Starting fresh.

Jstr21 Posts: 4
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hi all,

My name is Rus and I'm new here. 6 months ago I went through 2 phases of P90X
with my former roomate and my girlfriend. We broke up, and it was her P90X, so I've
been without and have been slacking quite a bit. I stepped on the scale and realized
I'd put on 10 pounds due to dropping the habit, and I've decided its time to get going
again. So here I am to hold myself accountable. I'm looking at dropping 30 pounds now.

Here goes nothing.


  • You have taken the first step by starting. If you need a friend, please feel free to add me, we can all do it together. I am finding that being on MFP has really helped me alot
  • southernlynn
    southernlynn Posts: 2 Member
    Welcome. I am a return member....I recently put on 12 pounds and am determined to get it off. Good luck.....this site is very helpful and easy to use.
  • Muffyh
    Muffyh Posts: 1
    12 pounds to loose sounds good to me.I just signed up and want to shed 15 by Dec. Is that realistic?
    I have now clue how this all works.I need help!!!!!!
  • Rus, this is a great place to meet people who will encourage you to help you meet your goals.
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