a husband who are junk food junkies so I had to get my mind in the mode to do this no matter what and it's working! Hoping eventually my hubby will come on board. I'm cooking healthier anyway for him, even though he still eats his junk.
  • xlfmlymom
    xlfmlymom Posts: 3 Member
    Oops, it's 5 days on phase 3 for every 1 pound lost. So mine would be 125 days on consolidation phase.
  • Fairgoals
    Fairgoals Posts: 2 Member
    I am jumping in here as a former successful Dukaner who lost 55 pounds and kept it off for one year +. I did the Consolidation phase for 8 mos and then got very sick with pneumonia...I was hospitalized 10 days and that just threw off my eating....I slowly gained back half the weight and am now facing the 'what to do".

    Bottom line, it really works...I followed it to the tee for 7 months of Cruise and then about a year of Consol (never officially did Stabilisation).

    Pros: It really works. It was only thing for me to really make a change. Its pretty easy to follow.
    Cons: No fruit is hard, but you get used to it. Its animal based food, if you want more plant based.
  • Hi, to anyone who is wanting to try the dukan diet, I seriously want to say that it is "NOT HEALTHY"
    I've been religiously on the dukan diet for about 2 weeks now, and I lost 8 pounds which was amazing.
    The thing is, I stopped being energetic even though I've a really energetic girl and I didn't have much strength to do anything.
    I wasn't addicted to carbs either.

    The thing is one my 5th day I got rash all over my body, and I went to the emergency room, and they said its probably because of the eating. Then, while I was taking medication in the emergency room, i fainted, due to low blood pressure, and due to low-sugar levels in my blood. The thing is just a week before that I fainted once before in an art museum, making the museum a total mess. The funny thing is, my dad's family has a record of high blood pressure, so it is funny that I can have low blood pressure, just because of a diet.

    I was never sick during 2013, and I was always a healthy energetic girl, except that I was a little chubby. (I was a little overweight, but not obese) Everyone around me is surprised that such a healthy girl can suffer so much just after two weeks of starting this diet. I'm now just going to stick to a healthy life style as I now DO NEED my health back that I have lost because of this fad diet.

    I now believe that cutting out carbs totally is crazy, and that would really really stop you from functioning properly. Instead, I'm going to add some healthy carbs, such as brown rice or mueslis, to keep my sugar and blood pressure levels normal.

    Please, don't follow this diet, it is VERY UNHEALTHY
  • Fairgoals
    Fairgoals Posts: 2 Member
    We all have our 'expert opinions' about things near and dear, nes pa?

    I would just like to remind people about the Phases of Dukan and that this plan is NOT completely void of fats or carbohydrates. I think it would be almost impossible to completely have NO fat or Carbs - that - definitely would not be good.

    Carbs on Dukan - There is a long list of vegetables that are consumed regularly (usually every other day) and Oat Bran is REQUIRED DAILY - that's at least 15-20 carbs alone. Add veggies to a breakfast omelet, a salad for lunch, and some green beans with roast chicken for dinner and the carbs add up through that day.

    Fats - Dukan is lean, not no fat. There is some fat in the sirloin, chicken, lean pork, and lean steaks, cottage cheese, yogurt, etc
    It is also imperative to assist the kidneys by drinking enough water - 6-8+ glasses per day, particularly while on protein days.

    Anyone needing to lose a ton of weight would benefit by being supervised ON ANY PLAN. Depending on how much one has to lose will determine how long one is this 'restrictive' on Dukan (Cruise phase). This plan works and if people proceed through ALL the phases gradually adding back most foods, they should be able to stabilize. I believe this can be a valid method for many, as long as all the principles and phases are followed.
  • Lepouxo
    Lepouxo Posts: 20 Member
    It did work for me.
    I lost 10 Kg (22 lbs) in approximately 4.5 months and reached my goal weight. I am 5'9 (1,75 m) and now my weight is between 60-61 kg (132-134 lbs). I have been maintaining this weight since June.
    One thing you should know is that exercise is the key too. I started to walk and still walk between 1 hour to 1.5 hour daily. I run once a week for 45 mins to 1 hour.
    But when on holiday, I take a break. No diet. I just eat what I want. Well, it works for me an I'm never hungry.
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    My wedding is in May and I've been trying to drop 50lbs at least. I am overweight, so I do want to begin changing my lifestyle, too. I'm so tired of being a heavy girl. Anyway - I've been researching recipes on Pinterest and came across this diet Princess Kate did called the Dukan Diet.

    Everyone who was commenting and even the "tester" (author of the article) stated she had lost 40lbs. in 5 months. The diet consists of four phases, and the most helpful I thought was the "attack" phase in which you consume large amounts of protein. Looking at the diet/menu for it - it does not seem extreme. Breakfasts included omelets and cottage cheese, and lunches chicken breasts and yogurt. The second phase has you add in veggies and such, too. You are able to "eat until full" with protein in the phases I am reading.

    I have a tough time sticking to diets as I lose motivation so quickly or because I can't eat the food (I.e - Soy milk..blehhhh) - but this sounds doable!

    Has anyone tried this before? Here's the article I read:


    I guess 'Princess Kate' didn't care that the British Dietetic Association voted Dukan to be top of their annual "most stupid celebrity diets" review.... :huh:

  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    We all have our 'expert opinions' about things near and dear, nes pa?

    I would trust the BDA's "expert opinion"... considering they are the professional body for all qualified dieticians in the UK, nes pa?