new to greek yogurt

I am very new to greek yogurt...does anyone know the lowest sugar brand..?


  • Loulady
    Loulady Posts: 511 Member
    Your best bet is to get plain (I like Fage or Choibani brand) and then add your own fruit or whatever to it.
  • bethannien
    bethannien Posts: 556 Member
    Chobani is the yummiest. It's the only one I can stand plain
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    As far as yummy factor, I like Fage the best. If you are interested in sugar content, I would recommend going to the grocery store to compare labels. Good luck!
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    FAGE 0% or 2% is the creamiest, least bitter greek yogurt when it comes to Plain. Plain is what you need if low sugar is what you are after. You can add your own fruit, choc chips, nuts, etc. to plain greek to make parfaits / sundaes. I;ve even stirred in peanut or almond butter.

    Any fruit flavored greek is going to have quite a bit of sugar. Greek is about the protein. Still .... it is still a better choice than regular yogurt. If having fruit flavored greek is what you need to do to make the transition - then I say DO IT. Honestly, it's what I had to do. I HATED greek yogurt to start with , but I kept at it because I wanted the protein. For the most part, I stuck with Fage and Chobani. Once my taste buds got accustomed to the taste, I've transitioned to straight up Fage plain.

    However .. with that said: My dessert-like yogurt treat these days is Dannon Oikos Greek - Key Lime. AMAZING! For fruit flavored: I will buy Fage 0% with Cherry from time to time. YUMMMM.

    Good luck ! Greek yogurt offers great protein .. women - we need our PROTEIN! Do what you need to do to get transitioned.
  • SouzanaPan
    SouzanaPan Posts: 1 Member
    "Fage" is the real Greek one. It's plain 2% fat or 0% are the best. The plain type has no sugar. I usually add fresh fruits and the result is great.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    If you are interested in sugar content, I would recommend going to the grocery store to compare labels. Good luck!

    Yep. Take a look at the labels and figure out which one(s) best fit your needs/wants.
  • Goalsat47
    Goalsat47 Posts: 74 Member
    I love the Chobani or the Stop and Shop brand, whichever is on sale. I throw in some blueberries or rasberries and its like the best dessert ever. Yum.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Definitely check labels............

    Dannon "Traditional" Greek is really high in sugar .... the fruit on the bottom variety is not too bad. So it even varies within the same brand.

    A couple of "fake" sugar Greeks .....Yoplait 100 and Dannon Fit and Light. These would be low in sugar.... but they have Splenda in them.
  • BethAnnC448
    BethAnnC448 Posts: 45 Member
    Thank you everyone :)
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I like Yoplait Greek 100. It has some sugar, but less that most of the other brands I've looked at (I'm talking about the flavors/fruit ones, not plain). I also compared protein, and it has a bit less protein, but for the amount of sugar, you're getting more protein (does that make sense?)
  • Punkin7411
    Punkin7411 Posts: 45 Member
    I had to do what has already been mentioned....go with the fruit flavored to get into it and now I use the Chobani or Fage plain and add my own fruit. If you think "sour cream" while you eat it, you won't look for the sugar because that's almost what it tastes like to me. Fortunately I like sour cream. :) Don't beat yourself up over it if you have to start with the sugar stuff, you will still be getting little or no fat and some great protein. Just work towards the plain the best you can. Your taste buds will get accustomed to it. Good luck.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Fage 2% plain with your own fresh raspberries mixed in...super good.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I don't track sugar, and I make sure that it fits in my overall carb allowance, so I have no problem going with the flavored ones (I do still look for lower sugar content, as well as overall carbs … and I like the ones that don't have nearly ALL the carbs from sugar). But if you want to get used to plain, that's fine too. There will still be some sugar, though, it's called lactose and comes from the milk.
  • haliebest
    haliebest Posts: 17 Member
    Like everyone is saying, plain is your best bet. I like Chobani, but I get Kroger brand to save money.

    While I do like the plain yogurt, sometimes I just want something sweet. What I do is add in a half a scoop of Vanilla Whey powder (Designer Whey brand) to the yogurt cup. This adds only 1 g of sugar and makes it taste sweeter. Also adds more protein! Sometimes I will add fruit in too.
  • weali
    weali Posts: 37 Member
    I like Yoplait Greek 100. It has some sugar, but less that most of the other brands I've looked at (I'm talking about the flavors/fruit ones, not plain). I also compared protein, and it has a bit less protein, but for the amount of sugar, you're getting more protein (does that make sense?)

    it has less sugar because it has sucralose in it....I don't like that after taste of fake sugar so I would rather eat fage or chiobani