
turbojanem Posts: 285
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
what's up with all the cheese that everyone is eating. don't get me wrong, i eat cheese about once a day. but i see lots of diaries that have cheese 3 and 4 times a day. large amounts of cheese too.

there are other ways to get your protein and calcium. steamed broccoli is awesome for calcium and protein.

here's what i had for dinner:
1 cup of steamed broccoli has 50 calories, 6 protein and no fat!
1/4 c mexican 2% milk fat cheese, 80 calories, 7 protein and 5 fats. (slightly melted over the broccoli)
and my sweet potato had 4 fat here either.

this is a bit of an odd combination to many. i was cooking for only myself due to Husband's work schedule. the sweet potato was left over (mashed with pumpkin spices and a touch of molasses for sweetness. served cold taste like pumpkin pie. try it!) those two veggies and the little amount of cheese was very filling. and aided in my (occasional) meat free day with lots of protein in my day.

don't get me wrong, i love cheese too. for me, a healthy lifestyle is a balanced lifestyle...esp a balanced diet.

and i have to ask this question...when you eat so much cheese and very few veggies or you not have issues with the digestive track???



  • I had a dietitian tell me that cheese and milk, help you lose weight by stabilizing the blood sugar, also yogurt works well too.
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    I am a low carb eater and often eat up to 3-4 oz of cheese a day....I also eat bacon and eggs......I don't eat anything with sugar if possible, I don't eat breads or cookies.......although I eat these things, I eat a ton of Veggies too......1/2 a plate is green veggies, large salad with my although alot of cheese, all "works out" ok for me......
  • I just like cheese...
  • suzikelley
    suzikelley Posts: 210 Member
    I love cheese, and am guilty of having it sometimes 2 or 3 times a day. If I have a sandwich (usually turkey) I have a slice of fat free cheese on it. I love to have reduced fat wheat thins with a wedge of laughing cow cheese spread over them. And sometimes I'll have my favorite lean cuisine - fettuccine alfredo. I guess to each their own! :-)
  • nalia08
    nalia08 Posts: 252
    I love CHEESE also! That is the only one item I do not restrict myself from. When I find that I do not meet my calorie goals, I eat a few slices of cheese to make up the difference! I do eat it everyday! Especially on a salad!
  • katkat987
    katkat987 Posts: 100 Member
    I love cheese, but it plays games with my willpower.. i could easily eat a slab of it in one go. So i replaced it with low fat cottage cheese, cream cheese and cheese spread =)
  • azlady7
    azlady7 Posts: 471 Member
    I love cheese as well. I also eat less carbs and higher protein. But I do understand the digestive track issues and therefore eat quite a bit of veggies too! (although u cant tell by lookin at my diary today lol....hey its saturday LOL)
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    hey there fellow cheese-eaters!!! i eat cheese daily, sometime more if it works out. :) yum!

    about the o.p.'s question, i don't have digestive issues from the cheese. must be lucky, i guess.
  • brityn
    brityn Posts: 443 Member
    I usually eat cheese 2-3 times a wedge of laughing cow cheese on my light english muffin for breakfast, and 2-1/2c. servings of fat free cottage cheese throughout the day. it's so versatile why wouldn't I?
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    I love CHEESE also! That is the only one item I do not restrict myself from. When I find that I do not meet my calorie goals, I eat a few slices of cheese to make up the difference! I do eat it everyday! Especially on a salad!

    MMMMMMMMMM Cheese on my salad................Love that!
  • wow....i had no idea that cheese was such a loved food. i guess my "drug" of choice would be chocolate, with a close second being anything fast and easy. i still allow myself both of these, daily. i just try to keep my choices healthier and my daily intake in a variety of foods so that i don't limit my vitamins and minerals that i am getting .
    have a great weekend!
  • vkpmusic
    vkpmusic Posts: 343 Member
    My problem with cheese is not's the sodium. Anyone have a solution for that one? Cause I LOVE CHEESE!
  • My problem with cheese is not's the sodium. Anyone have a solution for that one? Cause I LOVE CHEESE!

    most foods are high in sodium when they reduce the fat. consider going for quality vs quantity. get a gooooood tasting cheese, eat it less often, and it will be more rewarding. i would rather eat my fave good quality foods less often, then daily/every meal with lesser quality.
  • vkpmusic
    vkpmusic Posts: 343 Member
    Yeah, but I had like 2 oz of really good fresh parm on something and it used nearly my entire sodium allotment for the day....just have to keep trying I guess!
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