A story of Motivation & Inspiration!.. "JJ's Story"

When, I first began to share this thought. I had all intentions of making it a post on my MFP page viewable only to my friends. However, I quickly realized two things. One this was not going to be a short status update and secondly everyone deserved to hear the story of this very inspirational boy and his family. With that being said, here is a brief introduction to their story and how I came to know them.

Yesterday afternoon and during my second weight training session, I had the privilege to meet my trainer's wonderful grandson, JJ and his entire young family. Dad, Mom, 6 yr old "triplet boys", which JJ is one of, and last but not least, a very mature and helpful 10 yr old older brother. Now just stop for a minute and think. What a household of three six year old triplet boys might be like. As a mother of only 2 boys, I can assure you it's a workout in itself. However their story doesn't end there. Because JJ is also a special needs child with very severe, ongoing, and chronic issues.

Today as my mind often wondered back to him. I could see so clearly. His frequent smiles and laughter. It was then I realized. JJ had completely mastered, not only the one muscle movement gifted to him, but one of the most powerful to each of our daily lives! His larger than life smile! A heart melting one that spreads like the morning sunshine across his beautiful face, with only the simple acknowledgment of his existence.

Reflecting back to yesterday afternoon, I can easily remember. I sat here about this time, somewhat complaining to my MFP friends about the upcoming session. Not having any idea of the very special people I was about to encounter. Knowing not one time yesterday, did I stop to consider situations such as JJ's. I can and do admit that. However, I also think most of us might be guilty of this behavior. Hence, my entire reasoning for sharing JJ and his family.

JJ's champion mother, who now happens to be my new training partner, explained to me when we were introduced. That her entire purpose for suffering the pain to build muscle and strength, had nothing at all to do with self image. Instead, for her, it's all a requirement. An absolute must for her small frame to be capable of caring for and lifting JJ several times daily.
Talk about real inspiration and motivation. I gave that two hour work out my all. Just as I plan to do with all future ones, from yesterday on!

JJ, his family and his story inspired me so much that I wanted to share with you all, JJ's website below. After viewing, if you choose to do so. I can guarantee you'll understand why this family touched my heart :heart: so much! I hope you all find as much encouragement, inspiration, and motivation in their story as I did. :smile:

JJ's Website:

