Getting Mad!!

Okay I have been on the P90X program for 3 weeks now and I can tell my clothes are fitting better and I have A LOT more energy but that stinking number will not go down on the scale!!! My husband had to poke a hole in my belt so I know I am going in the right direction. I am 5'11" and I am stuck at 205 it is killing me! Tonight made a deal with myself to really really watch portion control--that I would say is my big down fall I love food and I want more of it!! In 3 weeks I have been below my calorie count by 200-350 calories I have slipped up one day and went pretty far over--by 500 calories but I am back on the wagon!!!


  • 1meh
    1meh Posts: 94 Member
    You realize your growing muscle (which weights more than fat) and loosing fat - not to mention the tone and health improvements you are getting. Forget the scale - it's lying to you. Celebrate your NSVs, because they are victories! Why did you start this journey? To have a certain number on a machine that will change if you drink a glass of water, or to be healthy/look sexy/fit into smaller clothes/make friends jealous. You are succeeding in the last four goals, so dump the scale and focus on being proud of you, cause to be honest, you sorta rock.
  • Thank you very much!!!! You are right I need to embrace the wins and forget the number---hard to change the mindset!!
  • kbauman09
    kbauman09 Posts: 40 Member
    Maybe try to cut back on your sodium. Sometimes (for me), when the scale won't budge, it's because of sodium. Just a thought!
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Your muscles will retain water as they recover from all that work. 3 weeks is not quite enough to grow muscle for most people. My hunch is water retention - perfectly normal.
  • fitbugfreak
    fitbugfreak Posts: 86 Member
    You should really give yourself a minimum of 3 months to really see a difference. Hopefully you took messurements so you can see the difference. If not - take them now and pictures. The scale doesn't tell all!
    Good luck in your journey