Had to force myself to workout today

For some reason I dreaded doing my usual TF workout, this is the first time since I've started the program that I just didn't feel like moving. I made myself do it but I didn't put my all into it.

I think I'm just a lil sleep deprived, (I worked last night) and a little down. What do you do to put your self in the mood to exercise when the motivation is just not there.


  • ashley_h10
    ashley_h10 Posts: 110 Member
    i got there too at one point. I realized i just needed to switch it up a bit, doing the same sort of workout all the time gets boring, try different ways of exercising and hopefully then you can pick which one you like the best depending on your mood :)
  • michellemae24
    michellemae24 Posts: 20 Member
  • missmaya24
    missmaya24 Posts: 142 Member
    I press play and give myself 10 minutes. Usually 10 minutes in you're warmed up and feeling good. If I'm still not feeling it, I give myself permission to turn it off- guilt free. I make sure to give 110% for the next workout.
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    I have 4 different workouts to choose from depending on my mood. This choice helps me keep going when i dont feel like it. Often, I will start with a lighter "lazy day" workout... and when I get warmed up, feel my mood shift and switch to a higher intensity workout. But the "lazy" workout got me there.

    Also, I allow myself days to just rest. The body needs it to repair. Especially when I'm sore.
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    I switch up between several different workouts: from buns/thighs/abs of steel type, to Tai Chi & Tai-Chi/Kickboxing, to my own weight/ab/thigh routine to walking/jogging or riding a bike. On days I really don't want to workout, I remind myself of the promise I made to myself when I started this journey over 10 months ago:
    My goal it to workout at least 5-6 days p/wk for at least 45-50 mins p/day:every work-day morning I wake up extra early (usually around 0330/0400) and workout before getting ready for work and on my off day (every other Friday) while I may sleep in a bit (till 0700!), I will still workout first, but bump the time up to 90-120 mins. If we have to go somewhere on Weekends, I'll wake up early to workout. So far, I've been working out 6 days p/wk, sometimes even pulling a double since I do a "de-stress" routine when I get home from work.
    The way I look at it: I made a promise to myself and if I break a promise to myself then that is really sinking to new lows and I am NOT going to do that to myself. I'm doing this to tone and strengthen and get healthier 4-Life, and I am not going to give in. Even if my back is out or my knee has popped again, I can still workout - maybe not as hard, but that's what I've got Tai-Chi for :happy: In the past, I've caught myself saying "it's only 1 day" or "I don't feel good, there's always tomorrow"; but the fact is, tomorrow never comes since by the time you get to tomorrow it is now today and there is another tomorrow waiting. So, in short, I made a promise and I don't break promises, especially to myself :flowerforyou:
  • MrsMcNeal
    MrsMcNeal Posts: 7 Member
    I like what you said missmaya....I have run into that myself. Some how I thought that I was the only one. Thank you that helps me too.