Weight loss and Fasting

I am wondering if anyone has been fasting for 1 day a week and been able to loose weight consistently? I am asking because I have been fasting 1 day a week since the begining of the year and I have found it is hard to keep my weight down. My reason for it can be found on my profile I just dont want this post to be flagged and placed in a "private group posting area"

Anyway, besides the fasting I have been injured 2x this year and have had to adjust and at times stop working out. I've gained back 15 lbs now and if I have to I will just accept the fate of gaining weight because there has been a huge pay off from fasting that is real.

BUT if anyone has any tips on how to eat before and after fast to recover the body I would LOVE to hear about them. Thank you in advance for the encouragement ;):wink:


  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I tried going to your profile to get the whole story, but without being friends on here, nobody will be able to see the reasons you fast because of your chosen privacy levels...

    Do you have other medical issues that could hinder your weight loss efforts? Are you carefully weighing and measuring your food on the days you are not fasting, making sure that you are in a calorie deficit daily?
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    I fast once a week (albeit not for that long yet). I tend to eat at a moderate deficit throughout the week with low-moderate carb intake, have a higher calorie day on Sunday with higher carbs, then fast on Monday (from dinner on Sunday night through to dinner on Monday).

    I find this works well for me but remember that fasting is no magic bullet for fat loss. Fasting is purported to have health benefits and there is some evidence to suggest the hormonal responses to fasting will be beneficial to fat loss... but it must always be done in the context of a healthy, well balanced diet and with a clear understanding that fasting does not overcome the balance of energy that forms the basis for weight loss and/or gain.

    Energy in vs energy out is still the most important factor!
  • ItsLessOfMe
    ItsLessOfMe Posts: 374 Member
    Ok changed the settings sorry!
    I do think I eat much sloppier now that I'm injuired, when I was weight lifting I was a super clean eater. Now I eat crap but I do stay within calorie range. After fasts I usually have TONS of calories left but not much time = not good :(
  • ItsLessOfMe
    ItsLessOfMe Posts: 374 Member
    Thanks Rayman, the calorie balancing makes sense. My fasting is more to gain control and clarity then for the weight loss
  • LFG95
    LFG95 Posts: 13
    Have you heard of Intermittent Fasting(IF)? There a several IF plans out there with many great guides. Here one where you fast for two non-consecutive days and eat whatever you want on the normal days. 5:2

  • ItsLessOfMe
    ItsLessOfMe Posts: 374 Member
    Interesting. I'll take a look at it but I do enjoy the clean eating model more than just eating what ever I want but I've never heard of IF
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Have you heard of Intermittent Fasting(IF)? There a several IF plans out there with many great guides. Here one where you fast for two non-consecutive days and eat whatever you want on the normal days. 5:2


    Wrong! This is not IF. Despite the fact that the 5:2 plan has you fasting two days per week, it does not mean you can eat whatever you want on the remaining 5! You still need to meet your macronutrient breakdown and get sufficient micronutrients through a sensibly balanced diet. Two days of fasting will allow you to eat more on your feeding days, but it certainly doesn't give you carte blanche to do whatever you like for the rest of the week.

    You can make any sort of fasting model work, depending on your individual preferences and goals. the common ones are 5:2 (popularised by Brad Pilon in 'Eat Stop Eat'), and 16:8 style which can be practiced every day (courtesy of Martin Berkhan, Leangains).

    What ever method you choose, tracking calories and macros should always be done, at least when starting out.
  • FfoodNguyen
    Go hungry does well against it harm you, your health will decrease. 1 Month before I'm 78 kg, I used a type of product that is extracted from the peppers, it's very good.
    After one month, I was reduced to 62kg. This is great, if you want I will introduce to you.