Becoming Junk Food Free



  • 2day4ever
    2day4ever Posts: 178
    I tried your yummy southwestern salad! Thank you for sharing!

    re: protein. I love nuts b/c they are so easy to pack and add flavor to meals. I just pre-measure 2 tablespoons of almonds or sesame seeds or pistachios (my absolute fave!) or walnuts into ziplocks and cart those around with me. I also get deli turkey and pre-measure it into 2-3 oz servings in ziplocks. And, for some bizarre reason, I love garbonzo beans and edamame (soybeans). I usually measure out 1/4 cup and add a splash of Newman's Own Balsalmic vinaigrette. And another quick/easy protein load is one of those yummy Yoplait light yogurts (100 cal).

    I get ravenous, too. So, I'm trying really hard to eat every 2-3 hours. I aim to eat 3 meals that hover between 300-400 calories. Then I like a snack around 100-200 calories. I'm finding that formula helps me avoid the growling-tummy-gotta-eat-anything-that-isn't-nailed-down binge that used to be part of my day.

    So . . . maybe try some protein snacks instead of (or along with) your carb-loaded fruits??? Just a thought.
  • chelsey787
    chelsey787 Posts: 261
    thanks for the advice progress!

    today was gooood! i ate about 5 times; but made these meals small so i didn't have that horrible "got to eat now" type feeling!!

    i still need to pack in more calories though... i need to go to the store tomorrow and pick up some almonds or something!

    im going to the movies tonight - but! i am staying away from all treats. this will be a struggle!
  • 2day4ever
    2day4ever Posts: 178
    Slipped a little last night. Ate some snack mix stuff that was just loaded with salt. No real reason for the slip except that hubby had a bowl of it and the crunching made me want to graze, too. Bummer.

    But I'm back on track today. Mango for breakfast with a couple slices of Wasa light rye with Weight Watcher's cream cheese.

    Salad for lunch. Grilled turkey burgers (no bun) for dinner. Snacks of grapes, raisins, almonds (always!), and deli turkey roll-ups with grape tomatoes. Maybe a mango smoothie if I get my workout calories up there today.

    How was the movie for you? (That's where my packed nuts really help me. I pack sesame seeds so that I can be munching on something while everyone else is eating all the yucky movie food).
  • mlillie
    mlillie Posts: 302
    Just touching base- I have been on the quest for no junk food, fried food lifestyle for a while and would be happy to share what products, etc I have found to be helpful./

    I think kefir (liquid yogurt) is a great option for high protein, high probiotic snack- with or without fruit.For a chocolate healthy fix I add Vega nutritional powder to it (found at Whole foods,etc)

    adding spinach to smoothies is a great way to get some greens in without tasting like you are- the smoothie is green but you cant taste it at all!

    I try to stay away from dried fruits because they get me into trouble- I cant digest nuts very well so I have to get my protien from kefir and yogurt.

    I chop up a lot of veggies, kale, and mixed greens, add some hemp seeds (very good source of protein) and bring wraps (I use Nori as a wrap because I am allergic to wheat) but you can use any kind of wrap. I have these as much lunches and they are filling and it is different than a salad.

    I hope this helps! Staying away from corn syrup, hydrogenated oils and ingredients you cant pronounce makes a big difference. Also popcorn with added seasoning is fun to have- you can make all kinds of different versions for a snack or add some nuts to a popcorn mix for a little more umph!

    Congrats you guys! I always bring my own snacks to the movies!
  • chelsey787
    chelsey787 Posts: 261
    How was the movie for you? (That's where my packed nuts really help me. I pack sesame seeds so that I can be munching on something while everyone else is eating all the yucky movie food).

    the movie was good - i dodged the snack line by using the washroom the second my boyfriend and i walked into the theater haha. so it worked out well. no snacking!

    we didn't get out of the movie until like 1 a.m. though and i was so exhausted and tired by the time we got out that i was getting huungry! so, the peanut butter came out and i had a spoonful of it to coat my stomach before bed. haha.. but overall; great day!

    we're almost there!!! today is day 6! we can do it!
  • chelsey787
    chelsey787 Posts: 261

    it is definitely my T.O.M and i cannot stop myself. it's horrible... making good choices but i can't stop!
  • greeneyedgirl
    I had a little slip up today and had a few fries at lunch, but everything else was fine, no junk.....maybe tomorrow will be a bit better
  • chelsey787
    chelsey787 Posts: 261
    good job greeneyedgirl!

    yesterday was yuck yuck yuck! i could not stop eating! no sweets were involved in this process though... haha some pretzels definitely were though. oh well...

    today me and my bestie are going for lunch at olive garden! soup & salad for me please!!!
  • greeneyedgirl
    How did the olive garden work out for you?
  • chelsey787
    chelsey787 Posts: 261
    oops! sorry about not posting.. i've been out of town for the past 2 days or so...

    we ended up going to applebee's actually.. i got a half portion of the spinach and shrimp salad with a cup of french onion soup. yum yum. no fries, nothing fried. i was proud of myself.

    but yesterday... yuck. we had my brother's graduation party and i snacked on veggies and salsa in the beginning, and i continued to stay pretty good during dinner.

    i had some italian sausage, some pasta and some salad. nothing too bad... all within my caloric limits; not the ideal choices but what is a girl to do right? lol.. but then, the cake came out. and even though i only had a tiny sliver, i need to let everyone know that i definitely paid the price this morning for eating all that processed food yesterday.

    the cravings are starting to go away too!!

    anyone else having a hard time?
  • 2day4ever
    2day4ever Posts: 178
    My w/e was rough but I am back on track today. My new commitment is to stay junk food free and also alcohol free. When I drink, I seem to crave salt. So then I feel bloated and icky. So, my new week started today and I am going to stay clear of junk -- both solid and liquid forms!
  • chelsey787
    chelsey787 Posts: 261
    good for you! keep checking in with me either through messages or this thread!

    good luck!
  • jmclarady
    jmclarady Posts: 9
    i'm having such a hard time not eating fried food or those 100 calories snacks..
  • chelsey787
    chelsey787 Posts: 261
    i'm having such a hard time not eating fried food or those 100 calories snacks..

    take it day by day or work on one thing at a time... i think that fried food makes me feel more yucky than just regular snacks, so i would say work on one thing at a time.

    if you really love one food and eat it a lot, such as french fries... tell yourself, "okay for one week i am not going to eat french fries" and when you do it you'll be so proud ofyourself that you won't want to eat those nasty suckers anymore!!!!

    i am a huge chocolate lover... and last week i didn't eat any chocolate. when i ate that cake at my brother's graduation, my stomach was churning for the next 12 hours. so to me, it was not worth it at all!

    baby steps!
  • greeneyedgirl
    I agree. It does take baby steps and everyone has slip ups but it is important to recognize them and move on.
  • jmclarady
    jmclarady Posts: 9
    i'm having such a hard time not eating fried food or those 100 calories snacks..

    take it day by day or work on one thing at a time... i think that fried food makes me feel more yucky than just regular snacks, so i would say work on one thing at a time.

    if you really love one food and eat it a lot, such as french fries... tell yourself, "okay for one week i am not going to eat french fries" and when you do it you'll be so proud ofyourself that you won't want to eat those nasty suckers anymore!!!!

    i am a huge chocolate lover... and last week i didn't eat any chocolate. when i ate that cake at my brother's graduation, my stomach was churning for the next 12 hours. so to me, it was not worth it at all!

    baby steps!

    Yeah for me its Jack in a Box Curly Fries it tastes good and easy to get esspecially when your busy.
    But YES baby steps, its a slow process but will be worth it in the end.
  • chelsey787
    chelsey787 Posts: 261
    Well i haven't checked in for a while (mainly because i was out of town at a wedding) and i must say, i didn't do as bad as i thought that i would. I hate being a guest in someone's house because you're kind of binded to eat whatever is given to you. Luckily my boyfriend's stepmom is very health conscious and i was surrounded by lots of fruit, kashi products, and lots of yogurt! yum yum! However, the wedding was a different story - cupcake (whoopsies), macaroni and cheese (yeah, another slip up - lol), and a lot of potato chips while watching a late night movie with my man (what can i say; it happens! haha)

    Although I did slip up (but stayed within my calories) and I came to terms with it and decided to not really let it bother me, I must say: i was definitely feeling it in my stomach for daaays!!! I'm just now starting to feel like my digestive system is back to normal. too many processed foods for this girlie!

    Any tips on how I can avoid this when i go to Vegas at the end of the week?
  • adcrunner
    adcrunner Posts: 16
    I defiantly need to do this!! Count me in!!
  • chelsey787
    chelsey787 Posts: 261
    so after what seems like a whole week of processed crap while on vacation, i am going back on track tomorrow!

    hold me accountable everyone!