Low energy day

Today I don't have much energy. I don't like these days; I can't concentrate on anything at all and don't feel like doing anything (I want to do something but have difficulty to do it with such a low battery).

So, this is what I did:
- drank plenty of water -> no effect
- drank juice -> no effect
- ate fruit and vegetables -> no effect
- ate yoghurt -> no effect
- ate a lot of nuts -> no effect
- drank coffee (about an hour ago) -> some effect

So, I ate enough, I drank enough and I also slept enough during this week.

Anyways, I am going to have a shower now (that may give me some boost) and next time I think I'll do some sports if I feel this way just to get the blood flowing. And I'll eat some bread next time, I think the problem might be that I don't eat enough carbohydrates.

*my question*: what do you do you think may cause this? do you have this problem too sometimes? Or did you find a way to prevent this, or boost your energy when you feel this way?

Answers are really appreciated!


  • agcarden1
    agcarden1 Posts: 35 Member
    I have days like that too. I call them "blah" days where all I want to do is lay around and watch tv all day! I usually get those days when I'm feeling overwhelmed or when I'm having a pity party for myself. For me, the best way to get out of those low energy days is to make myself do something active, like take a quick 10 minute walk. I find it most helpful to tell myself that I will only walk for 10 minutes, then I end up walking for much longer once I'm out there. If I go into thinking that it's just 10 minutes, I know I can tough it out. If I go into it thinking that I'll have to spend the next 45 minutes walking, my blah mood takes over and I lay back down. I hope you can overcome your low energy day!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Do you eat enough calories? Do you have any vitamin deficiencies? Do you get enough good fats in your diet? Those would be my first things I'd look at to trouble shoot your problem.

    A lot of "dieters" in particular have issues with this because they have extremely unhealthy relationships with dietary fat and go all no fat/low fat and freak their bodies out. Fat is an essential macro-nutrient that regulates hormones, affects mood, is necessary for proper nutrient absorption, long term energy, nervous system function, etc. I'm not talking about just having a handful of nuts or something today either...I'm talking about overall diet...get your fats daily.
  • bridgelene
    bridgelene Posts: 358 Member
    Welcome to my daily world, thanks to a medical condition I have :frown: It's a pain in the *kitten*, haha.

    But. Before I'd consider anything more.....I'd consider stuff like -- enough fuel. Getting the proper quality of fuel. And.....dude. The fact that everyone has those days from time to time :flowerforyou:

    Hope tomorrow is better!
  • xRiverX
    xRiverX Posts: 149 Member
    Serious when I have days like this which isnt often I found out it was lack of "hows your father" "sex" or lack of it what more can I say? hope this helps :)
  • desiv2
    desiv2 Posts: 651 Member
    Take a rest day or go exercise? Sometimes even going to the gym doesn't give me an energy boost. I'm in the same boat today, just feeling drained between full time school and full time work and gym everyday!
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Hope your not getting sick. You may want to take a multi-vitamin just to boost .