Well on my way to "Onederland"

I hope these pics will motivate people to NEVER give up on their dreams! I've lost 112 pounds so far...these pics are almost one year apart to the day. Thanks, MFP!!



  • agcarden1
    agcarden1 Posts: 35 Member
    WOW! Way to go!
  • cylima
    cylima Posts: 24 Member
    Wow - you look great!
  • Congrats to you! That is pure inspiration! I would love to hear your story.
  • Well, long story short, I had a horrible car accident in 2001 which resulted in a broken back and neck. Five spinal surgeries later, and after some relief, it was discovered that I had a heart condition, which THEN resulted in cardiac medication. Both of those things coupled together added MEGA amounts of weight to me, and I got depressed and lazy. Then in February of this year, I ended up with congestive heart failure.

    I finally said, "Enough is enough!" I joined MFP, and took my life back. I began eating healthy and working out five days/ week at first, and now, I am going to the gym every other day, and doing ab routines at home.

    Starting weight was 318, current weight is 206 (teetering on 205), and I have another 30 or so pounds I want to lose.

    And BTW, I'm off ALL medication, and in better shape and health than I've been in in 20 years!
  • That is a great story of survival and how to take control of your life. You found your why. Thank you for sharing your story. I would say good luck but I have no doubts you will achieve your next goal of 30 lbs and pass with flying colors. Keep inspiring!!!
  • Thank you sooooo much for the kind words! My hope is that I CAN motivate people and inspire them to never give up, and to never let anything force them to give up their dreams of being healthy and fit. Especially when I hear people talking about plateaus...I have had my fair share, trust me - but I have also realized that sometimes, I just need to make simple adjustments, and sometimes, my body is actually restructuring itself - I'm gaining lean muscle, losing fat and inches, but the scale doesn't move for a while - I'M GOOD WITH THAT! It's all in the process. I guess I just feel like, life is not as hard as I made it out to be for all those years. I'm healthier and happier, and if I can offer support to help even just one person succeed, then I've done what I've set out to do. :flowerforyou: