Gallbladder problem - dietary suggestions


I've just got back from a 2 week hol in Wales (UK), in the first week I was eating reasonably healthy and had already done two 6mile walks (one on the Sun and another on the monday) on driving back from the walk on the monday started getting pains in the sternum area. I've had these in the past but they would always pass after about 20-30 mins if I went and laid down and stayed still. But I couldn't do this as I was driving, got back to cottage and ate dinner but kept getting worse n worse to such a state that I did not sleep at all that night and following morning as soon as took a mouthful of toast was sick. Stayed in bed all day Tues. The pain would vary from the stermum area to the right side just under my breast, i did have my suspicion it was to do with my gallbladder.

To cut this short but Thursday the pain still had not let up and decided enough was enough and managed to get see a local GP who confirmed the pain was from my gallbladder, I would need to see my GP when I got home to arrange for a scan to find out if its stones. They gave me a prescription for painkillers which have worked and told me to cut out fat from my diet as its fat that has caused the symptoms.

I only eat low fat cheese, yoghurts and skimmed milk, other than crisps and chocolate there is not really much other fat in my diet. So I totally cut out the low fat cheese (as GP said its still loaded with fat), crisps and chocolate i've been eating salad, veg, tuna, rice, chicken etc etc but am getting a bit fed up with it.

Has/Is anyone else on a diet due to gallbladder problems and if so what fat can I eat and what should I avoid altogether as don't want to be in pain again like I was. Also suggestions for meals would be great.

xVC (Una)


  • mjb0007
    drink lots of water, add some lemon juice.
  • maynard46
    maynard46 Posts: 134
    I am so sorry you are going through that. Your post caught my eye and I had to read it. Did your GP make sure it isn't your appendix? Im asking because I had very similar pain beginning in August. Waited 4 days until I couldn't stand the pain anymore. My husband took me to the ER and it was my appendix that had already ruptured. Im sorry I don't know much about the diet for gallbladder problems. I just know about watching the fats.

    I hope you find some answers quickly. Good luck.:flowerforyou:
  • rskidmore
    rskidmore Posts: 212
    I'm not a doctor, but every woman on my mom's side (including myself) have all had gallbladder pain. Every one of them except myself have had theirs removed and I'm next. The symptoms you describe don't sound like gallbladder pain to me. It is a pain so intense that you can't get comfortable. You can't sit, stand, lie down...and my "fits" last an average of eight hours or more. I went to my doctor and she confirmed that I was passing gallstones in that time. What I'm saying is maybe you should get a second opinion. As the previous person stated, it could be your appendix. I know a change in my diet has never helped as my gallbladder pain runs in my family and nothing will help until I get it removed.
  • purpleprose
    Oooh, I totally feel your pain - I had my gallbladder out in August after experiencing excruciating pain after eating a lot of fat. In the month or two prior to my surgery I spent a lot of time reading food labels and plugging everything in to this website to make sure I was staying well below the recommended amount of daily fat.

    I ate a lot of veggies, brown rice, fruits, whole grains, and lean protein until I had my surgery and recommend that you put everything you eat into your MFP diary to make sure you're well under the amount of fat that is recommended for you. I ate a bunch of fat-free snacks like Jell-O pudding for the chocolate craving, snow cones for the sweets craving, and honey wheat pretzels for the salty/crunchy craving.

    Please feel free to touch base with me at anytime about this, as I just went through this exact problem.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Stay away from fats of all kinds : red meat, oily fish, processed meat snacks like pepperoni, sausage and butter. Any spicy foods could also cause an "attack", avoid alcohol. You generally get the pain when you are actively passing a stone. You may also have bouts of green liquid vomitting. If you notice a yellowing of the whites of the eyes get to the ER asap. Once you have it removed you may have a few weeks of stomach upset with the fats, spice and alcohol but that subsides over time. After a few months most people are back to normal eatting.

    Good Luck!
  • laura11248
    laura11248 Posts: 49 Member
    I am so sorry that you are going through this. I had mine removed back in 1993. I remember the pain vividly. I also remember that I had trigger foods. I think everyones pain depends on how bad it is. When they finally got mine out...I had no stones but rather gravel. I remember the recovery was mild...I was out of work for 5 days and truly felt great after 6 weeks. Good luck to you! Wishing you a speedy recovery!
  • VolatileChocolate
    Thanks for the replies, they have helped. GP did check apendix area and nothing there, no pain. Pain was specific to the stermum and right of the stermum which is tell tale sign of gall bladder. As someone said could never get comfortable and in end could only sleep laying on left hand side. I've been really good with cutting out the fat so haven't had an attack since and don't want to risk it.

    Will be ringing own GP tomorrow for an appointment and will ask more about it and try and get some dietary advise.

    I lost 9lbs whilst on holiday (2 weeks) as a result!! as well as all the walking I did.

  • Buccinator
    I just had my gallbladder out in July. I had never had any trouble with mine and it was such a sudden thing. It was about two weeks from start to finish and I lived off of grilled chicken on wheat buns with mustard, applesauce, and graham crackers. These were the only things I could and would eat. I didn't have stones though, I went in for the HIDA scan and my gallbladder was only functioning at 15%.

    Gallbladder trouble is MISERABLE! I hope you feel better soon! Thinking of you.